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Everything posted by nighteyes
just checked it with the phantom frog. you're right. will check again with the real thing later. but should be the same off course.
using the new 10.9 software: noticed something wich i don't think is desireable. When using the wheelgroup button in combination with the grandmaster to untag all channels, i noticed that this in fact tags the htp channels of all the patched fixtures.
The tagging of generic channels gives me a freedom i previously didn't have. For one thing, it allows me to keep the lights on stage lit so other technicians can do their job while i program my show and not record their working lights. Also tracking really helps programming en escpecially making adjustments far easier. i'm definitely sticking with 10.8. eagerly awaiting further updates.
In the movie: Fantastic four, rise of the silver surfer there is a fatfrog. In the first 10 minutes of the movie, mr fantastic is talking to johny about throwing a bachelor party. In the background on the desk is a fatfrog. Moderators edit: image attached.
i'm using a fatfrog in our local youth centre in aalsmeer (near amsterdam) i also work in the concert building in amsterdam on a regular basis. (classical music) they use a fatfrog for the smaller venue, and a bullfrog for the large venue. Also the felix-meritius theatre in amstedam use a fatfrog for some of their shows.
Don't really know how much i'm asking with this one. since it it a feature known to a more expensive console. :? One of the greatest strenghts (if not the greatest) on a avolites pearl is the ability to recall pallettes over a live given ltp fade time. This is still the main reason why i choose a avolites console over a hog console when operating live bands or house/dance parties. ( i use hog a lot too, when i need a clear view of what i'm doing ie. presentations, congresses) At this moment i''m simulating this effect on the fatfrog by programming a submaster with pallete information only and giving it a ltp fade time. The question here is somewhat obvious. Would it be possible to make pallets fade live somehow? taking their fade time from, lets say, the preset time fader? or even a typed value?
As far as i know there is no lighting desk today that can actually patch a dmx-channel to several faders at the same time and also do vice-versa. If anyone knows of one, let me know. As i understand it, its very difficult, (if not impossible) to program this into the software. Out of pure curiousity, i'd like to know a bit more about what the exact problem there really is. Is there anyone who can tell me a bit more on this problem?
Flash buttons activate LTP trigger with submaster still up
nighteyes replied to Electech's topic in Frog Range MK1
I think it would be wise to make this an option from the superuser menu. I for one, use the submaster flash buttons to flash over the level set by the submaster. So maybe an option like: flash button triggers ltp ? yes/no flash button triggers htp? yes/no would be very usefull -
i have an old xl console, i'd like to repair. The dmx output on all the channels seems to be fluctuating in value. wich means a scan mirror or a par can will start vibrating because its getting different values all the time. The fluctuation is about 5 % of the set value. Any quick ideas where i should try looking? (electronically speaking).
had the same problem here. i also noticed that whenever i tried to load an existing show, the disk got corrupted. I sent it back to the dealer for repairs, wich is probably the only solution
one reason i can think of the forums went quiet is that there are alsmost no bugs in version 10.4 to report. also just about everything that can reasonably be expected to ever be implemented in the desk software has already been asked for. So the way i see it people are just being patient. I myself still check the forums often to see what's going on, but there is just nothing to report. As a footnote When i talk to other board operators about the frog series, one of the big pro's i always mention is the almost limitless supply of updates that just keep coming. wich means you get more and more value for your money each time, making buying a frog more appealing to others.
i used a relay. connecting the led indicators to the relay control part. and using the relais pins to actually make the connection. this way making the connection is completely safe.
ok. now i'm convinced it itsn't just me. I have had the same exact problem, both with a fatfrog and a bullfrog console, the problem never occured before the software upgrades. For some reason i can't as yet explain this is what happens. Fatfrog, using 10.4 software. I am able to load shows just fine, But, sometimes, when i try to save the show, the desk hangs at: saving show....0%. Resetting is the only way to fix it. At first it looked like a faulty disk problem, since another disk worked just fine. Also, reformatting the faulty disk from the fatfrog console also solved the problem. But its still weird, loading en reading the disk directory works fine, but when u try to save something, the desk hangs. Bullfrog, using 10.1 software, same problem, exactly the same. As it looks now, i would say the software upgrades, somehow made the saving process more sensative to errors on the disk????? Or it could just be a coincidence of faulty disk?
you could also do this with memories. Making a memory with postition A and a memory with position B. On the playback x fader is a fade override control with wich you can slow down or speed up fading time during the fade itself. Don't know if this also works on the ltp fade time though.
