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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. Software Release 1.1 contains a bug fix relating to mouse operation on the Brightness section of the Program Window. The new software release is available from the Zero 88 website. To go to the downloads section of the site CLICK HERE Download the zip file onto your PC, unzip the file, copy the illusion.osf file onto a formatted floppy disk, then upgrade your desk in the normal way.
  2. Good point, in that case maybe you could try using the pan control wheel, with the wheel editing mode set to fan-middle. That might give you something similar to the desired effect :wink:
  3. Unless I'm missing something here, isn't that you will get if you reverse the pan of one of the fixtures ?
  4. One shot or n shot chases are part of the next frog updates package. The implementation of n-shot chases means that the triggering of chases on submasters will be modified such that they start at step one ... hopefully that will make both of you happy
  5. For further details of the Frog update package CLICK HERE
  6. Frog Reference 5379 - Edit Blind function. For further details of the Frog update package CLICK HERE
  7. Moderation: The remainder of this thread concerning the frog updates package has been moved to the Frog Updates Forum.
  8. K-Nine


    I think this terminology is fairly common when displaying brightness (HTP) levels on screen. "FF" is used because it only uses two characters and therefore makes the screen layout much simpler
  9. It wasn't our fault The initial stages of developing new or modified functionality is to define the specification and user interface, ensuring that it integrates into the current software nice and smoothly ... now, who was supposed to be going through this with me :wink: The specification and user interface design is well under way and should be completed by Christmas, providing people don't keep adding features to the list :roll:
  10. Did anyone say that designing effective user interfaces was child's play :?: :roll: Hopefully not or that would make me a very old child Thanks very much for the comments and suggestions - this is the sort of user feedback we are looking for. The aim is to provide the information which is most useful without over complicating the displays.
  11. The movitec sl250, MAC 500 and MAC 600 have movement speed parameters which effect how the actual head moves. This parameter will probably be called "P/T Spd" or "Mov Spd" and be in the first position wheel group after Pan and Tilt.
  12. Some interesting ideas there, and I think you are beginning to appreciate the complexity of the problem/solution. You are right that it is a Brightness issue - since the dimmer channels and fixture brightness parameters are mixed on a HTP basis from the different sources. When you edit live a memory - you see the HTP outputs programmed in the memory on the outputs - but any higher values coming from submasters (and I think playback A/B) will also be mixed in - as you discovered recently However when you edit live a submaster - the desk software effectively removes the HTP contribution from the playback x temporarily (equivalent to taking the playback X master to zero). You still get higher values from other submasters (and playback A/B) contributing as before. If you simply open the Program Window using the channel, fixture or group key then the outputs from Playback X, the submasters and playback A/B will be contributing on a HTP basis. By entering commands, using the wheel or mouse you can then bring channel levels below their normal HTP mixed value, at which point they effectively become LTP :shock: Perhaps now you can appreciate why this may take a while to resolve and propose a feasible solution :wink:
  13. I believe that these issues have been addressed in the next Moving Light version of the software
  14. We are looking at developing a Riggers Remote Control for the Illusion 500 desk. I will post further information when it becomes available.
  15. I have passed your comments onto the mechanical section of our department and await their response
  16. This is an interesting point - When looking at the brightness levels in the PW it is not currently possible to determine the SOURCE of this data, ie it could be the Playback X, Playback A/B, a submaster or a level entered by the user. I'm not sure how easy it would be to determine where the level originated, especially if it was changing as a result of a chase or sound to light memory running, but it is something we could look into. I can see how it would be useful to see which levels were coming from the submasters, and colour coding may be one solution. I'm just wondering if we had different colours for Playback X, Playback A/B, Submasters and user entry in the PW it might get too confusing - maybe we just need to discriminate those coming from submasters - what do you think ?
  17. Hi, You must be psychic I was just going through my notes of items for review on the Illusion 500 and came across the same comment: "In the Save As.. Window the memory number defaults to the next unprogrammed memory number - would be very useful if it also did this for submasters, groups and palettes" I agree that this change would make programming much quicker
  18. Hope Software isn´t chosing "suitable sounds" for it Ooh, now there's a thought .. software that could discriminate and only react to real rock music
  19. For further info on Chase memories see the operating manual :wink: Chase Modifiers - Page 4-2 Programming a Chase - Page 4-8 Modifying Chases - Pages 4-10 and 4-11
  20. I have already posted a reply to this in the other topic in this forum ... CLICK HERE If I can figure out how to combine two topics in the same forum I will, but so far I've not had any luck :cry:
  21. K-Nine


    If the joystick interface could be simply integrated into the exisiting hardware and software platforms without too much efffort, then this is something we might consider if there is enough support for this feature. What would people be prepared to pay for this extra feature I wonder, after all you'd be getting a real piece of hardware to go with the 'free' software :evil: The problem with having a mouse would be that everyone would then expect to be able to use it on all the various screens, dialog boxes and popup menus as well ... which would be a HUGE change to the software. Besides we've been there, done that got the T-shirt - it's called the Illusion 500
  22. When the frogs were first produced, they did not have an external keyboard interface for entering text, which is why the cursor keys on the front panel were used as a quick and simple method of selecting a show number. I think this has been mentioned before in the forums and is in the list of features to be considered for future updates.
  23. This suggests that as long as there a suitable sound input to the desk that the software is working OK
  24. I am looking into this and I believe Franck will contact you about the best way we can help you
  25. Although to the untrained eye the Cueline on the Illusion may look very similar to that on the Sirius 250/500, it is different in the fact that it is an exact copy of the Memories Screen displayed in a graphical format. You therefore have the choice of viewing the memory stack in the traditional numeric table format or in the graphical style of the Cueline 8) With the Illusion 500 now having moving light capability, the Cueline has been updated to show separate brightness, colour, beamshape and position tracks which some users find very useful for visualising and understanding complex fades where each attribute has its own fade and transition times. Thank you Most of these features are scheduled for the next update package; the rest have been noted and will be reviewed when appropriate I will let NZ reply to this comment :evil:
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