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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by Franck

  1. Hi chambawamba@aon.at, I can see from your mail address that your location must be Austria. Do you have contact with our Austrian distributors? Let me know if you need any help from our local partner in Austria. Best, Franck
  2. Hi Simon, You should use the Jester ML as the Master console and the Jester 24/48 as the fader wing. With that combination the blackout on the ML is working as it should be and you can playback subs etc. Please read the part about the three modes on the DMX Input and the DMX Input Setup: Jester Manual pages 42-44 http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/547/197/jester-ml-operating-manual-ver-30-en
  3. Download the Zero 88 Fixture Type Editor and create your KAM LED PowerBar profile. KAM LED PowerBar details and the manual are online: http://www.kam.co.uk/index.php?action=product&product_id=308 Zero 88 Fixture Type Editor and a manual how to use the software are here: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/49/156/zero-88-fixture-tools---version-26 Editor: fixture_tools_2_6.zip (5.13 MB) Manual: im8554_fixtureeditoruserguideissue3.pdf (559.44 KB)
  4. Leider nein, da die Jester keinen Ethernet-Port hat.
  5. In 8-bit you only use the LSB (Least Significant Byte) channel. 8 bit = LSB like coarse 16 bit = MSB like fine or "Most Significant Byte" Have a look at the manual of the fixture type editor. All details are described. http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/49/156/zero-88-fixture-tools---version-26 2nd file - im8554_fixtureeditoruserguideissue3.pdf (559.44 KB)
  6. http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/440/172/zero-88-fixture-library-release-24 Scroll down to the end of the list/page and you find: Attachments gft24_00.zip (6.43 MB)
  7. What console do you use?
  8. Sorry Johnny but that isn't possible
  9. * asterix = duplicated fixture number (fixture numbers must be unique) Go to SETUP - PATCH - select fixture numbers (e.g. 6 THRU 12) - click UNPATCH
  10. Go to SETUP - PATCH - AUTO MENUS - CREATE AUTO PALETTES - OK All standard palettes incl. effects are back.
  11. ORB Operator wanted (Germany)! 02nd - 3rd Nov in Cologne/Pulheim Germany Country Festival with 40 Moving Lights (Martin, Varilite...) and conventional fixtures Hotel, Subsistence etc will be organised and paid. If you like the job please email: franck@orbdesk.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORB Operator gesucht (Köln, DE) 02. - 03. Nov in Köln/Pulheim Country Festival mit 40 Moving Lights (Martin, Varilite...) und konventionellen Scheinwerfern Hotel und Verpflegung werden organisiert und übernommen. Bei Interesse kurze Mail an: franck@orbdesk.com
  12. http://www.iiyama.com/de_de/produkte/prolite-t1731sr-1/ 17" is better value for money 355 Euro online
  13. Just checked some web shops and you still get floppy disk drive. Not sure why these should be out of order.
  14. Hi Andrew, Your English is good no worries. I guess your show file is corrupted. Could be also a problem with your USB stick. I don't think it is the console. Please send me your show file by email. franck (at) orbdesk.com Thanks Franck
  15. Hi Andrew, Please try and load your show in Phantom Jester (Offline Editor for PC) and save it back on your USB Stick. Load that new file in your Jester. Does that work for you? http://zero88.com/forum/topic/5735-phantom-jester-version-3-1/ Best, Franck
  16. Hi Andrew, Did you made a reset of the console after the update? If not do it and restart the console. Franck
  17. Not what your device does but the Frog 2 supports MIDI/SMPTE time code.
  18. If you like to scroll manually through your Focus, Zoom or any other attribute on a MFF Fader try this: Console should be in Tracking Mode. Download the manual: http://zero88.com/su...al---issue-2-en Please read pages 83-90 about the programmer, tagging of fixtures... Select your fixtures and tag the fixture parameters Zoom or Focus. Tagged fixture parameters are highlighted in blue in the programmer. You can also tag and untag fixture parameters manually by holding down CLEAR and moving a wheel. Store this on the MFF Fader. Read page 120 for the Submaster Setup Window. Submaster Controls… Submaster Controls… allows you to force a parameter to follow the movement of the fader for its crossfade, rather than triggering at specified level and fading automatically. This is great for building submasters which move fixtures out into the audience – as the fader moves up, the fixtures move up. Another application commonly used is to create three submasters – one for Cyan, one for Magenta and one for Yellow. Press the Submaster Controls… button, then select the attributes required using the on-screen buttons. Once finished the Comments column will show SC:ICBPE where ICBPE is the list of attributes the fader is controlling. You should only select Beamshape!
  19. For spares please contact www.connect-lichtservice.de in Germany
  20. Please contact Jon Hole. He looks after the library, fixture files... http://zero88.com/forum/user/6299-jon-hole/
  21. For a quick start you could use the 3ch mode with RGB or 4ch mode with RGB plus dimmer from our standard fixture list in the library.
  22. Just tried your file with the latest Phantom Jester ML and it works fine. Loads the Showtec Multibeam without any problem. Where did you purchased your Jester ML48? Did you called your local dealer for support?
  23. ORB & Solution Series Training in Germany 13th November 2012 (10:00 - 16:30) ORB Series 14th November 2012 (10:00 - 16:30) Solution Series Location: Focon Showtechnic in Lotte near Osnabrueck Trainings are free of charge. Places must be booked in advance. Please contact Jens Ottenhus (ottenhus@focon-showtechnic.com) or Franck Tiesing (franck@orbdesk.com).
  24. Do you use the CLEAR button? Just tried what you described and it works perfectly fine in both tracking and non-tracking. Please explain step by step how you do stuff.
  25. Thanks Piero. Have a look at our Me and My Zero 88 Photo Competition. You can win a free Zero 88 Lighting Console! www.zero88.com/mamz88
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