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Everything posted by sp

  1. sp

    FROG Brightness

    Fair enough, thanks. :wink: sp
  2. In a future update perhaps, could the FROG function be extended to work also with brightness and generic levels? sp
  3. Really impressed with the program Sam. Just 1 thing ive noticed - on slide 35, Intelligent Lighting Skills, the link to the FROG function is not available. 8O sp
  4. Perhaps have it around 40% as of course the congregation is an integral part of the whole event, but raise it for songs etc. sp
  5. sp


    No, the Blackout button is next to, and identical to, the Lock button beside it - they don't have any leds installed. sp
  6. sp


    Taken from the manual: "When blackout is active, the red light in the button flashes. Pressing the BLACKOUT button again will return the desk to normal outputs." Our bullfrog hasn't got a light in the blackout button. Just wondered - how do you tell then if blackout is active without a monitor attached? sp
  7. I know it's not anywhere near as ideal as dual monitor output (and I think that's a gr8 idea) but note that it is possible to lock the monitor to a specific screen whilst viewing another on the LCD: "In normal operation the monitor display will “follow†the Main LCD on the front panel and display the corresponding screen or popup window. The FUNCTION button F1 is used as the “Monitor Functions†button. The main monitor screens can be selected and locked by holding down the F1 button and then pressing a front panel button as shown below: MEMORIES - Memories Screen SUBMASTERS -Submasters Screen OUTPUTS - Outputs Screen FIXTURE SEL- Fixture O/P Screen COLOUR - Palette Screen (Col) BEAMSHAPE - Palette Screen (B/S) POSITION - Palette Screen (Pos) GROUP - Fixture Groups Screen When the monitor screen is locked, the red light in the F1 button is lit, and “SCR LOCKED†is displayed in the PSI section of the monitor screen. Pressing the F1 button again unlocks the monitor screen." sp
  8. sp


    very true - frogs often have a mind of their own in 'bass mode' sp
  9. sp

    Flash to beat

    Yes we're both agreeing that 'flashing' is the lights on and off quickly, but that would require two bass pulses, whereas I would like the flashing on and off with just one bass pulse. I wouldn't think the speed control would have any effect on a chase on bass drive? :? sp
  10. Is there any way of making lights flash in time to the bass signal? All I can achieve at the moment is On on the first beat and off on the second. Is it possible? sp
  11. it's amazing how far a little incomprehensible german joke can take a topic sp
  12. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    a step button? Are u talking about sumthing different to the step button already on the desks? sp
  13. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    Another suggestion for a new desk would be 'Chase Reset' and 'Chase Pause' buttons - would be very useful! sp
  14. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    Generics can be assigned as fixtures and used with the wheels, click here. Its not ideal as you have to fiddle about re-patching etc. but it is possible. sp
  15. Problem sorted, many thanks to K-nine sp
  16. no definitely not the defaults. He said he changed it to his own but he can't remember it! sp
  17. Hi I have a slight problem (concerned with the lighting desk ). We recently hired out our school hall (and lighting with a Bullfrog). However, the person using the desk locked it, and now cannot remember the code! I have heard that there is a special unlock code for each desk, based on the serial number. So what should I do, who should I contact? It is rather urgent, as we have a concert coming up soon that will certainly require programming! Thanks sp
  18. Looking at what you say the frog screen can do, i don't understand how useful it can be. I am under the impression that it cues memories. Correct? So for a club/disco for example, would that not mean that you could have one memory running at a time? Thus meaning only a single chase/effect etc. at once? sp
  19. OK, so basically your saying that when programming the generic lights designated as 'fixtures,' just use their brightness attribute and the wheels to set them up, and forget about the preset faders. So submasters will be programmed with fixture brightnesses, and not generic levels. Thanks, sp
  20. Ok fixed the wheel (ended up 'tapping' the board) and got it running the generics so thanks for that. Slight inderance though, is there any way of still being able to use the generics on their channels as well? The problem we appear to have is that we can use them on the wheels, but then not on the subs at the same time (as we had to unpatch them to use them as 'fixtures'). Is this the problem you describe? Is there any solution? sp
  21. Yes makes perfect sense - but it appears that our first finger wheel isn't working! We've had a look in Test Mode - which confirms this. I've found a post on here to try and rectify the problem (open up check connections etc.) - will try this as soon as possible. Thanks for your help. sp
  22. Ok, sorry but im a bit confused as to how i would do this. :? Do i need to connect the generic lamp into another dmx signal or something or does it just plug in a normal socket on my rig?? Thanks very much for that very quick response Kirkup_xp. a little step-by-step guide on running a generic on a wheel would be appreciated though - do i some how need to patch the generic channel to a fixture?? sp
  23. Is it possible to use the wheels to control the output of generic lights? I've never seen it mentioned anywhere so i presume it's not. sp
  24. Hi Would anybody be able to actually confirm what exactly the external keyboard (on v9.6) can and cannot do (function keys etc.)? Perhaps a kind soul from Zero88 could enlighten us? sp
  25. Well as my original post noted, it can be done somehow as someone has! The person in question (who said the above quote) is JCF SECC; well JCF SECC, if your listening in... Im not so sure if he'll reply though, his last post was in 2002 sp
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