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Everything posted by stagefrog
Good suggestion :!: I would like this as well. It would certainly reduce 'mis-takes' and speed up your work.
Hi I know, that I now come up with a feature already discussed in this forum. But I like to bring it up again. It would be really helpful, if it was possible to display parameter details (i.e. red, gobo1, etc.) in the wheel LCD, instead of the DMX values. It would not only be helpful for the programming, editing and playingback a show. Furthermore, it would be especially helpful for preprogramming a show on the Phantom Frog. I am sure, many users would appreciate such a feature. Greets stagefrog
Hi Steve Some weeks ago I encountered the same problem. While changing some fadetimes my desk crashed. Additionaly I had a deskcrash in the patchwindow as well. While I was unpatching the unneeded channels (setting them to 999), the desk suddently freezed and it had to be reset. I don't think that it is an overheating problem. But I am wondering, if this is a bug or if I had done something wrong or to fast? Greets stagefrog
Hi K-Nine Thanks for your answer. So I am looking forward to the next software update and the new release of the manual. Greets stagefrog
Hi All Two questions: Is there a plan to bring out a new manual for the frog series, which contains v10 Software? The actual manual is only for v9 soft. Can I download the release notes for the different Sotwareversions (9 to 10) anywhere? I don't have them anymore. Greets stagefrog
Hi K-Nine Thanks for your instruction. It solved my problem. So it was not a bug in the soft, please excuse me for thinking about, it was just a handling mistake. Greets stagefrog
K-Nine thanks for the instructions, but thats not my problem. Maybe, you didn't understand me right. Please excuse me if my english is not so well. I try it again. The Problem is that: With all times set to 0 for cue 23 and cue 24 set to auto trigger with fade up and fade down times set to 5 seconds, I think the desk should do all changes from cue 22 to cue 23 within 0 seconds and because dwell time is set to 0 and cue 24 to auto trigger it should immediately start with fading up cue 24? Please correct me if I am wrong. But the problem is, that the desk is waiting for 3 seconds until it starts cue 24! All times for cue 23 are set to 0 but in the cue line it shows a timebar of 3 seconds length. I think this shouldn't be so, but I am not shure wether it is a handling fault or a bug? Greets stagefrog
Hi I thought it would be really cool, if it were possible to record the aux buttons into memories. What do you think about this? Greets stagefrog
Hy I agree with NPhillips. I Spreadsheet function would be nice. This Spreadsheet function could be added to the Edit Blind mode. I think this shouldn't be a big problem because the ETC Express Console has this function and has chases and multipart scene memories as well. The Express shows effect cues but does not display any brightness parameters for effect cues. The same it does for multipart cues. All fade times do not have to showup in the spreadsheet, because you can edit them in the mem screen. Greets stagefrog
Hy all. I am new to this forum. Some days ago I had to record a show for a theatre on the Illusion 500. I was really surprised by the capability of this lighting desk. But there was a problem, which I could not solve. It seems to be a similar problem as reported by LeeStoddart. I want CueX to fade down in 0sec and Cue Y to follow immediately. So, I set the fade and dewell times for Cue X to 0 and Cue Y to Auto trigger with fade times set tu 6sec. The changes in Cue X are done in 0secs, but the desk is waiting for 3 sec until it starts Cue Y. I have the default times set to 0 except the brightness fade times set to 5s. Is this still a bug or am I doing something wrong? Greets stagefrog
But this don't solve the problem. If you unplug the desk from the dimmers, then you can't control the "non-parked" channels either. And what would you do, if the dimmers can't be set to "freeze DMX"? stagefrog
So, if I understand it right, it wouldn't be possible to realize such a park-function for the frog range of consoles?
