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Everything posted by sp

  1. ebay? sp
  2. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    I use a wireless keyboard with our Bullfrog now, via PS/2 - a sort of limited 'designer's remote' but nonetheless useful sometimes. sp
  3. sp


    What fixtures have you got to use with it? sp
  4. wow nearly £50,000 8O sp
  5. I know that that the possibility of naming submaster pages has been mentioned before, is there any chance of this being easily implemented in an update for the current desks? sp
  6. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    Of course we already have the ability to create chases, and the movement effects generator, but would the new desk be able to go into 'record' mode and then directly record all DMX output values. So then you could record whole sequences (moving subs, presets. etc.) , and then just play back a macro of some sort to reproduce it entirely. No doubt this idea would need much refining, but would it be feasible/useful? sp
  7. When we've posted images, do we have to keep them in our webspace still, or are they uploaded to a froggy server somewhere? sp
  8. Think he's more partial to chips - Silicon chips, that is that's what was given in the specification, lol - a silicon chip/bone sp
  9. Broken: Synonyms Out of Order Broken Down Not Working ‘Gone’ Bust Kaput Conked Out Wrecked Had it sp
  10. alright alright when i get time... :wink: sp
  11. right ok here you are: sp
  12. sp
  13. im pleased you like it sp
  14. I remember this apparently cheaper suggestion...Click here sp
  15. Well of course we can't afford that either but does anyone know of any much cheaper, perhaps even free (might be pushing it a bit there), stage design tools for use in a school? sp
  16. Yes i did make the avatar myself, on Adobe Photoshop Elements. The base of the image is from a pic of our stage in action - incidentally, posted somewhere on this forum for something or other. I then just drew the lantern in front and moved it in different positions for each frame. The program has the ability to make animated gifs from individual frames - done. Only took a couple of mins. Hope you don't mind :? : sp
  17. Well i don't really know any explanations to your question, im afraid, but as far as I know there is a SMPTE/MIDI/CAN upgrade kit for the Frog range that would be required for this. sp
  18. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    Perhaps a special memory so you could get the desk to start a show at a specific time (as you can already), run through itself, then turn itself off. sp p.s. just wondered, is frogII just a single desk or a series like there is at the moment?
  19. Yes it looks as if I'll have to use the subs then. I'd just find it handy to be able to bring up the 'bars of pars', regardless of what submaster page i was on etc. I've been using most of the subs recently as 'effects' - using like a 1-shot chase with the flash buttons. As I've said many times, I haven't got any other use for the wheels, so that's why I thought itd put them to good use. Never mind sp
  20. Hi, I have asked previously on here on how to use generic lanterns as fixtures on the wheels, and have since succeeded in this. I am now asking whether the following is possible at all: Is there any way of getting getting a few generics to all run on each of the 3 wheels. I.e. could I control one bar of parcans on one wheel, whilst controlling another bar on another wheel, and controlling yet another set on the the third wheel - simultaneously? I haven't a clue on how to go about this, is it posible? :? sp
  21. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    Another idea i just thought of :idea: . To get more flexibility and ease of use from this new desk, how about... There seems to be a slight problem currently with the fact that the F1-4 buttons are now all in use (and things seem to be doubling up here and there), and I personally can never remember which does what, so if you were to have some buttons in a row, with an LCD above, you could do the following: If you had the labels for the buttons on the LCD, then each button could be labelled and used differently in different situations, thus getting more out of them. A system just like that on mobile phones. sp
  22. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    Looking at all these suggestions that have been made here, it seems to me that the desk really could do with designated "run" and "program" modes. In "program" mode for example, you could get the desk to ignore fade times. Someone had a problem on here once relating to overriding fades during rehearsals, and a mode system such as this could combat that. sp
  23. he had the playback x fader up whilst programming 8O sorted now, very easy mistake to make lol sp
  24. This may be useful, i find it very handy. A little Microsoft add-on for Win XP that lets you right-click a picture and resize it: Link to file here sp
  25. Right, here we are ladies and gentlemen, the Frog II lighting desk: :idea: :arrow: -A few presets still in (if you insist on them) -Lots of multi-function faders (use as presets, subs, cues etc.) -Many SX buttons -2 Playback X's for more complex scenes -Additional mover functionality with 2 wheel groups -A few LCDs for ease of use -etc. etc. sp
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