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Everything posted by LeeStoddart

  1. This must be down to operator inexperience. Somehow - and I don't know how, - I had Beamshape parameters against each of the cues I had saved. There was also Beamshape parameters on a submaster which I intended just to have the Brightness of the 4 MACs. I suspect that I had managed to record 255 into the beamshape parameters at some stage and they then got added into each Q. Thanks for your help
  2. Understood - in the behaviour I had the first couple of cues continued to behave as anticipated - ie channls moving to a lower intensity faded down in 3 secs and those going to a brighter intensity faded up in 3 secs. The "problem" occured with the couple of cues recorded after changing the default times for submasters. The memory screen still showed fade down and fade up times of 3 secs but the behaviour was that when progressing from Q2 to Q3 the going down channels snapped but the going up channels faded in the 3 seconds. Even after I changed both the fade in and fade out times on Q3 from 3 to 15 seconds, going from Q2 to Q3 was as if the times on that cue were set as 0 and 15. At this stage of the session I was only dealing with conventionals so was only interested in Brightness. The only thing I think I was doing that was odd was having created a look on stage I was doing SAVE AS to create a memory AND doing SAVE AS to create a submaster (I can't remember which sequence I did those two saves) before closing the CDW.
  3. What could I have done that would mean that MACs are being sent a LAMP-OFF command when I go to edit a memory? I have recorded cue 5 with the beamshape parameters for LAMP ON, and cue 6 with beamshape params for open shutter, (and a submaster with brightness at 100%. But I can't keep the lamps lit - it seems that as I start building a new cue the MACs are sent a 255 on each of the attributes resulting in a LAMP OFF. The position params are also sent as 255s - seems that all attributes are affected but the significant one is the shutter control because 255 means LAMP OFF. I must be doing something wrong - any suggestions??? Thanks
  4. [disclaimer]First day of using the Illusion 500 so this may be operator error [disclaimer] I saved a couple of states as both memories and as submasters. I tried bringing up the submasters and found that there were times associated with it - I would prefer to have direct control using the slider. I changed desk setup so that the default Submaster fade in and fade out times were 0. Recorded a couple of more states as both memories and submasters. Then when I progressed through the memory stack using go button, the first couple of memories behaved as expected but the second couple behaved as if the fade out time was 0 and the fade in as 3.0 This despite the memories showing both fade out and fade in as 3.0. Changing both times to 15.0 still had a snap out of the previous state and a slower fade in of the new state.
  5. I'm getting in a show Sunday and just been informed that the venue's Sirius 500 has given up the ghost and they have brought in a new Illusion 500. I'm using conventionals, 4*Mac 500s, and 6*scrollers in the show. I had a sneak peak at the board last night and I see that it does have Colour, Beamshape, Position, Pallette. I've downloaded the operating manual version 1C but I can't find an update relating to the software release with ML support. I can't find anything in the manual about moving lights or Colour, Beamshape, Position, Pallette. Help! Is there on-line resources I can turn to? Is the functionality the same (or similar) to the Frog where I have at least read the manual for the Fat Frog. Thanks in advance.
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