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  1. Hi, I have a strange problem with my FatFrog. Yesterday it started to overprint the momentary display with zeros. E.g. in the edit screen, when you want to change a channels value from lets say 45 to 50, you move the cursor to the channel but now it only shows zeros, where it show the 45 before. You can change the value to 50, but, the real number only flashes shortly to be immediately replaced by zeros again. This happens anywhere - on the external screen - on the internals - at the times, the values, the channel number, etc. It did not go away after several reboots. Any ideas? update: OK - this is strange - now I was moving the cursor around to see, which regions are affected, and it just went away. No reboot - no nothing... It just went away after a few reboots, that didn't help and a few hours of editing "in the dark"... I don't get it...
  2. Hi, I changed the battery of my FatFrog. Everything worked fine again - but after only one week the same error occurs again... Now I obviously have to change the battery again, which is a pain in the... Is there any possibility that this might be a firmware related problem? Is there any workaround? Which way is the easiest to disassemble and reassemble the thing?
  3. It looks like mit Fat Frog is behaving the same way - time and date is lost and also all memories and whatsoever - how can I change this battery?
  4. Hi, I know that you can program a chaser on any memory of the fatfrog-desk and then copy it to a submaster. It would be comfortable - at least for me - to program a chaser directly to a submaster or at least copy it fully to a submaster - not only as a referrer to a memory. Bye, Orlando
  5. ok - thanks - it worked with the 5th disk....
  6. thanks for the tip - i'll try as soon as the current show is over... btw - this is the 4th disk I try with the desk - the first 3 weren't recognized at all - those disks are really crappy
  7. Hi, I downloaded the new software and put it on a disk. The desk recognizes the disk und starts booting. After some time, the system stalls and say something about validation error. I tried several times - always the same message. The desk can be used with 10.4 after a reboot. I can't recall the exact message, and I can't reproduce it at the moment, since we are having a show and the desk is in use all the time... Any ideas?? Bye, Orlando
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