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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. This sounds like it could be the law set up in whatever dimmer is connected to the desk. If the lamp does nothing until around 45 - 50% and then suddenly comes on full - this sounds like the dimmer has a switch law. If you check the outputs screen on the monitor you can see if the DMX output from the desk is changing according to the fader position. If the DMX values are rising/falling smoothly as you move the fader up/down then it is almost certainly the way that the dimmer has been set up.
  2. Illusion Reference No 4210 - Language options - screen text in different languages - to be reviewed.
  3. Hi folks, If you come across any other Frogs, Fat Frogs, Leap Frogs etc in your travels, please post a picture here. To start, this cartoon was originally sent in by Pipo...
  4. That's what it says on the front panel
  5. I am under orders to simply post the picture and then see what replies follow However, there are some clues as to what the new desk will do in another topic in this forum :wink:
  6. Hmm ... free swag ... maybe I should go to PLASA in disguise and get some for myself ... it's probably the only way us hardworking R and D types will get any :wink: Aw shucks, you'll be making me blush next Not quite sure how I could be compared to Rush though :? I can't play any musical instruments, but then again I bet they've never written a Frog Manual
  7. On the Frog series of desks - all fixture colour, beamshape and position parameters are processed using LTP (Latest Takes Precedence). The fixture parameter outputs will snap or fade to their programmed values when told to as a result of outputting a memory (playback X), raising a submaster, pressing an SX button (mambo frog), outputting a palette or selecting a fixture and moving a control wheel. They will remain at that value until told to do something else by any of the methods mentioned above.
  8. K-Nine

    Load Show

    The functionality that allows you to choose which drive to load shows from can be found on version 9.2 of the Phantom Frog. When you start up Phantom Frog, select the Desk Type (eg Fat Frog) and then click on the Browse button. You then get a window asking you to insert a disk into drive A. Click on the Cancel button in this window. You then get a Browse for Folder window which allows you to select a drive where you have stored your show files. Select the required drive and click on the OK button.
  9. Er, Is what possible :?:
  10. You could also try posting in the Classifieds section of the Blue Room CLICK HERE
  11. I will send you the unlock code for the desk by private message.
  12. Slightly confused here - are you referring to scene memories in the memory stack (Playback X) or scenes recorded directly onto submasters on different pages :? Is the desk in full or partial mode ?
  13. The Phantom Frog provides a simulation of the front panels of each of the desks in the Frog series. For details on all desk operations, please refer to the latest Frog Series Operating Manual. To simulate holding down a button on the front panel - right click on the button with the mouse; right click again to release the button.
  14. I have just checked this on a fat frog here, and it does appear to be a bug :oops: It should not be possible to edit any memory, submaster or SX button, in live or blind mode if the desk is locked. Frog Reference No 5491 - Blind Edit should not be allowed when desk is locked - Bug.
  15. We occasionally have good ideas as well you know, but I guess you'll just have to wait and see We haven't agreed to do it, just acknowledged the fact that it is a potential candidate for consideration in any future updates we may produce for the Frog series.
  16. Both of these sound interesting ideas As well as on startup, maybe there could be an option, for example in Super User which could display the company logo (if supplied) together with the name, address, tel no etc on the monitor screen. Perhaps a simple PC utility could ask you to supply the relevant details and image, which could then be saved onto a floppy and loaded into the desk via a new function in Super User ?
  17. Did you download the latest software from the Zero 88 website ? I was just wondering if maybe the file was corrupted during the transfer. I can always email you a copy of the zip file to try if you wish.
  18. It could be a dodgy upgrade disk :? Try downloading the latest software and copying onto a brand new or freshly formatted floppy disk and then try that.
  19. I'm not quite sure I fully understand what you are trying to achieve here :? Where is the 'scene' actually saved - is it to a memory on the memory stack (playback X), directly onto a submaster, or as a memory transferred to a submaster ? If you want live control of a fixture's brightness then you can always record that fixture directly onto a submaster and use the submaster fader to adjust the brightness level of the fixture. With the desk in partial mode, ensure that the required fixture(s) are NOT tagged and then only the brightness will be recorded. Don't forget that brightness is mixed HTP, so if the brightness was for example 30% in the memory on the playback X, you could adjust the fixture brightness above 30% from the submaster but not below. Again, I am not following what you are asking for here :? When playing back memories on the playback X you are fading from the current to the next memory using the programmed fade times. The override control , which is part of the playback X controls can be used to slow down or speed up this transition if you wish. When a memory is on a submaster, the submaster controls both the fade up and fade down of that one memory only - there is no transition to another memory. On submasters - you can set the fade times to desired values then just quickly move the fader from zero - full or vice versa and let the desk do a smooth fade - or if you want manual control of the fade, set the fade times to zero and move the submaster fader at the required speed.
  20. Because of the way the user interface was originally designed around the main LCD on the front panel, it is only possible to edit the times for one submaster at a time. However, here are a couple of tips that may help speed up the process. When the cursor is in one of the fade time fields - pressing the SUBMASTER button will move the cursor straight back to the submaster number field. When the cursor is in the submaster number field - a quick way to select the required submaster to edit is to use the Page Up/Down keys and submaster flash button on the front panel.
  21. Looks like GLX has joined the 'animated avatar' club as well
  22. There are a number of similarities between the Frogs and Illusion desks - both have the concept of a memory stack (playback X) which can contain different memory types. The Illusion has a few extra types that the frogs don't (sound to light, ripplesound and multi-part scene). Both desks have several pages of submasters which can be loaded directly with channel data or contain a transferred memory. The main difference is that the Illusion has a much more integrated graphical interface such that it can be operated almost entirely via external keyboard and mouse (if preferred). Programming of memories, submasters etc is generally done via physical faders on the frogs and via the numeric keypad and associated keys via the program Window on the Illusion. Although the Frog and Illusion show files have the same file extension (I think :? ) the actual format of the show data is different and therefore cannot be transferred between the two types of desk .. sorry. If you have any other questions on either the Illusion or Frog desks please post in the relevant forums.
  23. It wasn't a case of not believing you - it was just trying to set up the correct situation and specific sequence of events to reproduce the problem As soon as Simon suggested it might be the corresponding number thing, I tried it .. and voila .. reproduced the fault simply by programming TWO palettes - in previous tests I had programmed lots of palettes with no problem at all 8O Weird stuff .. software :wink: Frog Reference No 5490 - Programming corresponding colour/beam palettes clears movement effect data from position palette - Bug to be fixed in next release.
  24. As GLX said, you can upgrade straight to the latest software DOWNLOAD HERE For a step by step guide to upgrading the operating software on the desk CLICK HERE When the desk boots up there are a number of messages displayed on the main LCD - these are then followed by ... Frog OS 9.6.1 Copyright 2004 Zero 88 Lighting Ltd Loading ... then: Frog OS 9.6.1 Copyright 2004 Zero 88 Lighting Ltd Running ... Finally, when the desk is up and running, the main LCD shows the Memories screen. This process should take no longer than 20-30 seconds depending on the size of the show already stored in the desk. I think that the 'checking for upgrade' message only appears when there is a floppy disk in the drive when the desk is powered up.
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