i noticed that when you use the preview button to preview a memory, and you want to preview the next memory, you have to first exit preview, select the next memory, then hit preview again. It would be nice if you could use the +and- keys from the preview screen to go to previewing the next memory, without having to exit preview mode first.
you don't need the extra software upgrade to actually do this. You can do this in two ways. If your scan/head has a seperate shutter you can make the shutter chase around. If your head has a seperate dimmer you can also use that. If you have both then its up to you. Personally i like to use the dimmer because you can use that also for slow fades from one scan to the other. in the case of the seperate dimmer: make sure all dimmers and channels are at 0, and the fixtures are untagged. put the brightness on one of the scans at 100%. make sure it is still untagged. now select an empty submaster and press program. Take the brightness from the scan down to 0 again. You now should have a submaster with only the brightness from the scan in it, just like a regular dimming channel. Repeat this for all scans. Afther that, You are now able program a chase and simply raise the submasters to make up the steps of the chase just like a regular par chase. The advantage here is that you can still set the crossfade curve on whatever you want, making the fade slow or instant. for the shutterchase (need software version 10 or up for this one): start programming a chase. set all channels to 0. Open the shutter on the first scan. using the wheel/group button to make sure everything is untagged but the shutter parameter. Press program and repeat for all scans indivdually. whilst tagging and untagging, it helps to use a monitor and pressing f1 + one of the scan select buttons. this displays a screen with all parameters and their tag status when you press the wheel/group button.
it would help if you posted the exact steps you follow when trying to program memories. Maybe we can spot a fault.
would it be possible to change the backgroundcolor for the pallete screens and the submaster screens, making it match each set of 6 or 4 faders,depending in which table. e.g. 6 lines black background, then 6 lines gray, then 6 lines black again. the reason i'm asking is this. lets say i want to locate a color pallete for my scans, red for example. This would be on pallete 14. locating pallet 14 on the fatfrog in dim lighting means bending forward to try and read number 14, even with a good gooseneck light. more often i try to locate the pallet by looking at wich series of 6 buttons it is in, then selecting the number of that button. In this case that would be, the third series of 6, second button. With different background colors matching those series, it would be a bit faster finding the right pallete button.
mmm. i would agree with the htp not autorecording. That would make programming a lot easier. As a sort of work around: the way i do it now is program the lighting i'm outputting on stage under a submaster. then taking everything down exept for that submaster i just programmed. then when i want to program something else. is quickly pull down this "" stagelight" submaster, press program, then bring it up again. this way the stage technicians and everyone else get only a one second blackout.
sounds like the only way to do this is to program it in a chase. Trying to make this with an effect is not possible because there is no way to stop the wave exept by hand. you have 2 choices. a three step chase in wich you program everthing straight down. Then a step where you program the ellipse, then a step where you program everything down again. The tricky thing here is the timing. You'll have to adjust the timing of the chase (or do it manually) to account for the duration of the wave. Secondly, the problem is also that when your last scan starts down, your first one will probably start up again. the better thing to do would probably be to write the entire wave in a chase by hand. It's best to write it with pen and paper first, since it's easy to get confused halfway writing the chase. Take three positions for each scan; down, halfway, and up. once the first one goes to the up possition, the second one goes to the halfway postion. then the firstone goes down, second goes up, third goes halfway. etc etc. big advantage here is that you can make the chase a single shot, and adjust it's timing nicely.
have received my own atomic on a fatfrog this weekend. I tested it myself. Couldn't find any trouble though. Everything worked out fine. However I did notice that, when recording the beam parameters in a submaster, you must remember to re-trigger it whenever you alter the parameters on the wheels, since the submaster gets overridden this way.
yes, this is a nice suggestion. I agree also
try programming a different submaster with only the brightness from the atomic at 100%. Make sure you untag it before recording it. This way, only the brightness should be recorded. The try combining this new submaster with the one already programmed. That way you can find out if the atomic's brightness is actually seen as a htp channel and is recording properly. If it is, try recording it again, this time tagging the fixture, and setting the rate, duration etc. correctly, and off course including the brightness again.
only thing a can possibly think of is that the virtual brightness fader is still up. When you home fixtures, the faders are set to full. Try selecting the atomic and take the brightness down by hand. Then retry your programmed submaster.
mmm, multiple pallete pages is ok, but using the submaster flashbuttons would be a bit annoying i think. I use the submaster flashbuttons quite a lot and in order to switch pallete pages i would have to first turn them off, switch pages and the turn them on again. Maybe another combination button would be better, say like, holding the f1 button and then using the submaster page select button to select the pallete page?