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Everything posted by Ian_p

  1. Ian_p

    Blackout problem

    The fixture works nicely when controlled directly from its channel fader, but I've not tried those other suggestions yet - I think it's something to do with copying the blackouts from cue to cue as I build the cue-stack. I've not switched off Smarttag - which was suggested as a solution to another issue I was having - am I best to permanently switch off Smarttag in defaults - as it seems to introduce more problems than it solves (I admit I don't really understand Smarttag)
  2. Ian_p

    Blackout problem

    Hi - I’ve noticed an issues with blackouts on my console - given previous advice I’m sure I’ve done something incorrect. Led wash light at an intensity and colour in cue 1 Cue 2 is a blackout all channels at zero. Run 1 into 2, colour and intensity fades then changes colour then goes up, and then down as the blackout completes. I think I may have build the fixture incorrectly as I had to make new ones to split 4 lights into 2 groups of two. But I can’t see how to view the channel settings without deleting and rebuilding again.
  3. ahhhh - yes makes sense - I've tried this on phantom ZeroS and it works. Either flipping to playbacks and lowering the fader, or adjusting the channel via the keypad. Thanks!
  4. Whilst running a dress rehearsal and during a scene I often want to adjust the look, add in a bit of face light or increase a channel. Following the method in the manual to do this it causes a flash on stage: Outputting scene - raise a channel to increase face light for example. Press 'Update' and 'Go' Console is still in scene - lower the channel - but the light fades down.... I have to double press 'Clear' to make the console go into the updated scene even though the scene is suppossed to be outputting - i.e. the green bar is on that scene. double pressing clear then goes into he scene making that channel go from 0% to its saved value. I'm not sure why the console works likes this.
  5. Thanks Edward - to be honest I managed to get the strobe to stick to 0 - but not via the above - I just tried to do it as I had above and on the 5th time it worked. Not sure if or what I did different.
  6. Hi. Another puzzler - I have some Stairville Showbar pro 16wx10, and as I’ve split the 6 into different groups - I had to create another new fixture. I used the same one as I had created for the others, and when bringing up the intensity it immediately strobes. The default strobe value is 255, I wind this off to zero, press record, fixture button, then the ‘home’ symbol and select default. All good. however the moment I start to try to use it again - it has flipped back to strobe value of 255. This is frustrating as I believe I am following the process to set the default - but it just won’t stick. any ideas what I’m doing wrong?
  7. I successfully used the Fire effect in a previous show - thanks for the suggestion. I'd like to flicker a LED RGBW fixture to show a TV flicker up onto the actors's faces. AT present as there is no TV effect - I'm using the candle effect - but it's not really right. How would I put in a new effect like this? Thanks Ian
  8. Hi - same behaviour on FLX S24 and FLX. Generic dimmers lag behind LED as scenes fades in. I have programmed a number of scenes, the backlight and window lights are LED battens or LED xbrick type fixtures, the face light and wash light are tungsten fresnels or profiles. When a scene is triggered - with fade in, out and colour all the same time, the backlight and windows come in first, followed by the wash and face light. it looks ok as it looks like I’m doing it on purpose but it’s not the effect I want. I’d prefer all the lights to fade in together. any ideas? thanks ian
  9. Edward, it was the MS Edge browser - fails everytime - Chrome downloaded it on first attempt. I won't be using Edge anymore! Thanks Ian
  10. Hi Edward - the download progress bar completes - and file appears downloaded with the name as above - I've tried a few times - and waited a good long time - nothing changes... The first time was about 25 minutes ago...
  11. Hi Edward, When downloading this 7.14 file - it changes its filename to 'unconfirmed 579115.crdownload'. What am I doing wrong please? Thanks Ian
  12. Ian_p

    Delete key protocol

    Thanks both - this working on the FLX - the protocol of selecting first and then pressing Delete makes sense to me. However I think I do have an issue on the FLXS24 - I can't update a fixture without crashing the desk - when I touch the DMX field in the add a fixture the desk immediately reboots, but I realize this is a separate issue and will wait for 7.14, as we are using the FLX for this show.
  13. Ian_p

    Delete key protocol

    Using the delete key for me is fraught with worry - as I 'think' it is context sensitive - i.e. which screen is on the lcd determines 'what' one is deleting? However, is this right? Attempting to delete a fixture from the fixture schedule screen either deletes all the fixtures as the 'Do you wish to delete all the selected fixtures' pops up before I've even typed a number, from other screens this offers to deletes playbacks when I trying to delete a cue within a playback. The manual, both printed and online does not say which screen one has to be in to delete a fixture, and I suspect it is a vital detail. Can anyone kindly outline the difference key presses to delete a fixture, a playback or a cue please?
  14. Hi - I registered for the training for today a few weeks ago - never received an email link to join, so I registered again today - and again have not received any link. There's no telephone number to call - so I'm at a loss how to join this training? Thanks Ian
  15. Hi Edward - I took the S24 to the theatre last night, programmed up all the scenes, and used the fire light effect as you suggested on a suitably positioned LED RGB lantern, and the effect works brilliantly. Thank you!
  16. Thanks again Edward - that'll work brilliantly - should be able to start programming tomorrow - I'll let you know how I get on! Cheers Ian
  17. HI - We are about to kick off a play, and in the audience get in time pre-curtain, I'd like to flicker an LED light to emulate a fireplace. I can do this on a chase playback, but how could I control this via the Master playback 0 which would have all show stack on it? It would need ot turn off for the actual play. I'd prefer that the operator just use the go button to run the show. Thanks Ian
  18. Hi Edward - I had missed it was on 7.12 software, so upgraded to 7.13 and all works!! Thanks so much! Ian
  19. Hi, I continue to fiddle around with the phantom S24 before my new S24 arrives. I'm trying to connect my Android tablet as a remote screen. Enabled Remote devices in settings, desk password set as zeros, address as which is offered as an option. Windows firewall is set to allow PhantomOS through public and private. Fire up the remote app, the desk is seen - select it and enter password. Dialog on tablet pops up 'Warning - Desk Connection Failed' S24 Phantom then 'stops working' on the laptop - only option is to close program. Thoughts?
  20. Perfect! That was the issue - as the FLXS24 doesn't have an external monitor I had set that setting to 'Internal'!
  21. Hi Jon, thanks for responding- when I press record the screen flicks to the record options screen, there is no way to select an empty group. The group window prior to the pressing of record has no empty groups on it, just the button labelled ‘create automatic groups’.
  22. Hi - I'm trying to record a new group on a Phantom FlxS24, but when I press the record button - I get the cue record window rather than the group record window - any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  23. After wrestling with this - I’ve managed to update that cue to include the green light on that x-brick, this is about the 5th time I’ve tried - done exactly the same - but this time it worked, that light comes up in the cue and is stored. I’ve also noted that the red text just means a custom fixture file. im half pleased that it works, and half annoyed that I clearly still don’t understand the desk - I know I did exactly the same all the other 4 times.
  24. Hi - the fixture settings match the actual fixture - RGBWA-UV. 6 channels. but I have noticed the fixtures are red in the list ..
  25. Hi - When I add a fixture into a cue - I build the cue state on the board, and press record, all the channels and fixtures are recorded execept a Stairville X-brick which immediately goes to zero... tried various 'record next cue, record cue number x etc - behaviour is always the same - all fixtures record except this - which goes to zero.
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