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Everything posted by nighteyes

  1. you mean the parameters for the effect section should be seperated also? I'd agree. This would create a huge amount of possibilities. You could the put the x and x under a separate submaster and you could the control the effect size directly. Must be a reason for why they didn't do it in this version though. Probably a programming thingy.
  2. nighteyes


    i am familiar with tracking, having seen it on the hog family. But will we be able to turn it on and off?. i'm asking because in some instances tracking works for me, but in other instances, it does not.
  3. this is for the submaster screen and the memory screen. sometimes i want the change several memories quickly. for example adjusting memories 1/10 to have their fade time at 10 secs. At this moment you'll have to step to the relavant parameter, change it using +/- , then step back to memory number, use + once, then step forward again to the paramter, use +/-, etc etc. i'd like it if i could step from the fade time from one memory, directly onto the fade time of the next memory. Therefore, would it be possible to use the up and down arrows for going to the next and previous memory, the +/- for the next and previous parameter, and then one of the wheels, or any other 2 buttons, for actually adjusting the value? This would greatly speed up the process of adjusting values.
  4. on a fatfrog: software 10.0 using 4 mirror scans program mode in partial, all attributes at channel mode. first of all, nice job on the individual parameters!! this really enhances a lot of my programming. ok, here goes. i programmed a position pallete. an ellipse effect with x on 100 and y at 0, speed set to 10, and made sure the pan and tilt were untagged. thus i created a left to right effect independant of its base value. Next i recorded some base position values making sure the effect parameters were untagged. Then i tried combining the pallettes. This works great. I can now playback an effect and then adjust its base value with the other pallettes, GREAT. Now for the real problem. I recorded the base positions directly into submasters (one per submaster) still making sure and double checking that only the pan and tilt parameters were recorded. I then adjusted the ltp fade time on these submasters to 10 secs . My intention here was to be able to slowly change the base value and thus redirect the effect slowly using the submasters. However when i playback the submaster (which has only pan tilt info in it and none of the effect info), the effect which was playing from the pallette stops. The fade from one position to the other is working though. the beams gradually move from one position to the next when the next submaster is triggered, but the effect that was playing simply stops. is this a bug?. Or maybe is there another way of achieving what i want?
  5. i actually do own a scope. Having some understanding about logic circuits, i tried making some sense of the latches,op-amp, and multiplexers, but without knowing what im supposed to see, it is kinda hard. Thanks ever so much for the info. i'm gonna try it today!
  6. Hi there, I'm having a problem with an xls we have as a spare. We recently bought a fatfrog(very,very happy :=) ). Only having a spare table that doesn't really work, isn't really a spare. The problem is that when i turn the desk on, the step indicator shows 0V. according to the manual this would mean there is a problem with the 0v line from the ic's. If i then press go, the desk operates fine, except that all the channels are turned on, and stay on. I have checked the 0v internally and i can't find anything wrong with it. Maybe i'm checking the wrong line? Also, maybe it would help if i knew what the desk actually checks in order to make this diagnosis of 0v. It might help tracing the problem internally.
  7. if your rig veries in height, doesn't that also affect the distance from one pallet that is programmed relative to another one? I think in order to achieve what you want, you should define 4 pallets and then set those for each scan. Using complex math, you could then calculate the position of the scans, thus being able to update all other position pallets. For an example, look to the hog systems. They have an option for that. By defining the up and down stage, the left and right stage, you are able to use an xy system rather than pan/tilt. By updating the four pallets in the next rig. all other pallets are updated and correctly placed. Also this system makes it possible for all scans to be moved together and stay on the same spot no matter where the scans are placed. i don't think this will ever be implemented in the frog though. But it would be very nice indeed.
  8. would it be possible to make the pallets fade over a certain time? This would greatly enhance the use of the frog for bands. It is, from what i've seen and experienced, one of the reasons the pearl2000 is so popular for use in bands. You might be able to make the pallets take their fade time from the a and b preset crossfade timer.? More enhancement for bands use would be to be able to split the effects on movement, and the pan/tilt position itself. This way your could redirect a movement already playing by moving it's base point. I know there was a discussion already about splitting the colour, beam and position into their different attributes. But being able to split to movements and effects would be most useful i think.
  9. i'd like to jump in and mention another idea here. I have mentioned it earlier, but i'd like to be able to color the memory name fields themselves. This would offer more overview of what is what. Say, gobochases could be made green, colorchases yellow, movement chases red. etc.
  10. would it then be possible to make the soloing function lower the other submasters to say 1%?. this would prevent the submasters from retriggering.
  11. as far as i've understood, palettes are not recorded into cues or memories at all. Merely their value is stored. For it to do so would require some major reprogramming which will add to the amount of money you'd be paying for the desk.
