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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by Franck

  1. Hi Mike, You need to build your own desktops with the content you like. Page 137 http://www.zero88.com/manuals/im9210%20-%20solution%20manual%20issue%201.0.pdf
  2. Try the attached Mini Spot 250 SP.ift
  3. Hi Mike, You can select the different desktop’s in bottom left corner. Each desktop can have its own content. Most people use desktop 1 with output window/programmer and memories/submaster. Desktop 2 with position, beamshape, colour and groups. What tablet do you use (Ipad, Android device)? Do you have the latest ZerOS installed on your console? ZerOS Remote password lives in your console under Network – Remote. ZerOS Remote password in you tablet comes up when you start the app.
  4. Could you upload your showfile here? What ZerOS Release do you run? Please email me the console serial number and the Zero 88 dealer who delivered the console. ftiesing (at) zero88.com Thanks
  5. You need to record content on a submaster in order to use the solo function. The content could be everything, a channel or ML or LED...
  6. Hold down SETUP and select the SUBMASTER with the flash button In the Submaster Setup popup you select FLASH BUTTON ACTION to SOLO
  7. The manual of the SC 575 says: Remote Shutdown would *extinguish the lamp* (lamp off)
  8. Can you upload your show file here?
  9. Hi Aniaki, Have a look at page 49 (Remote Homing and Lamp Restrike) in the HES Studio Colour 575 manual: http://www.highend.com/pub/products/automated_luminaires/StudioColor/manual/S_Color.pdf You can program a beamshape palette and/or macro in your Leap Frog 48.
  10. Hi Jonathan, My colleague Jon posted something helpful for you: http://zero88.com/forum/topic/6562-macros-containing-cue-stack-commands/ This is how I do it too. An alternative (which gets a bit complicated) is to patch some channels onto a 'spare' universe (Universe 4 for example), and then connect Universe 4 to the DMX In on the back of the console with a small DMX cable. You can then assign that DMX In address to a submaster (Setup > Desk Setup > Inputs).
  11. Zero 88 Distributor LX SUPPLY NORGE will host the 2013 Zero 88 Demo Days at the Rådhusteatret Ski in Norway (6th & 7th August). Contact details: http://www.lxs.no/#!kontakt/crdp
  12. Franck

    Help Me

    Setup To enter Setup Mode press and hold SHIFT and the MODE button together. Download the manual: http://www.zero88.com/manuals/7341200_jestertl_manual_3_0.pdf DMX Patching - Starting at page 45
  13. Am 26. und 27. August 2013 finden bei der Fischer Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG in Bremen die ORB Days statt. An beiden Tagen werden täglich von 10:30 – 17:00Uhr die Konsolen der ORB Serie für Anwender und Interessenten geschult. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, allerdings ist die Teilnehmerzahl auf maximal 12 Personen pro Schulungstag begrenzt. Snacks und Getränke sind ebenfalls kostenlos. Anmeldungen bitte bis zum 01.08.2013 per Mail (info@fischer-online.de) oder per Fax an 0421-621897. Hier finden Sie das Anmeldeformular! http://fischer-online.de/cms/files/Anmeldung_ORB-Day.pdf
  14. Franck

    Help Me

    Where are you located and where did you purchased the console?
  15. Hi Scott Just press the attribute button again to go through the different pages in that attribute group (e.g. BEAMSAHPE or COLOUR). Like in most other consoles. Franck
  16. The Jester ML was designed as a wing or add-on to control intelligent fixtures for users of the 2 preset consoles Jester 12/24 or 24/48. It was not designed as a unit with preset faders or submasters and obviously the basic ML has no faders. If you prefer preset faders the Jester ML24 or ML48 are the right ones. If you like a keypad and syntax commands the Jester TLXtra is the choice.
  17. Franck


    Hi Piero, What type of hardware is your Frog2? Do you have 1 or 2 USB ports on the front? Please post a photo of your desk information screen. Thanks
  18. Hi Lars, I guess your are from NL? Did you contacted our distributor Rolight in Enschede? Best regards, Franck
  19. Mac 500 Lamp/Reset/Shutter under Beamshape 248-255DMX or 97-100% Lamp On T>5 Sec Lamp ON/OFF must be activ in Mac 500 setup
  20. Hi Christian, We will have a look and get back to you. Best regards, Franck
  21. New faders or search for "MCL CaiLube PRO" and check the reviews. Some people had good results.
  22. Try this: Run the 7.6 Update via USB Stick again Reboot the console with the USB stick (7.6 on it) and mouse or keyboard connected When the update screen with selection boxes comes up, select Co-processor 1 update with mouse or cursor/enter the external keyboard Co-processor 1 update should start Reboot the console without any USB devices
  23. Hi Testo, Send me the fixture you made and I will check what the problem is.
  24. Have a look here: http://zero88.com/forum/topic/3913-compatible-external-touch-screens/ ELO APR (Touch Acoustic Pulse Recognition) touch screens are not supported. You have to test if your device is compatible.
  25. Will be discussed outside the forum.
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