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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. No, you should program the fixture brightness data into your memories and submasters so that it is output when you output the memory via the playback X or raise the submaster. What you have to remember is that fixture brightness levels are mixed HTP (highest takes precedence) and therefore if there is more than one source outputting a particular fixture brightness then whichever is the highest will be output. That is why when you are outputting a memory or a submaster you have to ensure that the virtual level for the fixture is brought down to zero or it will contribute to the output level. With the colour and gobos in chases, it sounds like you need to be in partial mode and ensure that only the parameters (colour, gobo, pan, tilt etc) you want programmed in the chase are tagged when you record the memory. If you are in full mode - all fixture parameters are recorded and subsequently output when you run the chase.
  2. (1) Normally the outputs views show the current output levels. If you are in partial programming mode, holding down the wheelgroup button will change these views to showing the tagged status of each channel. If you prefer to work just looking at the tagged channels, you can lock the views in this mode by holding F1 and pressing the wheelgroup button, in which case the LED in the wheelgroup button will light. (2) For information on the Frog Screen CLICK HERE
  3. Check that the virtual preset levels for the fixture brightness levels have been brought down to zero before outputting either the memory or submaster data. The virtual preset levels for each of the fixtures can be found near the bottom of the monitor screen. The line of data begins with "FIX BR:"
  4. You can patch a generic channel on the desk to a maximum of 10 different DMX addresses. See section Adding Duplicates in the operating manual (page 6-8 )
  5. The colour, beamshape and position palettes can only be output using the flash buttons under the preset faders. However, if you hold down F1 and then press COLOUR, BEAMSHAPE or POSITION, this will lock the channel flash buttons to operate as palette buttons ... simply press the required attribute button first to select whether they are colour, beam or position.
  6. Program the steps of the chase into a cue stack. Via the Cue Stack Setup Window - turn the cue stack into a chase and set the Chase Drive modifier to Beat. To play back the chase - select the cue stack, raise the master fader to full and press the GO button to start the chase. Tap the GO button twice to set the beat of the chase. If you know the exact tempo of the chase and this is not going to vary then you can always set the Chase Drive modifier to Auto and the Speed modifier to the required bpm. HTH
  7. The latest software changes are documented in the Release Notes that came with Version 10.4. Here is a section I have extracted from those notes which should answer your question ... 1. Partial Programming When the programming mode is set to Partial in Desk Setup, the desk will now program down to individual parameter (channel) level. The function of the Wheel Group button has been substantially altered from previous versions of software and now operates more like a Shift button. It may be useful to affix a label next to the button on desks running this software to indicate the change in function. In these release notes, the following terminology is used: o Parameter – a single fixture function (eg. Cyan, Gobo, Focus, Pan, Tilt etc) o Attribute – a set of associated parameters (eg. Colour, Beamshape or Position). o Fixture – a unit controlled by a set of attributes. 1.1 Desk Setup When the desk is set up in Partial Mode - There are three additional options under Program Mode to allow parameters to be auto-tagged by attribute (Colour, Beamshape or Position) or individually. The default settings are Colour: All, Beamshape: Channel and Position: All. If the option is set to ‘All’ adjusting a parameter will automatically tag all parameters in that attribute for the selected fixtures. For example, if Colour is set to ‘All’ – adjusting Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or a colour wheel will automatically tag all the Colour parameters for the selected fixtures. In Position adjusting Pan, Tilt or any of the movement effect parameters will tag all Position and movement effect parameters. If the option is set to ‘Channel’ adjusting a parameter will tag that parameter only. For example, if Beamshape is set to ‘Channel’ – adjusting a Gobo, Focus, Shutter etc will just tag the adjusted parameter.
  8. This topic may help ... FAT FROG SMOKE
  9. Sounds like the correct startup dialog box to me Select the required desk type from the drop down menu options, tick the show front panel and show monitor boxes as required, and then click on Run.
  10. Preview button stuck down or catching on the front panel label perhaps ?
  11. Select the fixture(s) you wish to be recorded. Set the colour parameter(s), eg colour wheel or CMY colour mixing to the required values using the control wheels - adjusting a parameter will automatically tag that parameter - then record into submaster.
  12. Tagging is used in Partial Mode and determines what fixture LTP parameters are actually recorded into a memory or submaster data. Note - dimmer/generic channels and fixture brightness/intensity channels are ALWAYS RECORDED, so if you don't wish them to appear on the outputs when playing back the memory or submaster, ensure they are at zero when you press the PROGRAM button. If a fixture parameter (colour, beamshape, position) is tagged it will be recorded, if it is not tagged it won't. Probably most obvious on submaster data where you only want say a number of fixtures to change colour, or gobo, or simply move from one position to another. Only tag the parameters you wish to record.
  13. You can email him at pkirkup@zero88.com or send him a PM on this forum ( Kirkup_xp )
  14. He's in the office today so you may be lucky
  15. If you have the manual for the fixture and can find out the channel assignments you can create your own fixture type using the Fixture Editor available on our website. Alternatively, send Peter the channel information and he will probably create the file for you
  16. It was not deemed essential for the first software release as the complete Zero 88 fixture library (> 1200 fixture types from 80+ manufacturers) is installed in the desk itself, unlike the frog series which only has 20 common fixture types. It was decided that there were many other features that should be included in the initial software release, to give the desk more overall functionality. The ability to load user fixture types was added in version 1.0.21 and therefore was in the second software release.
  17. The arrow keys move you up/down one cue or one 'cell' of data at a time SHIFT + arrow key moves you up/down a page at a time This applies to all of the monitor windows AFAIK
  18. I don't think the scroll wheel on the mouse has been implemented yet, but no doubt it is on the long list of features to be considered for future software releases If you wish to move up and down the Cue Stack Window quickly, hold down the SHIFT key and press the up or down arrow keys - this will jump a page of cues at a time. To output a specific cue simply type in the command <STACK NO>/<CUE NO> ENTER, eg 1/23 ENTER.
  19. It's sort of covered in the section titled Output Processing on the Frog 2 Desk (Page 9). If someone (hint) fancies writing a piece that clarifies the 'Stomping' situation then I will add it to the next issue of the manual
  20. Super User - Set Date and Time (see manual pages 10-1, 10-3)
  21. K-Nine


    Did the submaster data disappear from the Submasters screen as well or just from the outsputs when raising a submaster fader ? Just trying to verify whether the actual submaster data had disappeared from the show file or if it was not reloaded onto the faders after a power cycle.
  22. K-Nine


    If it happens again, try changing the submaster page and then back to page 1 and see if the submasters are OK then. This is something I remember from a while back, but it was one of those things that only happened occasionally :?
  23. As you have probably found, the easiest way to program a 'wave' effect is to use the movement effects engine. However this will only allow you to modify the Pan and Tilt parameters of the fixture. If you wish to create an 'effect' in which both brightness (intensity) and movement are synchronised then you will probably have to program it as a chase ... sorry Now if you had a Frog 2 :wink:
  24. My apologies for not including every single command syntax in the manual ... you just can't get the proof readers these days Congratulations on being the first one to spot this omission in the 4 years or so the manual has been issued
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