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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. K-Nine


    Point taken, but with five (soon to become six) different methods of entering channel values from the keypad, we thought our method was simpler, quicker and consistent across all methods of numeric entry :wink: With the Illusion you don't need to press ENTER for the selected channel(s) to be on the control wheel, It's unusual to find an operator who prefers more key presses, it's usually the other way round
  2. If you wish to edit one of the fixture types which are in our fixture library and modify it to your own requirements, you need to do the following: Using the Fixture Type Editor - fixture type file. Import the fixture type you wish to modify by selecting File - Import Fixture Type. Select the fixture library file (eg gft8_06.ift) Select the fixture type you wish to modify. Modify the fixture data as required Save fixture type to a new user fixture type file.
  3. Hi again, Just back from a course on lighting design where we had to design, rig and then plot a few scenes. What with having to hard patch the circuits to the dimmers and soft patch the desk channels, I can now see how useful a REM DIM key is
  4. I think that this is one of those examples that sounds simple in theory and quite a reasonable expectation on behalf of the user but could quite easily open a very large can of worms :shock: We need to look at the command line syntax within the CDW and review what additional functions are required (eg the ability to Go to a specified memory while the CDW is open in live or blind mode, as you have suggested). As to Go Previous, we have had numerous 'discussions' on what exactly it should do and there have been at least 3 suggestions ! At present, it is defined as going back to the memory that was previously output (which may or may not be the one before on the memory stack). It does not remember the complete history of the memories and which order they were output, nor does it go through the memory stack backwards to the beginning. It's one of those 'awkward' functions that if we change how it works, it will undoubtedly please some people and annoy others :roll:
  5. Illusion Reference No 4240 - Selecting a range of channels using the mouse - to be reviewed. This function has been mentioned before but with a different solution to the one you suggested :roll: What you suggest sounds reasonable and it would appear that the problem is due to the way that the channel selection with the mouse is translated into commands and the subsequent processing of the command line. Clicking on a channel with the mouse appears to generate the command AND CHANNEL X (which is necessary for the additive selection of channels). However, clicking on channel 1, selecting THRU and clicking on channel 10 will generate the following commands: AND CHANNEL 1 THRU AND CHANNEL 10 The software is expecting a channel number after the thru and therefore does not process the last part of the command. I am not sure what the solution is at the moment but I agree there should be a method of selecting a range of channels with the mouse (see Ref above).
  6. I don't believe that this is a 'bug' as the Playback X Master works as designed, ie a 'grand master' for the Playback X. The operation you describe above sounds very much like the way the Playback A/B works where you can output the programmed memories in the stack in turn, with manual control over fade times etc handled by the A/B Master faders and the fade time pots. The only difference being that you use the A/B masters to cross-fade between the two memories. Give it a go and see if this is the functionality you are looking for
  7. Illusion Reference No 4712 - Editing Blind Current Memory - changes are output live when saving memory data.
  8. The edit live and edit blind buttons will always refer to the currently selected memory. This is shown by the yellow highlight bar on the screen. On the Memories screen this is the Next memory; therefore pressing edit live or edit blind will edit the Next memory; if you wish to edit the current memory you have to move the cursor there. Pressing the Go button automatically increments the current and next memories, therefore the cursor /memory selection does follow the stack, it's just that the Edit buttons refer to the Next memory rather than the Current memory. To ensure that the red cursor also follows the Next memory you need to have the Memories screen in Follow mode (F7 toggles stay/follow). When you select a memory and press Edit Live, the outputs are deliberately faded up in a nominal time (approx. 1 second) as this is what was asked for - originally they snapped immediately to their programmed levels and this was a cause of concern for some users :shock:
  9. K-Nine

