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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Paul, Thanks for the reply - I'm glad I'm not the only one with concerns about tracking. Can I make a couple of suggestions: At the risk of stating the blindingly obvious, I think it was rather unwise to introduce a feature (like tracking) that has a major effect on the way the console operates without also including the option to disable it. I do find it quite shocking that you didn't put this facility in the 10.8 software - it would have saved you the extra work needed to add it in later. It's also worth consulting the users regarding significant changes. This forum provides the ideal place to do this... I'm not saying that I dislike tracking, but for some applications it is not the right way of doing things. In other situations it could be yet another factor that makes the Frog range comparable to vastly more expensive consoles (ie a good thing) Dave
  2. Hi, I'm not a Frog guru so forgive me if I'm being stupid. I've just upgraded my Fat Frog to 10.8 and I'm coming to the conclusion that I hate tracking! I accept that it is good in some situations (eg theatre), when it is very powerful to record memories that just have the changes to a state in them, but still get the full state based on everything that's gone before when you output them. However, if you are busking a show and, for example, want to have some memories that affect some movers, and other memories that affect other movers, which you can replay in a random order, then the last thing you want is any interaction between these different memories. Tracking forces this on you, which seems to partly defeat the concept of partial programming. Trying to do it with palettes or subs isn't ideal for various reasons. I would much rather use memories as it's easy to select the one you want from the stack, where you see the list of everything, and then replay it with the go button. Can I make a big request please to have the facility to disable tracking in partial mode added to the next software release. And if anyone knows a workaround or can show me what I'm doing wrong, please reply asap. Otherwise I might have to go back to 10.4. Thanks, Dave
  3. Hi, Well, I've completely and utterly failed to get my Fat Frog to upgrade from 9.8.1 to 10.4. I have successfully upgraded it in the past, but couldn't take it to 10.0 either. The floppy drive does read fixture library discs OK, so it's not completely broken. I have tried probably 50 times, using various floppies recorded on different PCs, including formatting the floppy in the desk, and unzipping the software directly to the floppy. I've tried repeatedly up to 10 times with the same disc. It also won't read the OS disc that was supplied with the desk. I'm left with two options: (a) A previous poster said he managed to downgrade to 7.5 and then successfully upgrade. I'd like to try this, but can't find 7.5 anywhere. Where is it? ( Replace the floppy drive (desk is out of warranty). The one installed is a Teac. Should I get another one of the same type, or is the preferred make now different? Any specific issues that I should know about? Thanks, Dave
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