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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. The suggestion in my previous post would provide a simple solution to the original request I emphasise would, as we have no plans for any frog series feature updates at the moment. As with all suggestions, they are worth noting, as they may be applicable on future products :wink:
  2. I was thinking more along the lines of a footswitch plugging into a box which produces an audio signal, and the footswitch somehow adds a bass kick or note to the audio signal .. don't know if this is possible .. just theorising Another possibility would be to increase the options for the remote switches - currently a remote switch can be set up as a GO or a GO to Memory X. Now if there were additional options such as Submaster Step, Playback X Step and SX Step (Mambo Frog), then activating the remote switch would be the equivalent of pressing the corresponding button on the front panel :idea:
  3. Increasing the number of palettes has already been discussed in this forum, search for: Frog Reference 5520 - Increase the number of palettes on the Fat Frog and Leap Frog to 48 (using the Shift Button) to match the Mambo Frog and Bull Frog. Not sure what you mean by Blind Mode, other than for editing ? The last point comes back to making the cursor keys on the external keyboard work relative to the two dimensional tables (eg memories and submasters) on the monitor, rather than simply being mimics of the front panel up arrow, down arrow + and - keys.
  4. The audio input is used when the Drive for a chase is set to Bass. The Bass beat of the audio signal is used to trigger the steps of the chases. Now if someone musically/electronically minded could devise a piece of equipment whereby a foot switch/pedal simulates the bass beat then you have a solution
  5. Peter, that sounds like a good idea You may need to play around with the fade down time and the speed modifier of the chase to ensure that the light fades out before it starts to move in step two of the chase.
  6. Someone's got a Fat Frog for sale .. Guess where I found this ..... http://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?showtopic=3073
  7. Sounds like you may be pressing ENTER rather than PROGRAM after setting the levels for the first step of the chase. This would effectively select FINISH, and seeing that the step has not been programmed, then it returns to the memories screen with nothing changed. Please email or PM me and we can go through chases in more detail, as required.
  8. K-Nine


    I think it is unlikely that such network facilities will be added to the current series of frog desks, but it is something we are considering for the next desk currently being developed :wink:
  9. Glad to hear the effect worked fine; sometimes the simplest solutions can be the best
  10. 8O :?: I think something got lost in the translation :!:
  11. Although the desk does not currently have an automatic move while dark function, there are many ways of achieveing the same result with well planned plotting of the scenes, some of which have been described in the posts above.
  12. Ah ... Robbie the wee Scottish mouse ... added using electronic trickery
  13. I have been informed that the new "Nigel Says" page has now gone live on the UCTL website. CLICK HERE
  14. A married couple are driving along a Motorway doing a steady 50 mph. The husband looks across at his wife and speaks in a clear voice. "Darling, I know we've been married for twenty years, but I want a divorce". The wife says nothing, keeps looking at the road ahead but slowly increases the speed to 55 mph. The husband speaks again. "I don't want you to try and talk me out of it, because I've been having an affair with your best friend, and she's a far better lover than you are." Again the wife stays quiet, but grips the steering wheel more tightly and slowly increases the speed to 60 mph. He pushes his luck. "I want the house," he says insistently. She takes the speed up to 65. "I want the car too," he continues and the wife takes the car up to 70 mph. "And, I'll have all the bank accounts, all the credit cards and the dog." The car speeds up again and starts veering towards a massive concrete bridge. This makes him a wee bit nervous, so he asks her: "Isn't there anything you want ?" The wife at last replies - in a quiet and controlled voice, "No, I've got everything I need." "Oh, really ?" he enquires, "So what have you got ?" Just before they slam into the bridge at around 80 mph, the wife turns to him, smiles and says: : : : : : : "The airbag !"
