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Everything posted by daoops
So If I by the WYG-It module, it's just connect and play you mean. Another question then.. Do the FatFrog support AUTOFocus? If not. Is this something that is considered in the FROG2 system ?
Hi, just wondering if there is anyone here that uses wysiwyg and knows how to draw 3D. Im having troubles with designing the stage. Can I import from another CAD software ? It's an easy venue, little. but it's triangular shaped
How about linking the hardware-frog to wysiwyg in some sort of way.
Just noticed a little thing under my last concert. When running fixtures on a submaster, and using the wheels to control another set of fixtures the wheels starts to work slow and hang. Is this a software thing or just lack of processing/memory thing
On fixtures I have effects on the position attributes, by pressing wheel group. But these functions don't appear on the monitor, only on the LCD screen. Is it or could it be possible to get this function?
hmmm, this was strange. first someone says you can edit the home values on the desk, and then in the end K-nine says it is for review.. Is it possible or not ??
I wasn't using the fixtures this time, and nope none of them was tagged. But yesterday I programmed using some fixtures, and all ended up wrong. On SM1 I programmed a fixture show with some really white spots on the artists which worked perfectly. But on SM2 I programmed another background show with the fixtures. And it worked fine right after I programmed the values. But under the show when I changed from SM1 to SM2 some of the fixtures wouldn't change position and the other values. hmmm, funny episode I would say. Nice cozy background, and 2 REALLY WHITE spots in the middle of the stage. WHY !!!! WHY !!!! I never had theese problems with the other softwares, but after changing to v.9.6 It has only been problems. really unstable.
How do I get ex. fader for channel 28 to be on DMX address 418 ? When I try to patch I only get the dmx numbers 1-48 up..
Basic because of the simple formula. Resistance*Current=Voltage In other words.. if you need DC5V and have less resistance.. Well then the current will be higher to meet the required voltage. Then the fixture will get other inputs than it is manufactured for. Therefor.. It will work, but for how long ?? And different electronic equiptment act's different when this happened. And other will do just fine. So it isn't said that it will be damaged, but CAN be damaged.
Don't the manufactors say that regular XLR (microphone) cables is not to be use as DMX ? But that is probably because of the resistance. And there is the question.. If you use a cable that has to low or high resistance, is it possible to custombuild a termination plug to suit the DMX requirements ? And normally it's only special fixtures that demands this. "We use normal microphon cables for DMX connections as we don´t want to build up a seperate DMX cable park works fine too. " It works fine but it's unstable. The dimmers may start to flicker, and you can damage fixtures like movingheads and scanners. The thing with CAT5 cables that I really like is that you can get hold of cables with 4,8, 12,16, and up to 256 pairs. So you can actually have in one cable (and it is actually not that expencive), 102 DMX512 and 170 DMX256 cables in one cable Thats what I call a multi-cable :twisted: And you can build the DMX into a patch-system, so that you are preperd for Ethernet, ChilliNet and the other new systems. You can even combine it with the sound. And all in one cable, with shielding enough for them all. And the signal won't even leak. Think this was a little off-topic now though, but...
Here in norway is under half the price with Cat5 cables. And you can actually run 2 DMX cables in one shielded CAT5 cable. In other words. Lets say you are installing a concert stage. It's about 100m from FOH to the stage. And you need at least 2 DMX universes. This would have alot to say in money if you were using CAT5 vs. DMX cable
How about setting up a chat function here so that people that needs help can actually chat with a person that is avaiable on the forum, instead of waiting for an answer. logging in and out all the day
Stupid programming question - can't crossfade!?
daoops replied to samcoombes's topic in Frog Range MK1
perhaps setting the crossfade time ?? Are you using the A/B masters to crossfade og through Submasters ?? The A/B masters is controlled by the round thing just above the faders. Try turning on this to the amount of time you wan't the crossfade to take -
Here is the test made from ESTA http://www.esta.org/tsp/DMXoverCat5_P2.pdf Also a link to alot of DMX512 stuff http://www.dmx512.com Moderation: DMX512 link corrected
hmm, I think I actually read in the DMX512 page where they just had a test about the differense between CAT5 and DMX cable. And they found none, except the quality when using it for outdoor and traveling. For installation they actually recommended CAT5 cable.
Thay are not lit, And after I reprogrammed the PAR64's 3 times it worked.
Had a show last week, and programmed some submasters in a hurry. My desk is in partial, and I programmed the 4 firt subs to 4 different colors colors (from the faders), and the next 4 with some fixture chases. I set the SM 1 up to full and putted SM 6 up and it cancelled the first SM. It did not happened with the other SM2,3, and 4. And the programming was the same on all of them. This problem has happened before to.
I got this problem to, but it occured firt when I booted a saved show from floppy causing me big problems since the show I was running was 30min from starting. All the subs got 3min fade times. Is there a solution in progress for this ?
When I use my desk theatre, and using above 40 scenes. It would have been nice to have a printout of the scenes and memories. So that I can use this as a reference when going through the script with others.
I had a show today, and during programming everything seemed ok. But at last minute check, I tried out the fixtures and they had changed position. Only 1 of the four fixtures had changed it's position. And this happened in 3 of the programmed memories.
It's easy to edit with adobe Prof. 6.0. Choose Advanced Editing, and therefrom choose text editor tool. Then it is just choose and rewrite, delete as it was an ordinary word document.
I'm using ClayPaky StageColor 300 I have used it alot of time before, and it has work as it should, but it is mostly the middle wheel that stops functioning, and moslty under brightness and position attribute. The brightness is at 100% and will only go down to 99% (I think it was that). And under position it will not do anything but the other wheels will. I'll check if someone has done anything to the "edit-mode" and report back.
I'm using the latest software, and currently using all 12 fixture controls. But for some strange reason one of the wheels sometimes and sometimes don't work with 2 of the fixture's. very annoying since it works with the other fixtures. Is it just that it need a reset or is it the "fixture program" ???
I use adobe acrobate to edit the .pdf le, and it work fine for me. So why don't use "kazaa" or something and download acrobat with serial and all.. I can't really see the prob. And....... When is the next firmware coming ? I'm waiting like a kid on christmas
Would have been cool to have a T-shirt, caps and so on with a cool frog picture on and Zero88 under.