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Everything posted by sp

  1. perhaps a silver-teal colour would look good? ok obviously this is of the current bullfrog, but i thought it was quite nice :?: : sp
  2. In my post further up this topic i stated the procedure i thought was needed to individually adjust chases live. Yves disagreed and suggested his easier method. Not trying to have a showdown here :twisted: but out of interest which method is correct for adjusting individual chases live? sp
  3. just a technical note i think- pressing the sub button would not work, you would still be adjusting all chases running, i think you need to press F3 > Submasters > the sub flash button :? Then you just adjust the speed for that chase (press F3 to exit individual adjustment mode) i find it a bit fiddle - perhaps frog II could make this feature easier to use?? sp
  4. sp

    Wheel Problems

    Well perhaps it is a software problem, im not really one to know, but are you sure that the wheels themselves are working properly? Perhaps if you went into test mode (hold F1 while turning on) you could check to see if the wheels are working perfectly. Once in test mode, go through the channel flash buttons until you find the 'wheels' screen, and you should be able to see the value of each wheel to ensure that they are working. If there is a loose connection in one of the wheels, perhaps pressing that button you describe somehow rectifys it? I often find with one of our wheels that you have to press down lightly on the area around the wheel, and it works ok. :? sp
  5. sp


    The Phantom Frog can be downloaded here. Basically, it shows a frog desk on the computer - you can use it just like an actual desk except you can't control the lights of course - great for creating shows at home etc. My suggestion would be to have a 'setup' of all your lights that you use as you like them outputting live. Then press the 'Submasters' button and the first submaster flash button (the button under sub 1). Now press the red program button. Now, all of those lights will output at those values when submaster 1 is raised to 100%. You could do this for each 'setup' you use in your services, and would be my preferred method. By the way, if your not already, I strongly recommend using an external keyboard and monitor - much easier. In the manual you will find details on how to name submasters, so their name appears on the screen, thus making them easier to use. An alternative would be to program your whole service onto the Memories Playback X stack (again described in the manual). Bascially you can program each scene in order to the stack, and just use the blue Go button to run through your service. This would work best if your services are always the same. Then it is possible to Save all of this setup in its entirety to a Floppy Disk (explained in manual) and reload whenever neccesary. So basically for what you're after, submasters or memories; I prefer subs but of course whatever suits you . sp
  6. sp


    Hi, welcome to the forums Well unfortunately there is no 'proper' way of printing out information as far as I know. The Phantom Frog is a program that reproduces a visual Frog Desk on a computer, and shows that are saved onto a floppy from a desk can be loaded onto this - so basically if you've got a computer handy then you could do that. Perhaps not practical though 8O . But why exactly do you need to print out the information? If you have all of lighting setups programmed onto submasters or memories, you could then save the show onto a floppy disk and reload whereever neccessary. sp
  7. ah ok right k-nine sorry about that confusion - I just seem to remember somewhere you saying you were too busy on the mambo manual to do any more work on the actual frog one. :oops: sp
  8. Hi, Presets: Basically, as far I know the LEDs only come on when using the channel flash buttons for 'selecting' things - related to patching dmx addresses and working with pallettes (have a read through the manual). They don't come on when flashing or soloing channels though. They also don't light in relation to your question on playback x. Submasters: The latest software update allows fade times for submasters. When a submaster is fading up or down, the yellow led comes on. If a submaster is in use that is not on the current submaster page, its yellow LED flashes to indicate this. When adjusting chase settings live, the yellow LEDs light when selecting certain subs for adjustment. If confused :? , have a read through the manual, but also the release notes for the new software update, as details are contained here not in the manual itself. sp
  9. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    Yes a flash master - nice idea. Think i said this once before, a latch function as well for flash buttons. Oo jus noticed this is the 1000th post in this forum :!: sp
  10. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    other suggestion i thought of was perhaps in super user being able to change what level the flash buttons work. As lamps often have a much longer life when not used at 100%, it would be nice to perhaps be able to reduce the flash to, say, 90-95% sp
  11. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    no seriously i have done that before, tis quite useful after a band has ended (until u bring down the speaker spot whilst he's talking...)
  12. Moderation: split from the Introduce yourself topic, just to see how it develops I hadn't heard of frisbee golf b4 (had any1 else or am i just deprived 8O ) Anyway, i found this site that seems to explain what it is, if ur interested Click here sp
  13. From the manual "Copying Fixture Data Fixture parameter data for a particular attribute can be copied from one fixture to another fixture as follows: 1. Set up the parameter levels for the “source†fixture as normal. 2. Select the destination fixture(s). 3. Press and hold down an ATTRIBUTE button (BRIGHTNESS, COLOUR, BEAMSHAPE, or POSITION). 4. Press the FIXTURE SELECTION button of the source fixture. 5. Release the ATTRIBUTE button." sp
  14. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

