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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. Haytech is correct When the Phantom Frog is updated to include all the additional functionality that is in software release 9.0, it will be announced in this forum.
  2. Frog Series Software - Version 9.0 We have released Version 9.0 of the Frog Series Software. The new operating software and release notes can be downloaded from the Zero 88 website by CLICKING HERE Version 9.0 of the Frog Series software contains the following new or modified functionality: Beat Drive modifier for Chases. Live Adjustment of Chase Modifiers (Direction, Attack, Drive, Speed). Pan/Tilt Reverse and Pan/Tilt Swap Functions for fixtures. Desk Defaults - reorganised into Memory, Submaster and SX sections. Submaster pages increased to 20. Fade Times and LTP actions editable on submasters programmed with channel data or transferred memory. Submaster name displayed on main LCD. Fade Times and LTP actions can be adjusted on SX buttons programmed with channel data or transferred memory (Mambo Frog). N-Shot Chases - new parameter which determines how many times the chase runs when triggered. Palette Lock Function. Edit Blind Function (Memories, Submasters, SX Buttons).
  3. No doubt if we added in the new functionality of being to name a show, you would also want the text naming function improved so you could use the delete and backspace keys properly on the external keyboard, rather than the somewhat 'clunky' method of the cursor keys :twisted:
  4. Just unpatching and repatching dimmer channels should not have any affect, I was thinking more of actually unassigning the channels (ie removing them from the list of 'active' channels) and then later assigning them again. I have loaded the show onto a desk here and the brightness section of the program Window looks fine with 94 dimmer channels and 4 fixtures :? Edit: After switching the desk off/on several times, I noticed that there were some spurious characters displayed in the Brightness section of the PW just above the bar graphs for channels 49-72 :shock:
  5. That is strange :? Not heard of that before. If you could send me a copy of your show file, I will have a look here. Have you by any chance been unassigning and then reassigning channels ? With the Illusion 500, the default is 120 dimmer channels: I normally start from the default, remove any excess dimmer channels not required (for example, our demo room has 48 channels of dimming, so I unassign channels 49-120) and then assign and patch the fixtures we have in the rig (various MACs and scanners)
  6. You shouldn't need to create a 4 wheel group configuration unless you intend using the fixture type on a Sirius 250/500 :shock: The 3 wheel group should work correctly on both the Frog series of desks and the Illusion 500 with moving light software. If you can send me the fixture file you created I will try it on an Illusion 500 here. Normally, I don't bother with the wheel groups, as the software automatically assigns the parameters as it finds them in the fixture personality file, It assigns parameters to wheels based on the order tha the parameters appear in the list, which may or may not be the same as the DMX channel order.
  7. You could delete the unwanted cue, and the playback x will skip over it, or if you think you may require it later you could always put a jump over it, for example: Cue 1 - Red Wash Jump to 3. Cue 2 - Blackout Cue 3 - Blue Wash
  8. Could I ask you why you think this is necessary :?: When playing back the memory stack on the playback X, any unprogrammed memories will be skipped over automatically. Maybe a better option would be a renumber memory function like there is on the Illusion :?:
  9. Not at all .. fine by me ... K-Nine (King of Kwizzes)
  10. I think that on this occasion it may be a little too late to "quickly pop" this new functionality into the desk software Although this may on the surface appear to be a quick and simple change, we would have to think through what impact it would have on the memories and submaster screens on all the Frog range of desks, and presumably, for consistency, the SX screen on the Mambo Frog. Any new or modified functionality has to be fully specified, approved, implemented and tested before it can be released. Frog Reference No 5467 - Combined Memory/Outputs Screen (also Submaster/Outputs and SX/Outputs screens) - to be reviewed.
  11. I thought that all polar bears were left-handed 8O
  12. The General Chat Forum This forum has been set up to allow owners and users of Zero 88 products to discuss non-technical issues and to post amusing stories, jokes, poems, pictures etc. Posts made in this part of the forum will not increase your post count. Please note that this is a community forum and we welcome the views and opinions of all visitors to the site. However, please keep it clean. Abusive or offensive posts will be removed, and the IP address & username of the offending poster will be blocked. Zero 88 reserves the right to edit or delete any post that is deemed inappropriate to this forum.
