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Everything posted by sp

  1. sp


    We've got chilli dimmers, and according to the manual: So 'switch' I presume turns the channel into an 'on/off' function? Could anyone explain what the laws do exactly? The above quote is all the manual really has to say on the subject. sp
  2. sp


    A development like this would be great because we're hoping of implementing a way of controlling our fluorescent house lights from the desk - does anyone know of a method/device to do this? sp
  3. how do you get autosave to work? i've never heard of it on the desk. sp
  4. Does that mean it is physically impossible for the frogs to do this, or a possibility for future update? I'd really like to be able to group a load of source 4s together onto one preset fader so I could use them regardless of submaster page, but still retain the ability to control them individually. Currently I can't do this (right? :? ). sp
  5. thank goodness for digital 8O sp
  6. Well to me it would sound like it needed a service - 10 minutes is far too long, and all the problems. Blacking out the lights - that's no good at all for your show. 8O What did the seller have to say about the desk? Did they say it was in perfect order? If so, then it seems they've got some questions to answer. :?: sp
  7. Thanks for that Haytech, much appreciated. sp
  8. One of our smoke machines (I don't know the name, I can find out..) has a DMX input but its in the old 3-pin style. Would it work if we just take these 3-pins to a 5-pin, via a simple adapter? sp
  9. Did you try this, because it's true, reprogramming often sorts things out. sp
  10. This sounds like a weird problem to me, perhaps we'll wait until the weekend's over for those clever-clogs at Zero88 to shed some light on the matter. All I can think of is to boot the desk up whilst holding down F1 on the front panel, to put it into test mode. Then, use the channel flash buttons to find the LCD screen to test submaster 11. Then slide the fader up and down and see if it responds correctly, via the value shown on the screen. Maybe your downstage lights are less responsive than your upstage, so they don't show any problem as much?...You don't say what you're using. It's a shame that your first post on the forum is about a problem! What if you try using the copy function to copy the entire sub data onto another sub. Still the same problem? All I can think of I'm afraid. sp
  11. or you could even write it in the chase's name itself, then it'd be very hard to forget. :wink: sp
  12. Hi, Unfortunately, as far as I know, the only way to include your 'static' cyc lights as well as the chase in a single memory, is to include them whilst programming the chase :? I.e. put up your cyc lights, then create your chase as normal, thus including them in the chase. This is down to the fact that the frog's cues are either a standard 'scene' or a 'chase', not both, as you wish. sp
  13. Sorry I can't really help you on the dimmer side, but what do you mean by attach a laptop, do you mean to a desk? sp
  14. This is very trivial, but i noticed it the other day... When we turn the desk on (latest software) it shows www.frogsupport.com on the main lcd. But sometimes, it shows www.fro support.com where the g is replaced by a black box. Why's this? Especially as it doens't always happen. sp
  15. sp

    Mini LCD TV

    We were messing around once with an lcd projector (as you do). Had one of those pc>tv convertors, worked fine, so i would guess it would work just the same with your tv. Text may be a bit small to read though, but great for portability. sp
  16. that's a shame if it is a no. I know you've been busy with Frog II, but it'd be really great if the next update for the current Frogs could radically improve the keyboard - I think its full potential is not being used yet, a lot of really useful shortcuts could be added to the keyboard to increase ease of use and save lots of time. sp
  17. You can simulate 'holding down' a button on the Phantom by right-clicking. - therefore you can get to Super User in the Phantom Frog. You do still need to be able to select the correct floppy path, as the show list in super user simply displays shows in whatever path you told it beforehand. Maybe a number list would be of help (I just went through this and it worked fine): 1. Copy the .isf file from your floppy disk to drive C: 2. Start the Phantom Frog Program 3. Click Browse, select Drive C: Just a drive, you WON'T see the file itself here, and press OK. 4. Check the monitor and desk boxes, then click Run. 5. Right-click + and - on the desk 6. Click Enter 7. Right-click again + and - 8. Go down to Floppy Disk in Super User 9. Select Load Show 10. The show should now appear on the list, press Enter to load. sp
  18. There is an update available for the frogs to enable midi functionality, not sure about ethernet though. sp
  19. Yes that's true, but then again, there really isn't anything else you need to learn to be able to use the Frog offline-editor. sp
  20. Maybe im confusing matters more, but I think firmware means software. :? sp
  21. Hi Really enjoyed PLASA this year. Had a quick play with the new desk - looks very nice, esp. the touch screen - im sure you guys can add lots of functionality with that. There wasn't anyone around really to tell us about the desk, so we resorted to having a look ourselves, without much success. Numeric keypad is definitely a good addition, as are 'proper' cursor keys to navigate with. The grand master was the only let down for me, I much prefer it at the bottom - where you can get to it easily Just to clarify then, the desk has 2 monitors? As I say, we don't know much about what the new desk can do, and there wasn't really anyone to ask - I'm sure it has some fantastic features, though, which I'd love to hear about... sp
  22. Cheers, very nice site by the way. sp
  23. and it's actually called 'frog 2'? :?
  24. any chance? sp
  25. fantastic , is that a built-in frog screen? sp
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