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Everything posted by LeeStoddart

  1. Is there a HOME button on the front panel? Or is it just on the keyboard?
  2. Is it possible to Tag or Untag all the channels in the Brightness section of the PW. In the Colour, Beamshape and Position sections pressing for more than a second or so on the corresponding attribute (eg Colour) button will toggle the Tag status of all the parameters. Is it possible to do the same in the Brightness section?
  3. The file name textbox is not selectable when first entering the Save File dialogue. This is a minor irritation of a bug :roll: Setup | Floppy Disk | Save Show --- in the circumstance where there are multiple show files already saved on the disk a list of files is presented and one name shows in the Filename: text box (probably the last file name saved in this session) It is not possible to start typing to enter a new file name, it is not possible to click in the filename box to start editing the displayed name. First you have to click on a different file name from the directory listing, then you can click in the file name text box.
  4. I think that only the first part of a multi-part beamshape only q executed. I created a q with four parts - each part set the beamshape parameter for a MAC500 to lamp-on, the parts were timed so that there was three or four second between the start of each. The intention being that the four MACS don't all strike at exactly the same time. When I pressed GO and watched the DMX output window only the parameters in the first part executed. The queue did run for the 12 seconds or so. I will send you a copy of the show file.
  5. On it's way to you. Yes I have. This show is in a theatre with 116 dimmers and I am doing a soft patch to re-organise the dimmers into a "logical" sequence of channels. I wanted to get all the lanterns doing one function in a consecutive sequence. There are also a small number of channels with duplicates. So I unpatched all the channels then worked through defining the 94 channels, assigning the dimmer's DMX addresses as I went along. During that process I made some mistakes :oops: - for example when I defined channel n I inadvertently assigned n as the DMX - later I wanted to use DMX n for it's correct channel and got the error saying something like - "already assigned do you want to unassign the other channel" - to which I said yes then went back to channel n and assigned it's correct DMX address. I can't remember if I made a mistake on channel 5 specifically. I think I made a couple of mistakes like that.
  6. In the brightness Program Window I have an extra channel fader displayed and it is out of position. In the channels section of the window there is a fader which is labeled as if it is for Channel 5 but it is shown almost (but not quite) on top of Channel 2's fader. Clicking on the spurious channel 5 is registered as clicks for Channel 2 Strange!!! I just upgraded to version 1.1 of the ML software and I don't think the display looked that way as I started work on my next show - I think it happened as I went through assigning channels and fixtures.
  7. In my next show I have the pleasure of using some Pulsar Chroma Panels. I could not see a fixture definition for these in the latest fixture library I downloaded yesterday (version 10?). So I created a very simple definition myself. Each panel has a Red, Green and Blue level - There are other controls for the Chroma Zone power supply unit but I'm not directly concerned with those at this point. Using UFTE I defined a Fixture with three Colour Params and assigned these to wheels in the 3-wheel and 4-wheel configurations. For the 3-wheel configuration I did Thumb = red, First = green, Second = blue but for the 4-wheel config I did Thumb = <empty>, First = red, Second = green, Third = blue When I created a fixture on the Illusion using this type I was suprised to find that the wheel assignments were Thumb = blue, First = red, Second = green Could it be that the 4-wheel arrangement is being used and overflowing the third finger to the first available wheel?
  8. Recovery Mode was on.
  9. Sorry - I don't know for certain, I think Recovery Mode was ON. But I do know for certain that it was not changed between the days when the submasters were "lost" and those where they were functional. I will check the state of the desk next time I'm in the theatre.
  10. In situations I can not tie down I sometimes find that when the board is powered up the submasters for the displayed page appear to have nothing recorded in them. Basically I have only recorded submasters in Page 1 - they work fine. I power off the board with Page 1 displayed. When I power the board on next day Page 1 is again displayed as the current page but raising the submaster faders does nothing. Simply pressing <Page Down> then <Page Up> recovers the situation and the faders then produce the expected actions. This does not happen EVERY time the board is switched off but has happened regularly enough for it now to become a habit to <Page Down> then <Page Up> following the power up routine.
  11. Call me chicken if you like but... I have downloaded the version 1.1 ML software and upzipped it to a brand new formatted floppy and want to upgrade the desk. (It is a fix to a bug I found after all) But I was too scared :oops: to do the upgrade while I still had performances to do for the current show. I have every expectation that the software upgrade will go in and be no issue BUT what happens if it does not load properly :?: What is the recovery mechanism to restore the previous version? I don't have a disk with the current software. There does not appear to be a download of the previous version avaialable on the web site. Can I get the desk to do a backup to disk which then becomes "bootable" with the current software? To be honest... my day job is in the software industry so I know how important recovery options are! :wink:
  12. Did anyone say that designing effective user interfaces was child's play :?: :roll: Seriously the interface is good - I'm just looking to make it better (and still not overload the information). Colour coding of the "source" of the levels would just help understand what is being looked at. It could also be an indication in the EDIT LIVE of the different objects as to what is contributing to the look. If you did go down this colour code route - I'd consider using it in the CDD - again as pointers to what is causing the values. All of which is going to give you things to think about - I'm not expecting such ideas to be adopted immediately - it's just an expression of interest.