  15. If you have a few minutes to spare, why not visit the UCTL website and have a go at one of K-Nine's Kwizzes CLICK HERE
  16. The reason you are given these choices is that at present it is not possible to name your shows, therefore the default names are Show01, Show02 etc. If a '*' is displayed next to the show number it indicates that the show number does NOT currently exist on the floppy disk. Simply select the show number you want using the + and - keys and then press ENTER to save the show onto floppy disk. The LCD will show progress and when the save operation is complete. For further details refer to the operating manual page 6-10. Only one show is stored on the desk, but several shows may be stored on a floppy disk, if required.
  17. A problem was identified with cues referencing position palettes when the show was reloaded off floppy disk, or the desk was power cycled causing the show to be reloaded from flash memory. The position data was incorrectly read back, resulting in rogue movement effects being added to the position palettes :oops: This bug has been fixed in Version 9.6 of the software.
  18. I take your point about the board operator having to do something other than simply press the GO button, but I can't imagine it should stretch the mind too much to simply raise a submaster fader and lower it again when told 8O Interestingly, when I sat in the control box during a local pantomime earlier this year, they did virtually what I described above, ie they had a chase/effect stored separately and simply ran it when required. In fact they used the same chase on several of the musical numbers, just starting it and stopping it at the appropriate times The two attacks snap on/fade off and fade on/snap off have been used for generic chases for ages and can be found on most of our desks dating back to the Sirius The way these attacks work is by design and I'm sure somebody who has been around longer than me could tell you how and why they are there 8O
  19. How do you want the channels specifically programmed into the chase to behave between steps - do you want them to snap or fade ? If you set the Attack modifier to snap (first option on desk) or fade (4th option) as opposed to slow decay (2nd option) and slow attack (3rd option)then the 'static' channels from the previous cue should not be affected, If you use the slow attack or slow decay options the will. 8O Alternatively, you could program the chase memory containing just the lamps in the chase, and then transfer this onto a submaster. Make sure that the memory number is not part of the normal cue stack you run during the show (eg 990). You can then simply raise the submaster to output the chase when the train is moving and lower the fader to stop the chase when required. If you run the separate chase from the submaster, then you can choose from all four attack modifier options without affecting the other lights in the scene ... I just tried this and it appears to work
  20. Was that the bit about the fade times or the quick transfer of memories to subs :?:
  21. Moderation: Split into a separate topic in Hints and Tips. As to transferring memories onto submasters, there is a quick way of transferring consecutive memories onto a page of submasters: Select the submaster page using page up/down buttons. Select the first memory you want transferred. Press and hold down the Transfer with Time or transfer no time button , as required. Press each of the submaster flash buttons in turn. Release the transfer button Voila - 12 consecutive memories tranferred to a page of submasters in one quick and easy operation
  22. The way that the fade times are used when playing back memories on the playback X using the Go button has not changed since the first release of frog software. The fade up and fade down times relate to the transition of the HTP channels when fading to the selected/next memory. For example: Memory 23, channels 1-6 @ 100%, channels 7-12 @ 0%, channels 13-18 @ 50%. Fade up = 3 seconds, fade down = 3 seconds. Memory = 24, channels 1-6 @ 0%, channels 7-12 @ 80%, channels 13-18 @ 50%. Fade up = 5 seconds, fade down = 1 second. Current memory = 23, so outputs = those stated for memory 23. Next memory = 24, Press the GO button. Channels 1-6: go from 100% to 0% in 1 second Channels 7-12: go from 0% to 80% in 5 seconds Channels 13-18: remain at 50%. To put it in general terms: If a channel is going from a higher value to a lower value it will do so in the Fade Down time of the incoming memory. If a channel is going from a lower value to a higher value it will do so in the Fade Up time of the incoming memory. Hope that makes things clearer
  23. Please don´t let me die unsuspectingly - what in duck means fafing ? :? TIA I may be wrong, but I think he means 'faffing' as in faffing about which is a colloquial term meaning to fuss or dither Source: The Concise Oxford Dictionary.
  24. As Haytech says, press the '-' key twice and ten GO, or if you have an external keyboard attached, enter the memory number directly, Enter and then press the GO button.
  25. I think that's roughly what I said in an earlier post, any more inserts suggests bad planning :twisted:
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