I would like to return to the original request of jxgriffi. I was once in a similar situation. I had to program and run a show for a disco. But we hadn't only lights on the stage, there were some lights for the ambient light and the bar as well. I really missed a "Park Function" in order to park the ambient light and bar light to a certain level. For me it would be fine if it's possible to park some of the DMX-Channels at a specific level (not only 0% or Full)! Regards stagefrog
Hi Martin That's the point! Most of the shows I have to do the lighting are Live Acts. So you hardly ever know what kind of music is going to be played, except, that you know which style of music it's going to be (Rock, Pop, Classic, Funck....) Therefor it's almost immpossible to preprogram. Of course, you can do some slow and some faster chases and moves, but you never get the right thing. And if you like to make changes they are immediately visible on stage. Elsewise, with a blind mode, it would be possible to start the show only with good programmed color and beamshape palettes and some nice positions. The moves you set while the show is running and it won't have an immediate influence on the stage until you quit the blind mode. Thus, the possibility that you get an adequate light on stage would be much bigger. Even better would be the possibility to program the changes you made in the blinde mode to a submaster, palette or memory. In my opinion this shouldn't be a problem if it is possible to program down to the individual parameter level. If I am right zero88 is planning to allow the programming down to the individual parameter level in the next software update, I guess :?: Regards stagefrog
ice, I suppose you missed my ironique undertone. I totaly agree with you, that it wouldn't be an easy solution what TomBrien suggested. To TomBrien: Your suggestion is innovative but I think, as ice does, mixing up htp and ltp wouldn't be a really good Idea. regards stagefrog
Nice suggestion. But we were not using only recorded cues because it was a live show where we needed some flexibility.
To Haytech and sp patching lanterns together was what we did. We have patched backlight parcans, frontlight parcans and ambientlight parcans symmetrically together. But hard and soft patch didn't reduce the channels down to 48. As ice mentioned, sometimes the production is to large to run on 48 channels. And I think, if an increase in channels on the frog desks could not be done, we have to choose and buy another desk for the larger shows(e.g. bull frog or even better a hog1000 or a frog2 of course) and keep our leap frog for the smaller ones. But generally, what are you thinking about my suggestion? Would it be useful to you or not? Regards stagefrog
I know that. But 8 + 48 is 56. And I needed 72!!! The thing is, we own a Leap Frog but the HOG1000 we have to rent. Regards, stagefrog
Hi Paul Thanks for your answer. Thats a little bit sad. I like working with the leap frog but sometimes I need more than 48 Generic Channels and so I have to take an other console than a frog. Especially because I don't know somebody in my region who owns a bull frog. So there is now chance, that a feature like this could be implemented in the frog range of consoles somewhere in the future? Regards stagefrog
Hi, I don't know if this was suggested before. Some weeks ago I had to run a show with 10 6lamps PAR64, 8 ACL bars, some PAR64 floor spots and 16 scanners. In total we had to use 72 Dimmerchannels and 16 fixtures. The problem was, that the the leap frog, we have, is only capable to control up to 48 Dimmerchannels and 24 Movers. So we were forced using an other desk (e.g. HOG1000). So, now my suggestion: Is it possible to allow the frog desk to control more than 48 channels? A way this could be done is: In the Super User menu, in the desk setup or in the patch function a new menu "Number of channels" could be created. In this menue it would be possible to select the number of deskchannels (from 1 to 512). (e.g. lets say 72). Then you go to the patch function. The list there would now show the numbers of channels you stet before (e.g. 72), which could be patched to one ore more DMX-channels. So now about the question how to control these extra Channels because there is no Fader left for the channels above the channel 48. My suggestion is, that it could be done similar to theatre desks. (channel number At level) For the frog consoles it could be done using the external keyboard. In order to do so, there are needed some buttons on the external keyboard which mimic the functions At, thru, full, increase and decrease. and you need a key to let te console know, that you want to modify channels. So I see the following possible solution: a function key (F8) = changing channel level * = AT / = thru + = increase in 1% steps - = decrease in 1% steps Enter = full If you like to set the channel 50 to 60%, the channels 55 thru 60 to 100% and the channel 72 from 60% to 61% it could be done as follows. []means a button on the ext. keyboard Press [F8] then [5][0] [*] [6][0] [Enter] (channel 50 to 60%) [5][5] [/] [6][0] [Enter] (Channels 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 to full) [7][2] [+] (increases channel 72 by 1%. Press [F8] when you are finished changing channel levels. What do you mean about this feature? Regards stagefrog
