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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. You've read the manual - at least one person appreciates all my hard work then Frog Reference 5355 - Position palettes should contain movement effect parameters, if defined, rather than just take the instantaneous pan/tilt values. To be implemented in the next features update later this year.
  2. K-Nine

    Turning On?

    Hi, The Frog desks have an inline external power supply unit ... a black 'brick'.. with one end that plugs into the back of the desk, the other end into a normal mains socket. The easiest way to turn the desk on and off is via the switch next to the mains plug, the desk does not have its own on/off switch. Frog Reference No 5434 - Power switch on desks.
  3. Would outputting the state (scene ?) on the Playback X and the chase via a submaster, or vice versa, give you the resultant ouput you require :?:
  4. This has been logged for consideration: Frog Reference 5435 - Colour, Beamshape and Position buttons to emulate the Wheel Group button.
  5. Frog Reference No 5434 - Power switch on desks. Frog Reference No 5380 - Rigger's Remote.
  6. Frog Reference No 5379 - Edit Blind function - we are hoping to include this in the next feature updates package later this year.
  7. The easiest way would be to patch one of the generic channels to the DMX address of the Jem ZR12 smoke machine. You can then use the appropriate preset fader to control the Jem directly as you would a dimmer channel, or you could set the preset fader to full, ensure that all other generic channels (preset faders) and fixture brightness channels are at zero and record this directly onto a submaster. You could then use this submaster as the Jem control
  8. Ah .. I think I understand the problem now :idea: In order to overwrite or edit the submaster channel data with just the 'yellow' lights, you would need to set up the outputs so that only the 'yellow' lights were being output. To do this you would have to lower all the other generic channels using the preset faders or other submasters depending on which was providing the source of the outputs. I suspect what you need for your particular situation is an 'Edit Blind' function ... in which you could edit the generic channels programmed into the submaster channel data as required without having any effect on the DMX outputs from the desk ... is this correct :?:
  9. Getting slightly confused here with the terminology :? The generic channels and the preset faders are the same thing, so I didn't quite follow your last comment. Is the 'front light' you described controlled from one of the preset faders or is it a fixture accessed by the fixture selection buttons, attribute buttons and control wheels ?
  10. I think the easiest way would be to overwrite the channel data on the submaster, or to edit the submaster and take out the channel that is not required. See Frog Series Manual (Issue 5) - Page 5-3, 5-4 for details.
  11. Illusion Reference No 4699 - Increase the number of channel associations allowed - to be reviewed.
  12. If you have accidently saved channel data to a memory or submaster it is possible to reverse the save operation using the UNDO EDIT button - see Illusion 500 Manual - Page 5-13. 8)
  13. You could well be right It's been a long while since I looked at the FIVE different methods of entering channel data and their corresponding syntax in the command line. I generally use the default one which I think is the most logical one anyway
  14. I take your point, but I am sure there was a reason why any changes to memory data had to be confirmed with the SAVE button or by confirming when the warning popup was displayed. I can see how the popups could slow you down as an experienced user, but conversely there are also other less experienced users who would probably prefer the safety net of being able to lose any edits or changes that they may have entered by mistake. Maybe we need a user-selectable option which enables edits to be saved automatically when you move off the field or require user action to save, as in the current software ? With the comment on deleting cues, is this when the cue (memory) number field becomes editable as a result of entering MEMORY x ?
  15. Yes this is a possible solution. Note - The function keys that are assigned to various operations are dependendent on how the channel data window is opened and, if editing a memory, the memory type (scene, chase, sound to light etc.) and the edit mode (live or blind) For example - edit blind a scene - only F6 and F8 are used in the CDW; edit live a chase - F4, F5, F6, F7 and F8 are all used :shock: As we are in the process of developing the next stage of the Illusion 500, there is also the possibilty that extra soft buttons, with function key associations may also be required :wink: There is also the syntax of the command line to consider - Your suggestion of : CHANNEL 1 THRU 4 @ X REMDIM or CHANNEL 1 THRU 4 REMDIM would probably be OK for certain channel entry modes but might not work for the direct entry modes (see manual page 11-7 for details). Illusion Reference No 4698 - REM DIM function - to be reviewed.
  16. Illusion Reference No 4665 - Memories Screen in Follow Mode - the current/next memories should be displayed at the top or middle of the screen rather than the bottom of the screen - Fixed in Version 7 software. The associated channel function was originally designed as a way of 'associating ' a brightness or dimmer channel with a scroller channel. This was then extended to associating up to 4 channels. I can't remember why a maximum of four channels was specified ... probably that's all that will fit into the column on the Assign Channels screen Which Illusion desk are you using ?
  17. I'm not sure if we could implement this function without adding a new button to the front panel of the desk .. a REM DIM key :? There may be a way of getting the same result using the existing command line syntax ... I will have a think and let you know if I come up with a solution :wink: As to setting channel levels in the CDW, I believe that they will remain on the outputs until an event occurs which causes the HTP outputs to be recalculated (eg move the Playback X Master, press the GO button or move a submaster fader). I seem to remember us having numerous discussions on this when we were developing the Illusion 120/240 as you have the situation where the brightness channels which are normally HTP mixed, temporarily become LTP and then revert to HTP at some point :? The problem we had was that there were different opinions as to what events would cause them to go back to their normal HTP mixing :? Yes, there is a topset function which will allow you to take out a channel or channels from the outputs without affecting the channel data programmed in your memories and submasters. for example: TOPSET CHANNEL 12 @ 0 ENTER TOPSET will take out channel 12.
  18. Illusion Reference No 4171 - Dimmer Curves - To be reviewed.
  19. Probably more than most ... as I've written all FIVE issue s 8O
  20. For the Gladiator Revolution and Datamoon fixtures you will need to assign the fixtures from floppy disk (Frog Series Manual - Page 6-5). Are we talking playback X or submasters here as they do work slightly differently with regards HTP and LTP channels ? You can program the scroll setting as colour palettes, which you can then reference when programming memories/submasters. You can also program the colour values only onto submasters if you wish using partial programming down to attribute level.
  21. Please could you explain what you mean here as it is a term I am not familiar with :?: In the CDW, if you press the ENTER button twice it will select all non-zero brightness channels 8) Ref: Illusion 500 Manual - Page 4-8
  22. Illusion Reference No 4665 - Memories Screen in Follow Mode - the current/next memories should be displayed at the top or middle of the screen rather than the bottom of the screen - implemented in Version 7 software.
  23. Well spotted ... it only appears to be a problem with the wheel; setting the level directly via the keypad seems to work OK. Illusion Reference No 4697 - Wheel editing with Grand Master not at 100%.
  24. Yep, you are absolutely right .. although the outputs are fading correctly between the two memories, the display does give the impression that it is fading between two different memories :oops: This has been mentioned before and is in our database as an item to be fixed. Illusion Reference No 4456 - Fixed in Version 7 software.
  25. A valid point and you seem to suggest two possible solutions to the problem - which is nice :wink: 1 - Add a new function in the Assign Channels section of Desk Setup which will flash the selected desk channel (ie the DMX channel(s) patched to that desk channel would go to full). 2 - Add a channel naming function in the Channel Data Window (CDW) My initial thoughts are that (1) would probably be easier to implement and allow you to 'see' which channels you were labelling. With (2) every time you modified a channel's name the data would need to be saved to NVR or Flash RAM as it forms part of the desk setup data. This may have other implications as you are changing data which is normally only done under the Desk Setup window. Illusion Reference No 4694 - Channel Labelling - to be reviewed.
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