  12. hi, this thing may be specific for my table only cause i think somethings wrong with it. On my fatfrog i have 2 dmx output connectors. On this dmx line i have: 3 dimpacks,,1 demux, 4 scans. When i plug the start of the line in first connector, all is well. However if i plug it in the other connector, all channels start flashing and some channels go to max output. Then if unplug the scans and the demux, everything works normal again. So are the dmx ouputs hardwired to each other, or is there something different about each? I reckon my problem has got something to do with signal strengths or something.
  13. wow!!!!, this output screen is indeed very useful. Is it mentioned in the manual???. if so i must have read right over it. thanx!!!!!!
  14. not really a bug, but a bit annoying. its about the + and - keys used to advance to a memory. When i keep either pressed down to scroll to the memory i want, it keeps scrolling when i release the button again. thus overshooting my memory. I'd like to see it stop immediately after i release the button.
  15. fatfrog, software 9.8: for my scans i programmed a 3 step chase with 3 different colours. i made sure i programmed only the colour info in it by holding the colour button while pressing program. However i saw that i had forgotten to take down my submaster which is programmed with only the brightnesses for the scans (for programming purposes). so now i want to take out the brightness from the chase i just made. i edited the chase and did the following: - took the playbackfader up to see in which step i was. - took it down again to turn the brightness off and pressed program. - i turned all the other attributes to no when the desk asked me if i wanted to overwrite and then entered on yes. what i thought should have happened was that now the brightness for the step i just edited should have gone while still remaining on the 2 other steps. This worked correctly, but what also happened was that the colour from the step i was editing was copied to the 2 other steps. how it this possible?
  16. off course, youre right silly me.
  17. last night, i had an adjustable audio input signal on my fatfrog. complete with equalizer so i could filter out high frequencies. but trying to get the audio signal on a right volume so my lights would work nicely and smooth was somewhat difficult by just looking at the lights. would it be possible to put an indicator on the outputs screen showing when the audio input circuits are receiving a "step trigger"? Meaning everytime the desk generates a trigger for the next step which it receives from the audio signal, i would like to see something on the output screen, e.g. a dot flashing or something like that. This way i could adjust my audio signal volume more easily to ensure a smoother and even triggering
  18. using software 9.8 on a fatfrog with fixtures 1/4 a futurelight genesis scan. i tried making a circle effect movement and then spreading the 4 scans across the movement by selecting fan-first and then adjusting the offset percentage. While i can see it is working by looking at the scans, the percentage on the display stays at 0%. I then tried exactly the same thing using the fan-last option, and strangely enough, this works just fine, with the display showing the percentage change correctly.
  19. normally, i would open the desk almost immediatly to indeed check if the connectors themselves are connected to the board. But you say its fresh out of the box. So i'd check with your dealer first because of warranty reasons.
  20. mmm. weird problem. it looks indeed like a hardware fault. Your tester works just fine with other desks you say. So when you plug it into a dmx output, it should give you a dmx signal no matter what you are outputting on any fader,channel or patch. Dmx signal is always present on the outputs whenever the desk is turned on and ready with the startup sequence. So if youre not getting anything there, it probably is a hardware fault.
  21. i have the same problem with some futurelight genesis scans on a fatfrog. What i always do is set the brightness level different for each scan so they are strobeing out of sync, untag all fixtures and record that on a submaster. that way if i want to strobe, i only need to press the submasters flash button. The advantage with the genesis scans is that the dimmer is already fully open on 50% and that the strobe functions are above that. that way if my dimmers are already open i can still add strobe because of the htp mixing. don't know if this will work for you though.
  22. i always program a submaster with some workinglights. then when i have to press the program button, i quickly fade the submaster down, press program, and then fade it up again.
  23. i have two suggestions: 1. possibly already mentioned but i couldnt find it, would it be possible to name your show when saving? 2. another great feature would be if you could load parts of a show into another show. Say loading only the palettes from one show into another. I believe i read something about this somewhere on the forum, but what was not said was, if it isn't possible to implement it on the frog, then maybe on the phantom frog only. That way you would be able to prepare and combine at home, before going to the show. i'm not really sure if it is any easier to program new features on the phantom frog then on the real thing.
  24. hi again i noticed something small on a fatfrog using software 9.6.1: when i use the f3 button and then press a submasterflash button, it starts flashing indicating i can now adjust its speed etc. i´m doing this while the submasterscreen is activated displaying my submasternames etc But when i press the submasterbutton again (the one between the outputs and memories button!! , not a submasterflash, it also starts flashing. Is this a program error or does it mean something? same goes for the memory button. I can even have them flashing at the same time.
  25. hi there, On a fatfrog, i am able to configure 130 softbuttons from the superuser mode. What i cant seem to figure out is what they exactly are or how to access them. The manual doesn't seem to mention it, only that i can configure them. I also couldn't find anything on the forum about it. So what can i do with them exactly? :?:
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