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  1. Hopefully this will work... Enjoy ! / Johan johan fatfrog lib.ift
  2. Hey all ! Is there someone out there who can find the time to help me make some lib files for a couple of LED fixtures ?? HELP !!!!!! Lib file for FAT FROG !!!!! 1, Robe, CLUB Wash 300CT Mode 2. Find DMX charts here: 2, American DJ, Mega Bar Led, 4 channel mode "D-P2" 3, American DJ, Mega Bar Led, 7 channel mode "D-P6" 4, American DJ, P64B LED PRO, 7 channel mode [/b][/b] Find DMX charts as attachments: ClubWash 300 CT DMX charts.pdf American DJ Mega Bar Led D-P2 4 channels.pdf American DJ Mega Bar Led D-P6 7 channels.pdf American DJ 64B LED PRO 7 channels.pdf Looking forward to see if someone can help me !! Thanks alot guys !!!! / Johan
  3. Hi all !! First of all I would like to say that this range of consoles probably are the best in the midrange of lightdesks !! Keep up the good work !! 1. In order to make the fan function more powerful it would be nice if it was effected in what order I selected the fixtures instead of the DMX address settings. I think this could speed up the programming as well as the whole setup. 2. It would be nice to have a FX generator in the intensity, color and beam attributes aswell. Think of the nice rainbow effects you could do ! Let me know what you guys think !! ps. A highlight and next fix. button could be nice as well. Best regards / Johan Friberg HUGOLiTE, Sweden
  4. Does anyone know if there is a way to tap in the speed for a chase like you can on for exapel the XLS lightmaster. Cheers
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