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Everything posted by Ian_p

  1. Ian_p

    Attempted 7.13 update

    Thanks Edward - for some reason the FLX does not recognise my Corsair GTX usb drive - used a different Sandisk thumb drive to get the upgrade file onto the FLX and successfully upgraded. I used the new fixture creator to build a template for my Stairville Pro Bar 16x10w straight onto the desk - all good!! Thanks for the pointer cheers Ian
  2. I have downloaded the 7.13 update file to a usb, ensured it is unzipped and not in a subfolder - but when I attempt to view the usb from the console, I see no list of files... Am I missing a step...? There are other files on the usb, the console sees no files at all....
  3. Thinking about it - I suspect the operator had to go back a cue or two at some point and this messed up the lights. I really want to turn tracking off so if needed the op can do this without impact.
  4. Hi. just programmed a show into my new FLX, but hadn’t realised tracking is switched on. we had an issue at the dress where the face lights weren’t on in any scene, got to the end, programmed them back into the first cue, and now they are back in every cue they were missing from. this is why I have always run my board in non- tracking mode as I didn’t really understand tracking. however as this show is now recorded in tracking, what impact will there be if I turn tracking off? Will each scene be converted to full scenes, not just changes?
  5. Thinking about getting a jester, can't find what the screen ouput looks like, any chance of posting a piccie of the screen? Ta!
  6. Cheers K9, I understand that you can't patch a channel and a fixture to the same DMX address. However, the issue about editing is still odd, as I have tried selecting a memory on the screen, and pressing edit, and it definately steps onto the next memory and enters edit on that one..I'll try again. Thanks for your help!
  7. Still wrestling with setting up scrollers on my generic rig, and a couple of questions occur to me. When a lamp and scroller is assigned, the brightness and scroll / colour are on the same wheel. How do you put brightness on one wheel and the colour on another? Is this possible? Also, the lamps 'behind' the scrollers are already in the generic patch, and frankly I want to left them there, but I also want like to have them available to the wheel as above, but when you attempt to patch them, they are not available as they are already 'patched'. Any ideas? Finally, one thing whilst programming a show with the scrollers. When trying to edit a memory, you put the yellow bar on the memory you want to edit and press go to make this 'current', you then press edit, and it steps onto the 'next' memory - which I don't want to edit! What am I doing wrong? Many thanks in advance.
  8. Ian_p

    fade in/out

    Can someone draw a diagram of this, as it's clear as mud to me!
  9. OK, I thought I had, but I can't be sure at this moment. I'll check and report back. Thanks for advice
  10. Its programming a new one and editing. When a new one is being programmed, it lets you enter a number, but when you step onto the next field the n-shot field flips back to '0'. This si the same when you edit.
  11. I have upgraded my Fat Frog to 9.8, but the n-shot chase still flips back to '0' in programming. I didn't notice this until this weekend, as we tend to do plays, and chases don't happen very often. It's not critial, as the chases are continous anyway, but this isn't right. Any suggestions? Ian
  12. Thanks Paul, I was starting to think I'd posted in a dead link! Thanks for replies re linebacker, I wondered if the power requirements would be more than a battery could supply. The unit is very useful, but would be more so if it could be more portable, the PSU is very bulky with an unusual plug in the unit, all things which make it awkward to move around the stage when focussing (Without trialling a power lead with a wall wart in it!). A shame the power plug isn't something more generic. I realise products are always going to have a price / functionality trade-off, and its easy to pass comment on a product when I haven't designed one myself! Having said that.... for linebacker 2 - a wish list. Larger display - these are cheaper now than when this product was first launched so shouldn't affect cost too much. Dedicated 'menu' button Slider for setting fade levels would be nice (and fading in /out stored memories) Battery power option Smaller case Wireless would be v.cool as a option. ;-) Features are good at present, I can't think of any great issues here, perhaps more memory? OK, I'll get me coat...
  13. I'll take the resounding silence as a no then!
  14. Would it be possible to consider adding a rechargeable battery pack to the inside of the line backer tool, as this would make this very useful as a on stage tool for focussing etc, as the only connection required would be DMX... (Wireless DMX is probably asking too much!)
  15. Less of a 'How do I' and more of a 'Should I'? When editing submasters, I just bring up the SM in question, add in the channel I want to add on the generic 1-48 faders, and press 'Program'. This seems to work OK, and is very fast to program, but is not documented as the way to edit in the manual. Can anyone see a problem with editing this way? Cheers Ian
  16. OK, That worked! Thanks all. In summary Pin1 No connection Pin2 0V (strapped to XLR shell as lamp had 1 wire connection) Pin3 12V Brilliant! and only £8.95!
  17. Great, thanks, I've re-soldered the wiring in the plug, I'll try it out tomorrow. Cheers
  18. OK, I got a DJ type lamp, but what is the actual pin-out of the lamp? It's not in the manual. Cheers
  19. But why restrict this to pallets? If you could offline edit a show this would be excellent. Actually, I think this would be a brillant upgrade to the frog series in general. I would love to create or edit a file for a frog in excel and then save it. The speed a show could be built up would be great! Is this saved show format a private Zero88 format, or it is possible this could be released to the public?
  20. No, the dimmers are defintely 0-10v, and worked OK with the analogue board. They still work OK with the demux, but the way they dim in is not linear, and by deduction this must be the Demux.
  21. Ohh err! I don't know. I've upgraded it to software 9.6, but the firmware level, I'm not sure. I'll check and let you know. Why is this an issue?
  22. Actually I've seen this issue too. If I switch on the dimmers before the desk (It's easier as I pass them on the way to the control room), when I switch on the frog, it causes all channels to go to 100% for a about 1 second whilst it is booting up. The fix is we always turn the board on first, and off last, but I guess this is not a fault right?
  23. The dimmers were made by an a small company which are no more called PLS Lighting (I think). This was a one man band which meant the cost was extermely keen (about half of anything else available at the time). I think I bought them about 1988!! So with 4 shows a year and all tech rehearsals they are used about 40 times a year (640 times in total) He decided however that he couldn't compete with Anytronics etc, so packed in. He has repaired one for me once (Thanks - I'd plugged a motor into the dimmer - didn't understand inductive loads etc then...), but the units are standard 5amp dimmers with no ability to change dimmer laws etc. As they fail I will replace them, probably with Betapacks or similar, but they still work OK, and the fade characteristics were only noticed since we got a Fat Frog and a demux to run them. I guess this proves the issue IS the demux (Strand S72) but its not so bad, I hadn't noticed myself until a keen eyed operator pointed this out. The things we amateurs have to put up with ehh? SO I won't be killing the dimmers, we continue but start looking for replacement over the next few years
  24. Thanks chaps, that's very reassuring. I'll put my vote in now then, the single most useful thing would be the split screen, ie. in the blank bottom half of the screen of the submasters and memory screen, to have the outputs echoed in there. Cheers!
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