  13. Hmmm - Firstly I think this question only arises on the BRIGHTNESS section. I have not used Playback A/B so can't comment specifically on how they would interact from a usage perspective, but I imagine they are somewhat like submasters with a Q transferred into them. Playback X - well I think that's what I'm looking at when I'm in EDIT LIVE on a memory when I get into the screen. (assuming I have no Submasters up) If the memory in Playback X is say Q20 and I EDIT LIVE Q10, I see Q10 not some combination of Q10 and Q20 on a HTP basis. So I think that the initial values in the EDIT LIVE are what this memory would look like were it in Playback X. I have not tried it but if I'm in EDIT LIVE does moving the Playback X slider have any impact? - I don't expect it would. Anything which is being output from submasters (and probably Playback A or is combined with that initial look on a HTP basis. So the question is how to indicate the Source of the levels shown. How about the colour of the Numeric value of the level - If its from Playback X then Black, if from Submasters then Yellow, if from Playback A or B then Green, if from user input then Blue. But what about EDIT LIVE of a submaster? - In that case I would expect the target Submaster's levels to be in Black and any levels being combined from other submasters to be in Yellow, I'm guessing Playback X is not considered but if Playback A/B are then their levels would be shown in Green. Well you asked for suggestions :roll:
  14. I realise this is a very fundamental design issue but... Why is there nowhere to rest your palm while hovering over the GO button on a standby? The desk is too high to rest on the table infront of it and there isn't really enough space on the desk itself "downstage" of the GO button. How have others solved this question :?: Do we need a supply of really tall keyboard palm rests :?
  15. When in the PW could we indicate (colour code) levels which arise from a submaster. In EDIT LIVE a memory I noticed that a couple of channels were up and should not have been so I selected them, wheeled them down to zero (they became tagged), SAVE, on exit from the PW the channels popped up to FULL again. I start cursing (it is late in the evening) and start changing Q's just before and rechanging the same Q - several unsuccessful attempts later I see that I have a submaster slider at FULL :oops: . Yes I know it's my own stupidity for not noticing but a visual cue on the screen would help :wink:
  16. I doubt that 8) but you might realise that I'm now into some of the nice to have's on the board having gotten through the learning curve and over the major challenges of earlier this week. Thanks to your great support, maybe I'm now more attuned to the way this desk works so maybe we are on the same wavelength.
  17. When I do save as the suggested number of the object to be created is not consistent. If saving a Memory it is 1 greater than the highest memory in the show. For all other objects (Submaster, Group, Palette) the number displayed is 1. I THINK I like the way the memory is done - only down side to it is that I sometimes want to save a copy of a memory that I'm going to modify (so that I can return to it's previous version if necessary) and I tend to do that in the 990 to 999 range of Q numbers. Having the next free Group or Palette number presented would be useful.
  18. Minor bug/annoyance...:wink: When I select a memory, right click, select COPY, the dialogue box comes up and I can enter the Memory number I want to create, there is a text box for INFO for the new memory but I can not type into it.
  19. After having "GONE" a memory if I don't like the times it ran in I change the times in the memory display (the current and next memories are now the same AND I'm modifying it) If I then press SAVE there is an implicit GO if the transition from the previous state to this one. Thankfully I'm only in a Dress Rehearsal but If I did that during performance it would have been :oops: Is this implicit GO really necessary?
  20. Might be a bug, might be unwanted behaviour. I have defaults for all the fade times set as 3 seconds. I want to do a short queue and then an automatic follow on - can't be a multi part queue because I what to take some channels to full and then down to 0. Director want's a rise and fall transition between two states. So I make the fade up and fade times for both Q16 and Q16.1 1.5 seconds, Q16.1 set to AUTO trigger. Problem is that the lights Fade up to Full in 1.5 secs, stay at that level and then fade out in 1.5 seconds. The problem is apparent in the Cueline - Q16 is still 3 seconds long. This is becasue the transition time on the Colour, Beamshape and Position are all still 3 seconds. Q16 does not have any CBP parameters so perhaps the follow on from 16 to 16.1 should be as soon as the two times for Intensity (Brightness) have completed. Obviously the work around is to change the times on the Colour, Beamshape and Position transitions. But now I have 5 times to change! Request for a new feature - Have the capability to change all five times for a memory in a single input. (Obviously there is a need for different times in some circumstances but in the majority of Qs all the times will be the same so that should be the default behaviour)
  21. This is still a problem in the Novemebr 22nd release (sorry can't remember the release number). It looks to me that when I switch to follow after editing the display shows the last few memories in the show - if I hit go it then scrolls so that the current memory is half visible and the next memory is shown. I also find it annoying that edit takes me into STAY mode and I then have to switch back to FOLLOW - Even if I'm just typing the info text or perhaps changing a time.
  22. Yes individually the wheel and the list are each logical but together they are not. My vote would be to keep the wheel the way it is but change the list. Sounds like it would need to be a setup option
  23. Would it be possible to key DMX values into the paramaters on Attributes? I find using the wheel to make very small adjustments to the DMX values quite hard - (this may be a wheel sensitivity issue) On scrollers for example I was trying to set palettes for specific points (where the standard Frame n was not what I wanted) - to be able to type the DMX value directly and adjust it using the < or > keys would have been useful
  24. In the Pallete section of the Program window I have found that selecting a Fixture then clicking a palette does not always highlight the pallette. By returning to the appropriate Attribute section (Position for example) I can see that the pallete is correctly selected - Parameters show as P02
  25. Not sure if this should be a bug report or a feature suggestion... In moving light parameters I find it annoying that the scrolling list of values and the related wheel work in opposite directions. For example on a Beamshape parameter where the list of gobos is presented in the scrolling window to select the next gobo DOWN the list I have to move the wheel UP The wheel is moving in the logical direction - ie UP increases the DMX value
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