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  1. sp


    Completely agree. Used v10 for the first time on a big show on Wednesday, and this became apparent immediately. Maybe something like hold F3/F4 and the fixture button to fully untag it... sp
  2. That's a very large amount of time to change by every week, surely this is some kind of hardware problem? sp
  3. sp


    Incidentally, I have a PS/2 splitter lead (few pence off ebay), the kind you can use with laptops. Then, a simple PS/2 to USB adapter (again, very cheap) gaffered to the back of the desk allows me to plug in a USB light, and still retain my old PS/2 keyboard simultaneously. Works a treat. sp
  4. Hi, Have a fashion show tomorrow, and along with a host of generics lighting the catwalk and stage, I also have the following: 2 x Coemar ProWash 575 LX downlighting a section of cyclorama visible through the entrance onto the catwalk. 2 x Coemar ProWash 575 LX on the downstage corners of the stage floor. 4 x Coemar ProSpot 575 LX FOH over the catwalk and audience, in a staggered line arrangement: []_______ _______[] []_______ _______[] Haven't used these fixtures before (they've kindly been loaned to us free as it's a charity event...), so any suggestions to make them look good? Particular CMY colours that work well in the washes, particular movements, chases ?? etc. This is on a Bullfrog by the way. As I say the event is tomorrow, not long away obviously but this was the earliest we could get the movers. So basically, any suggestions greatly appreciated sp
  5. If it's only 6 months old I wouldn't touch the desk myself. Returning is the best thing to do. sp
  6. I know...I know... Maybe you should keep that avatar Frog Genius, it suits you sp
  7. This is completely off-topic, but if you wanted to use that baby frog picture you would need to save it to your machine and resize it so that Then in your Edit Profile window, you should be able to upload it from your machine. sp
  8. The mambo Frog description can be seen here. The desk does have faders - submaster faders. There aren't any preset faders, as there are no desk channels as such, just fixtures. I.e. if you wanted to use some parcans, you would assign them as fixtures. The desk is aimed at clubs etc. There are also 48 SX buttons, which are basically faderless submasters. You can't really put the mambo frog into a 'list' as such, because it's aimed at a different market to the main Frog range. sp
  9. sp


    I think ideally the tracking function would be a separately enabled option to Full/Partial Mode Selection. Would there be a a disadvantage to doing this? The tracking option would simply be disabled if Full mode is selected in the other option. I am sure there are many people, perhaps including myself at times, who still prefer programming the entire state as opposed to just the changes (especially in smaller shows with very little preparation time) :?: Don't get me wrong though, when enabled tracking could, and will, be a great feature of the desk. sp
  10. About the board colour, it seems that even if I change the setting to 'subTrail' in Preferences, it remains unchanged. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug? These forums are now inactive I believe, are you referring to automatically redirecting the user to this new forum? If so, I agree, a little code to redirect to the new forum after say 5 seconds would be a good idea in my opinion. I type 'www.frogsupport.com' much more instinctively than this new address . sp
  11. Phantom Frog seems 10.0 seems to still have that irritating problem of the windows not refreshing properly if they are placed slightly over one another (as mentioned on previous occasions). This results in a bit of the desk getting stuck on the monitor window etc. Is there no way of rectifying this :? ? sp
  12. Oh, is there any possibility of getting the old avatars from Frogsupport and putting them on here? Or is that really the kind of thing best done by each user? The forum just looks odd without them Suppose I could get round to making a new one... Edit: my old one has just appeared. It wasn't there just now, was it? sp
  13. Finding it hard to adjust to the lack of green but the new forums look excellent. Looks like the fantastic Zero88 support can only get better from now on! Nice 1 Zero88. sp
  14. Will there be a Phantom Frog 2? sp
  15. If you really want an Auto Drive chase and not a beat chase, ensure that the speed control is centred when you program. In this way, you will only need to get to the centre of the speed control (or perhaps just a bit over) to pick up the chase during the show. For something like this though I agree with Paul and minimac - try a beat chase, you can be much more precise. sp P.S. If you can get a feed of that song into the audio input on the desk, set the chase drive to 'bass' and let it chase in time to the music. Sometimes not that precise and neat, but it's an idea
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