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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. Think he's more partial to chips - Silicon chips, that is
  2. In order to maintain people's sanity I have returned my avatar to the static version The 'nodding' K-Nine will probably make occasional appearances where confirmation is given Yves - how about one with a wagging tail ?
  3. For the latest Issue of the Frog Series Manual CLICK HERE See the chapter on memories - pages 4-2 and 4-8.
  4. The monitor displays for the Frogs and the Illusion 500 desks are completely different. The monitor displays on the Illusion 500 were designed around a graphical interface as most of the user interaction is does via the monitor screen, using the front panel, keyboard and mouse. Consequently, the displays are reasonably high resolution graphics. The monitor displays on the Frog desks are simple text only screens with a fixed resolution of 80 chars x 50 lines high. They were designed for the display of additional information only and in many cases replicate what is displayed on the main LCD. I don't think Cueline is a realistic option on the Frogs as it is primarily a mouse driven function.
  5. Thanks for the avatar sp .. I had to increase the maximum file size for avatars slightly but it seems to work OK now I now present K-Nine 'headbanging' along to the band ...
  6. Like the animated avatar .. any chance you could send me a copy of the file and I'll see if it will work on this forum
  7. Hmmm ... wouldn't it need FOUR drawers .. one for the keyboard, one for each of the monitors, and a smaller one for the mouse ... or maybe that would have it's own mouse-hole
  8. Before I can offer an explanation - could you tell me whether the desk is operating in full or partial mode and also what version of software is running in the desk as we changed how chases run on submasters in version 9.0.
  9. Illusion 500 Moving Light Software Release 1.5 This new version of software contains the following bug fix(es): Illusion Reference No 4721 - The Playback A/B does not output the loaded memories correctly and values are not tracked through from previous scenes as on the playback X.. To download the new software CLICK HERE. Download the zip file onto your PC, unzip the file, copy the illusion.osf file onto a new or freshly formatted floppy disk, then upgrade your desk in the normal way.
  10. If you change all the movement effect parameters such that they no longer reference the original position palette, this appears to work It would also appear that you don't need to adjust the pan and tilt parameters (unless you want to of course) - when you save the position and movement effect as a new position palette, it should take the actual pan/tilt DMX values from the original palette and store them in the new one.
  11. The photo caption competition is supposed to be a monthly competition, but I guess sometimes it drags on a bit longer :oops: The same applies to the quiz (ahem), which seems to have been there for ages as well :oops: If you are feeling quizzical why not visit the UCTL website and have a go at one of K-Nine's Kwizzes CLICK HERE The 'Lamb' quizzes by Mark refer to the pub where he presented them and have nothing to do with sheep - honest
  12. Does the wheel still show P1 even if you add a movement effect and then save as a different position palette ?
  13. Not heard of that one before, but then again, I've probably never tried that particular operation When I get some time I will investigate on one of the desks. Just a thought - do you output one of the 'static' position palettes first, adjust the movement effect parameters as necessary, and then save to another position palette ? I was wondering if the wheel LCD was showing pan/tilt parameters as a palette reference rather than actual DMX values may be a factor here.
  14. Welcome to the forums Neil. If you have any questions about the frogs' operation, suggestions for new features, information on shows you 've done, pictures etc. then please post in the relevant forums. As you may have gathered, the Social Forum is the non-technical forum on the site and covers all sorts of unusual topics
  15. It looks like Haytech got there before me again, but he has a valid point We allow photos/images/WYSIWYG renderings etc in these forums to illustrate the posts, but please can you ensure that all images posted are 640 x 480 pixels or smaller. If you have a large number of images, or individual images which are greater than 640 x 480 could you please use a link to them rather than inserting them directly in the posts.
