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Everything posted by Franck

  1. What Leap Frog 96 upgrade are you looking for? Alternatives to NETPORT & NETPORT XT devices: http://zero88.com/products/control/ethern8/index.shtml http://zero88.com/products/control/ethern2/index.shtml http://zero88.com/products/control/ethernetbox/index.shtml
  2. I have loaded your show and did the following: In the OUTPUT WINDOW - WINDOW SETUP - select SHOW FIXTURE SECTION - confirm with OK SETUP - DESK SETUP - MEMORY DEFAULTS - TRACKING - YES Working fine for me
  3. Franck


    Now clear. Your idea is listed as a new feature for future updates. ZOS-5638 - Add syntax Group X AND AND Group Y
  4. Franck


    Hi Roy, GROUP X AND GROUP Y ENTER will work
  5. Meine Kollegen haben bereits sämtliche Anleitungen und die Geräteprofile werden erstellt. Manuals sind online: Eurolight LED THM-60 Moving Head Spot - http://www.huss-licht-ton.de/pdf/EUR51785980.pdf Stairville HM-335 Wash Moving RGB - http://images6.thomann.de/pics/atg/atgdata/document/manual/c_283947_en_online.pdf Stairville Compact LED-Bar 4TriPAR CLB4 - http://images6.thomann.de/pics/atg/atgdata/document/manual/c_298052_en_online.pdf Stairville HL-x9 Quad Color Pixel - http://images6.thomann.de/pics/atg/atgdata/document/manual/c_288505_en_online.pdf
  6. Chasergeschwindigkeit - per Beat/Tap Funktion pro Submaster oder via Speed-Encoder Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit - mit Fader Bewegungsgröße - via Encoder Globaler Geschwindigkeits-Master auf jeden möglichen Fader - nur bei ORB, ORB XF und FROG2
  7. Bitte denk an den Showfile. Hattest Du diese Probleme schon in einer früheren ZerOS Version auf Deiner Konsole?
  8. Hallo Thorsten, schick uns bitte umgehend Deine Show per Mail, damit wir diese bei uns live testen können. Showfile bitte an: franck(at)orbdesk.com Ist diese Show neu auf der 7.7 programmiert worden oder kommt sie aus einer älteren ZerOS Version? Hast Du Deine Show von ZerOS Version zur ZerOS Version mitgenommen und immer wieder modifiziert? Gruss, Franck
  9. Hi Flo, schick mir mal Deine Telefonnummer als private Nachricht hier im Forum oder per Mail Franck(at)orbdesk.com und wir gehen telefonisch durch die verschiedenen Optionen bei den ZerOS Konsolen.
  10. Hi Flo, Deine IP zeigt DE als Land, korrekt?
  11. Hi Soenke, In places like Germany, France, Belgium etc. you have to use 1P+N breakers anyway. Neutral per channel is a must! Best, Franck
  12. Send the file to franck (at) orbdesk.com
  13. Hi Agedo, You said you would run 7.7.0 but the debug file however says 7.6.0. The issue you had was fixed in 7.6.13 as part of ZOS-5319. You need to update your console to 7.7 in order to get this sorted. http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/366/156/ Best, Franck
  14. Hi Agedo, What ZerOS software version do you have installed in the Leap Frog 48? (SETUP - FILES - DESK INFO) What is the serial number of the console? Did you contacted our distributor Svetoch Samlight in Moscow for help? Thanks Franck
  15. Hi vivo1111, wir wechseln die Sprache in Deutsch, macht die Kommunikation einfacher. Welcher Zero 88 Händler hat die Solution geliefert? Was war das für ein Defekt? Gruss, Franck
  16. Am Dienstag nächster Woche (24. September) findet bei Musikhaus Thomann für Anwender und Interessenten eine Produktschulung für die Zero 88 Solution Serie statt. Beginn ist um 13:00 Uhr, Dauer ca. 4 Stunden. Die Produktschulung ist kostenfrei. Teilnehmerplätze sind limitiert. Musikhaus Thomann bittet um eine kurze formlose Anmeldung unter Angabe des Namens per E-Mail an workshop@thomann.de (Betreff: Workshop Zero 88).
  17. Send me your email address as a private message (don't post your address here) and let us know what 20 favourite fixtures you would like to have in the console. We will do a CFT file for you to load.
  18. I really don't see the problem. So you have all 3000 plus fixtures on the floppy disk and they work? And you want a common fixture file with with your favourite fixture list to load into the console?
  19. The ift file is correct with all fixtures. Try a new floppy and read through the steps of the manual please. Did you updated the Bull Frog to the latest software version?
  20. PAGE 55 in the manual (Assigning Fixture Types from Floppy Disk): http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/de/Knowledgebase/Article/View/51/58/frog-range-operating-manual-issue-6-en
  21. I've just checked and all 3000 plus fixtures are listed in the gft25_00_filtered library. Robe Color Spot 575AT and Robe Color Wash 575AT are older fixtures and part of the library since years. Download: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/58/ Unpack the gft25_00_filtered (unpacked size 1.37MB) to a floppy disk and place the floppy disk in your Bull Frog. Setup - Assign Fixtures - Load fixtures from floppy (not the common fixtures)
  22. http://zero88.com/software/zeros/
  23. Hi Huber, Please upload your show file here so we can have a look. Thanks Franck
  24. Your submasters have all colour values tagged (recorded). Please untag (hold down CLEAR and move the encoder wheel) the colour you don't want to record. RED is only red at 100% and not GREEN, BLUE and AMBER recorded at 0%. Page 83 : http://www.zero88.com/manuals/im9210%20-%20solution%20manual%20issue%201.0.pdf
  25. Hi Mike, The console generates a Debug File after a re-start. Please upload the Debug File. Thanks Franck
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