  15. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    You can change the default times for submasters I think Go Super User > Desk Setup > Desk Defaults > Submasters There you should be able to change the fade times etc. to ur hearts content sp
  16. sp

    'Link' submasters

    Ah yes, program as a memory than transfer to all the subs on all the pages. Then when I change the memory, itl change the subs. Well done Sam Thanks sp
  17. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    Please see my continued topic in the 'How do I' forum: Click here sp
  18. This was carried on from the 'Frogs and the future topic' My main difficulty with submaster pages is that i dont mind putting different chases and scenes on different pages, etc. but is there any way of linking subs on pages? I.e. I nearly always have a basic white cover on sub 1. Is there any way of making it so that all subs 1s on the pages do a 'cover,' and change automatically when any changes are made to the first one? If I were to add an extra lamp to the first 'cover' sub, it's a bit tedious to go through all the neccessary pages and update each sub 1, especially as the name is cleared each time you reprogram. sp
  19. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    ah yeah i would like to do that but you can only have one chase on a sub (and i often have a few:- one constant - one in time to music etc.) With two sets of subs, one set could have each 'look' whilst the others have the chases etc. I just find it really hard 2 keep changing pages - and again it's not easy to bring down a few subs at once sp
  20. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    Well the idea i thought of having 2 sets of subs would be the following: if ur lighting a band or sumthin with lots of different chases on subs up, how could u drop all these and bring up some other subs and chases for something else? Have ur hands full no? With two sets and a master, you could just bring down one master and raise the other, with everything ready - very similar to the preset A and B master arrangement sp
  21. sp

    Frogs and the Future ?

    Whilst using our Bullfrog today it really occured to me that a new frog should have a lot more submasters (i find it a bit of a pain switching pages all the time). Get rid of the preset faders and replace these with a number keypad, like on strand. The submasters would be so much more versatile than preset faders, as a single lamp could be programmed to a submaster so that'd work just the same as a preset. Having two groups of subs would be handy (subs A and , each with a master. sp
  22. sp

    Keyboard GO

    perhaps you need an update - you can definitely use the external keyboard for naming purposes sp
  23. sp

    Flash to beat

    My solution for this has been to hook up an old pc that was lying about to the desk's audio socket , and use the pc for some neat audio effects, such as: # Use the mic on the pc - click ur fingers 2 run chases 8) # I wrote a simple little program that lets you create irregular chase triggers (e.g. boom.......boom boom...) - thus more interesting chases # Made another little program that creates a bass signal when u press the spacebar (shove the keyboard on the floor and u got a foot pedal) # And lastly, I modified the spacebar program so it creates two triggers when you press the pedal: So make a chase with Step 1 being On and Step 2 being Off and you can make the lights flash when you press the pedal or click your fingers. Ok you may not be able to carry around a pc when your travelling, but our desk very rarely moves so it's fine for us sp
  24. Just thought Sam :idea: , just about all of your excellent work could be applied to both the Leapfrog and Bullfrog desks also, so perhaps you could allow your program to help demonstrate all of these desks, whilst just using the Fatfrog as the example... sp p.s if you were to describe and explain the mambo's sx buttons then that desk would be fully covered also??
  25. and then perhaps the ability with the new line of frogs to connect them up to it sp
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