Hi there,
I've just come home from a day of stress. The thing that has got me pulling my hair out is one of my four betapacks 2 (DMX version) is completely dead. Right, now all 4 are powered from the same fuse board. The other 3 switch on ok when I switch the master switch on, but the first dosen't do anything (no lights, no nothing). I had it on the other day, with 4 lights plugged in. No extra lights have been plugged in, and all that appears to have happened is for no apparent reason, its died. Its only 3 years old too, and is used perhaps once a month or so.
The individual RCD for this pack is fine. But still, no lights come on at all, no power or DMX signal.
I know there is the fuse for each channel, and wander if the master fuse has blown for some reason. Problem is, its mounted on a wall and I don't know where to start to rectify the problem.
How can I check the master fuse, and where can I find it!? Will I need to take it off the wall? Only just found out on the net that it has a tamper plate covering the front - is it under there?
Or perhaps someone has got any other ideas why it might not be working?
Like I said, there is no reason why its gone, and the other 3 are working fine.
Just read over that all, and I know it sounds muddled and waffled - i'm still panicing to get it ready in time for the show!
Any help would be great.