    @ CUE

    Illusion Reference No 4710 - Set channel levels to those programmed in a specified memory - to be reviewed.
  10. Illusion Reference No 4204 - Profiling Cross-fades - to be reviewed.
  11. In Tracking Mode - the syntax for 'unprogramming' (releasing ?) a channel is : CHANNEL X @ CLEAR Ref: Illusion 120/240 Operating Manual - Page 4-8. Not sure what you mean by Cue Only Mode - is this a special situation within Tracking, or is it Non-Tracking Mode or something else ? Currently, the only way channels can be 'unprogrammed' in non-tracking mode is if they are part of a multi-part scene memory; in all other memory types, all channels are always programmed.
  12. Not quite sure I follow what you are asking for here :?:
  13. An interesting idea :idea: While I take your point , there may be other users out there who will not want the fade down time adjusted automatically whenever they adjust the fade up time Would you prefer an option in Desk Setup perhaps :?: Interestingly, on the Cueline screen there is an extra box which does allow you to adjust the fade up and fade down times at the same time
  14. Because memory zero is a special memory and not a user-programmable memory, we decided that it would have defined properties and not be editable. However, it is possible to copy memory zero to another memory number and then edit the delay and fade times as you wish. You can then use this as your 'blackout memory'.
  15. Hmm, not sure I follow all that :? Is the concept of 'captured' channels to do with Tracking mode or does it apply in non-tracking mode as well ? Confused of Cwmbran
  16. Illusion Reference No 4709 - Additional commands to allow copying of channel data - to be reviewed.
  17. Illusion Reference No 4708 - Increase the number of programmable Groups - to be reviewed.
  18. Illusion Reference No 4707 - Create, Edit and View Groups in Blind Mode - to be reviewed.
  19. K-Nine


    There is actually a quicker way of setting the selected channel(s) to zero Examples: CHANNEL 1 ENTER CHANNEL 3 AND 4 ENTER CHANNEL 11 THRU 20 ENTER Illusion 120/240 Operating Manual - Page 4-4.
  20. I take your point but the only way to Edit Blind at the moment is to select something first, either a memory or a submaster. and then press Edit Blind. Pressing CHANNEL or GROUP will open the CDW in 'live' mode; what we probably need is a method of opening the CDW in blind mode - would you agree ? As memory zero is not a user-programmable memory,it was decided that it should not be editable. However, it can be copied to another memory and edited as required.
  21. Hmm ... I've noticed that as well while testing the Illusion 500. I'm not sure why it does it either :? Illusion Reference No 4711 - Saving Groups - to be investigated. One for our software guru to look at
  22. The Clear key does have some meaning when programming multi-part scenes, so the syntax @ Clear is already defined. However, the '<' key can be used to erase the last command entered on the command line :wink:
  23. If you have to complete the command with Enter, it sounds like you are in the default entry mode of double digit percentage. The Illusion desks currently have FIVE different modes for entering channel values in the CDW. See Illusion 120/240 Operating Manual - Page 11-7 for details. See Illusion 500 Operating Manual - Page 11-7 for details. If you change the Enter Channel Value As option in Desk Setup to Double Digit Direct Action, then you will be able to enter @25, @45 etc without having to press the Enter key
  24. We welcome user's comments and suggestions on any new or modified functionality which will improve the operation of the desks. We cannot guarantee that every suggestion will be implemented, but they are all logged in our database and reviewed by the sales and development staff to enable us to decide on which items will be developed further and implemented in future software releases. Some things will be trivial to design and implement, others less so, and it is not always obvious from the initial suggestions which are which :? Some users will prefer a function to work one way, some users another; some don't care as long as it doesn't slow them down - it's a case of "you can't please all the people all of the time". Any new or modiifed functionality has to fit in with the current style of the user interface and be as simple and intuitive as possible, which again is not always as simple as it sounds. However - don't let this stop you from posting any ideas or suggestions you may have
  25. The movement effect parameters (as with all other fixture parameters) can only be adjusted via the control wheels, but I believe that if you home position for a fixture, the movement effect parameters will also be reset to their default values.
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