  13. Re: Shutter and dimmers on fixtures: If the dimmer and shutter/strobe are on different channels on the fixture, then they are defined as separate parameters in the fixture personality file and are processed as separate parameters on the desk. More importantly, the dimmer/brightness parameter is processed HTP and the shutter/strobe is processed LTP. Trying to control two disparate parameters on different channels via a single desk channel (HTP or LTP ?) would require major changes to the way the software processes fixture data. Having the dimmer and strobe on separate channels gives the user independent control over each function of the fixture, even though in reality, you may not normally operate the strobe with other than full brightness.
  14. Possibly .... but the design for the palette locking was based on the existing functionality already implemented for locking the palette screen on the monitor. It is also consistent with how other screens are 'locked' on the monitor. It seemed the simplest solution was to just extend this to locking the flash buttons onto the corresponding palette as well
  15. Edit Blind Function An Edit Blind function has been provided for memories, submasters and SX buttons (Mambo Frog). The Edit Blind function is accessed via the Preview function. The previous preview to edit live functionality has been replaced by the new preview to edit blind functionality. The Edit Blind function is performed in the same way as the Edit Live function except that the DMX outputs will not be affected by any of the edits made to the generic channel or fixture parameter data, and the top line of the Main LCD will show Edit Blind. Memories Display the Memories screen and select a programmed memory. Press the PREVIEW button on the front panel. The LED in the PREVIEW button comes on. Press the EDIT button on the front panel. The LED in the EDIT button comes on and the Edit Blind function is entered. Submasters Display the Submasters screen and select a programmed submaster. Press the PREVIEW button on the front panel. The LED in the PREVIEW button comes on. Press the EDIT button on the front panel. The LED in the EDIT button comes on and the Edit Blind function is entered. SX Buttons (Mambo Frog) Display the SX screen and select a programmed SX Button Press the PREVIEW button on the front panel. The LED in the PREVIEW button comes on. Press the EDIT button on the front panel. The LED in the EDIT button comes on and the Edit Blind function is entered.
  16. As far as I am aware all the Frog series of desks are fitted with two seven segment displays for indicating the submaster page number - it's only in the latest software where the number of submaster pages has been increased to 20 that the left display is used in operation
  17. Frog Reference No 5443 - Random Chase Function (addtional direction modifier) - to be reviewed.
  18. I'm afraid the answer to your question is no because outputting a palette is not simply a temporary override. All fixture colour, beamshape and position parameers are processed using the LTP (latest takes precedence) method. The desk does not store a history of what source (playback X, submaster, SX button, control wheel, home button, palette) causes any fixture LTP parameter to change it's output value, and therefore cannot simply undo the last action. However, what I suggest is you program several palettes with different colours (red, blue, green, yellow etc..) then use the 'blue' palette to return the selected fixtures to their previous colour.
  19. This will be investigated and hopefully fixed in the next updates package.
  20. Could you try downloading the latest fixture library from HERE. Using this file try assigning your fixtures to the MiniMAC profiles and see if you still get the same problem. It may have been some corruption in the fixture data file you had originally.
  21. I must admit I'm somewhat confused about what you are actually trying to achieve here :roll: How many physical fixtures have you got connected to the desk and in which mode are they set up to operate. With the MiniMAC profile the number of DMX channels required and the allocation of the parameters (shutter, colour, gobo, pan, tilt etc.) to the channels depends on the mode that the unit is set to operate in Mode 1 requires 6 channels and has 8 bit pan/tilt Mode 2 requires 8 channels and has 16 bit pan/tilt Mode 3 requires 8 channels and has 8 bit pan/tilt Mode 4 requires 10 channels and has 16 bit pan/tilt Unless you have a lot of fixtures on the desk and are running short of channels, I would recommend using Mode 4 and this gives you access to all functions of the MiniMAC and gives you better control of pan/tilt movement.
  22. Before copying the fixture personality file onto a floppy disk, we recommend that you format the disk or use a brand new disk. If you didn't do that, could you try it and see if the desk recognises the disk and/or files. If it doesn't then it may be a problem with the floppy disk drive in the desk itself.
  23. The easiest way is probably to program a chase memory in which each step contains a single channel at 100%. Set the attack modifier to fade, and adjust the speed as required. Save this as say memory 999 and then run this memory to check out all your channels.
  24. Nice one Haytech, good idea
  25. Try checking the Preset Control button, the associated LEDs and the position of the A Master and B Master faders. In Wide mode, there are two 'scenes' - one defined by the preset faders and the other stored scene. The outputs of the two 'scenes' are controlled by the A and B master faders and the Preset Control button determines which fader controls which scene.
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