Hi X-Terminator The feature you are asking for is a really useful feature. I've asked about it before on this forum: http://support.zero88.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=873 To all reading this topic: I know some consoles that are offering such a feature, often called "Blinde-Mode": for instance: the HOG-Consoles-Family (HOG500, HOG1000, HOGII, HOGIII). You see we are not making up new ideas here. To use the solo function doesn't help, but I agree, that a propre pre-programming of your console, is very useful - but it doesn't cover all situations (especially in live) Sometimes it is needed to change more than just one fader at once. But with only two hands it isn't possible without such a "Blind" Mode. The "Blind" Mode keeps the current DMX-Datas on the output while changes you make aren't sent immediately to the output. At the Time you quite the "Blinde" Mode the changes affect the DMX-Datas on the output. With this mode you are capable to do multiple changes not in a sequence but all at once. regards stagefrog
- I really support the meanings of the other user's about a increase in numbers of palettes, because I am using the palettes in most of the cases only live! I hope that this feature can be reviewed soon. Aubout the question, how to display them on the monitor: Why not like the submasters? There you have to switch to different pages as well. - About the blind mode: What I meant is a Mode, where you can change the values (generics and movers) in live without being outputed via the DMX output. In my opinion it should work as follows: You're running a show. You like to change something, which wasn't previously recorded on a submaster or on a memory, without being directly outputed. Now you press the "Blind-button", the desk keeps the current DMX values on the output. You make the changes (in blind) and when you press the "Blind-button" once again, the desk is now outputting the new DMX values. (Channels and Values with out a change should be unaffected) - If it would be possible to 'scroll' through the memorys- and submaster-screen with the cursor keys of the external keyboard in a future softwarerelease, then it's fine!
Ok I'll try it and I hope, that this will solve my problems. Thanks for your help. Greetings stagefrog
Hi Nick - The fatfrog's DMX-output is a 5pin XLR-socket. To connect your microbeam with the 3pin XLR socket all you need is an adaptor from XLR 5pin-male to XLR 3pin-female. - I don't know the microbeam, but normally this kind of moving mirrors have so called DIP-switches on the back of the lantern. This switches should be labelled with 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256 But it's possible that they are labelled from 1 to 9. If so, these numbers are only a reference for the binary DMX address-labels 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256. So if you are about to select the DMX-start-adress of 1 for the first microbeam, just switch the first Dip switch to the on position. For the second microbeam keep in mind, that the microbeam has, i think 8 DMX channels. For the second lantern check, that you choose a DMX-Start-address which is at least 8 numbers higher than the first, in this case 9. To select 9 switch the Dip-switch 1 and 4 to the on position (because 1 + 8 = 9). Hope, this helps again. Greetings stagefrog
Hi Nick Step-by-step guide: 1. copy the fixturefile with the fixture Microbeam100 on it on a floppy-disk. (name should beginn with "gft") And insert this disk in the diskdrive of your fatfrog 2. Enter the super user menu 3. Select "Desk Setup"; "Assign Fixtures" 4. Free Fixtures-select-buttons are now assigned with a * beside the number - select a free-one with the buttons + or - 5. switch to the next field by pressing "arrow-down"button once 6. press the "-" button once (You should now read the following: "Select fixture from floppy disk" 7. press "Enter" -> There is now a new window coming up "load fixture type" 8. with the "+" or "-" buttons search now the manufacturer name NJD 9. when found: press the "down arrow button" once 10. now you should be able to select the microbeam 100 by scrolling through the list by pressing the "+" or "-" buttons 11. when selected press enter -> you have now assigned one microbeam 100 to the desk 12. repeat the steps 4 to 11 for a further microbeam 13. when completed, move the cursor to exit and press enter 14. select now the patch functions and press enter 15. select "manual patch" and press enter 16. scroll down the list with the "down-arrow button" till you reach the fixtures, you assigned the microbeams to 17. with the "+" and "-" buttons you can now select the DMX start address of your microbeams (must be the same as selected on your microbeams) 17. now exit the manual patch, exit patch functions, exit desk setup, if your asked to save changes press ok 18. exit super user 19. connect your microbeams to your fatfrog (DMX-cable) and to the power supply, switch them on (if necessary) 20. now you should be able to control your microbeams with your fat frog! I hope this step by step instruction is good enough and helps you Greetings stagefrog