  16. The reason there is nothing in the earlier issues of the Frog Series and Mambo Frog manuals is that the SMPTE/MIDI and real time code memory trigger functionality was originally implemented for the Frog Box only in version 8.0 of the frog series software (December 2002). At the time, only the Frog Box had the SMPTE/MIDI connections on the rear panel. Recently, upgrade kits have been available for the Leap Frog, Mambo Frog and Bull Frog desks. The Release Notes for Version 8.0 of the frog series software describing the SMPTE/MIDI timecode and other new functionality were published and would have been on the Zero 88 website at the time. (Note the Zero 88 website usually only contains the latest software upgrades and release notes). I have found a copy of the release notes and they can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE
  17. I don't remember seeing any others on these forums. Is it one you made yourself, and if so how did you go about it ?
  18. By running a set of scene memories with auto triggers and a jump at the end you have effectively created a 'chase' with independent fade times between the steps (ie memories) It's good to see you are using the various memory and stack functions to produce some more complex effects, but I think trying to make this into a single 'memory' would be one step too far and would require some major reworking internally (eh Simon :wink: ) As to your second point - You don't have LTP fade in/out or up/down times as you do with HTP (brightness) channels because they handled and processed completely differently - that is why they are LTP (Latest Takes Precedence) 8O An LTP channel has a single transition (snap or fade) from a current value to it's new value. Although numerically, in terms of absolute DMX value this is obviously going to go 'up' or 'down', this has a totally different meaning to brightness/dimmer channels. For example- a colour wheel goes from red to blue, it's DMX value goes from x to y and vice versa - how can you say one is a fade in and the other a fade out ? What do you mean by "real blind programming" ? Are you suggesting we have 'imaginary' blind programming at the moment ? Blind editing was added in Software version 9.0. I agree it is not immediately obvious how to enter blind editing mode, but that comes as a direct result of having to provide the additional functionality using the existing front panel layout of controls 8O Besides that's why I produced the release notes and updated the manuals I remember, in the very early days of the frog's development, that certain people who shall remain nameless, said that we wouldn't need partial programming, palettes, adjustable times on submasters, external keyboard or monitor output 8O :oops:
  19. The Frog desk is designed primarily for use with simple generic lighting via dimmers. It is possible to control moving lights with a Frog but it is much more difficult as you have to use each fader to control a separate channel of the fixture, and all the channels are processed HTP rather than LTP. Also the fixtures will use up the 48 channels rather quickly If you want to control and program moving lights (scanners, moving heads etc.) simply and effectively and have all the additional features that go with that (partial memories, palettes, movement effects engine etc.) - I would strongly recommend the Fat Frog. The Fat Frog can control up to 12 moving fixtures in addition to the 48 generic channels. As to submasters - They are just another way of programming channel and/or fixture data and playing it back. They offer additional flexibility as they can be combined to produce a large number of different 'looks'. They are often used in the 'live' environment or when the operator wants to busk the show rather than stepping through a pre-programmed stack of memories (cues). It is probably best to read the manual first to get the full story and then ask if you have any further questions, which you probably will
  20. I can confirm that the new desk WILL have a power on/off switch
  21. I think you may have gathered by now that the simple answer is no Even if we were to implement multiple patching of fixtures and allowed a fixture to contain more than one brightness parameter, I don't think you could achieve exactly what you wanted without some very specific patching on the dimmer side of things (ie specify a DMX address for each output channel on your dimmer). Being able to patch a fixture to several DMX addresses would be a partial solution, but each fixture would only have the one parameter, so you could only control one bar of lights at a time from the control wheel. Is the request specifically for control of a bar of parcans with the control wheels as opposed to other methods ? You could always record three submasters directly each with one bar of parcans at full and use them
  22. On the Frog desks, a chase is a different type of memory consisting of a number of steps and a set of modifiers which determine how the chase runs. A chase can be a memory in the memory stack and played back on the playback X, or a chase memory can be transferred onto a submaster and run using the submaster fader. If you have a fat frog and intend running different types of chase, eg brightness, colour, position using different fixtures (moving lights) I would recommend that you use the desk in partial mode as this allows you to run more chases simultaneously See the operating manual page 4-8 for further details. Latest Frog Series Manuals CLICK HERE Moderation - Topic title changed to be more en-light-ening
  23. That certainly is weird 8O Have you been able to reproduce this fault or did it appear just the once ?
  24. Better still - try and persuade the hire company to buy some new ones
  25. I'd go along with Sam and recommend that you have a monitor connected when using any of the Frog desks. You can get so much more information on a monitor screen than the main LCD and you can lock it to a particular screen if you want while you use the main LCD for other operations. I can't imagine using a Frog without one now 8O
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