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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. As many as will fit into 4 DMX universes (2048 channels) Unlike the frog series of desks, where the number of fixtures is limited by the number of fixture selection buttons (ie fat frog = 12, leap frog = 24, bull frog = 24), the number of fixtures which can be controlled on the Frog 2 is only restricted by the total number of control channels (2048). For example - if your scanners/moving heads required 16 channels each you could control up to 128 of them
  2. If your rig consisted of up to 48 channels of dimming and no more than 12 moving heads then you would probably use a Fat Frog to control them. Up to 24 moving heads - use a Leap Frog, and if more than 48 dimmer channels - use a Bull Frog. I am not saying that the Frog 2 cannot be used for these 'smaller' shows, just that you may have to program and run the show in a slightly different way. More powerful desks typically have more control channels (the Frog 2 has 4 DMX universes = 2048 channels) and there obviously comes a point when it becomes prohibitive in terms of size, weight and cost to have a separate fader for every channel
  3. I'm sure Graham (NZ) will have something to say about that Don't know much about this future update yet - so can't comment No - If we develop a Phantom Frog 2 it will be a completely new piece of software not simply an extra option in the current Phantom Frog. This is because the Frog 2 software is not the same as the Frog Series software which is used in the frog series of desks and Phantom Frog.
  4. If you choose to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut, don't complain about the weight of the sledgehammer...
  5. Hopefully, shortly after the first release of software has been implemented, tested and approved
  6. I think that's a compliment Just make sure you have checked the 'home' value first or you may end up in Holland 8O
  7. It's not necessarily the number of faders on a desk, but what you can actually do with them 8O The design and philosophy of the Frog 2 desk IS different to that in the Frog series. We have tried to make the front panel more 'flexible' (functionally, not mechanically ) to allow the user to configure it in a manner that suits him best for the type and style of show he wishes to run on it.
  8. Ice, To say that the design is worthless without motorised faders seems a little strong especially as you do not appear to have seen the actual desk or had all the functionality explained to you. May I suggest that you contact Graham (NZ) as he is probably the best person to explain how all the different features on the desk can be configured to produce the functionality you require.
  9. Yeah, i have to agree, generic faders would be nice, we are currently using a MA 24/12 which ran out of channels a year ago so we tried a fatfrog which is perfect for both disco/live/theatre work. But i don't see how one will be able to easily dim a few parcan's without having to swap around submaster 20 pages. I'll just wait for a demo from rolight then This design looks nice, i just hope the plastic top is less sensitive to fat (from the fingertops) i had that fatfrog covered in fingerprints in 10 seconds Due to the way that the Frog 2 desk has been designed I am sure you will find there are several ways that you can "easily dim a few parcan's without having to swap around submaster 20 pages" The emphasis is really on the user to set up or configure the playbacks, UDF's and UDK's in a manner that is most suitable for the show that they want to run Some will simply use a few playbacks (or even a single playback), some will use many playbacks; others will use the UDF's as generic faders, as submasters or for other features, similarly the UDK's.
  10. Illusion 500 Moving Light Software Release 1.7 This new version of software contains a number of bug fixes mainly relating to the display and selection of partially programmed palettes. To download the new software CLICK HERE Download the zip file onto your PC, unzip the file, copy the illusion.osf file onto a new or freshly formatted floppy disk, then upgrade your desk in the normal way.
  11. Partial Memories - All generic channels and fixture brightness parameters are recorded; The LTP parameters (colour, bemashape and position) of 'tagged' fixtures only are recorded. Single LTP attributes (eg colour) may also be recorded, if required. Full Memories - All generic channels and all fixture parameters (HTP and LTP) are recorded into the memory. Partial memories (and partial channel data) are most useful on submasters when you only want certain fixtures to change without affecting the main scene or 'look' from the playback X. In partial mode - You can program submasters such that they will only change certain fixtures or even just certain attributes of fixtures (eg colour or position). To run a chase on a submaster you need to program a chase memory and then transfer it onto the submaster. If you only want this chase to affect certain fixtures then you need to program the chase as a partial memory. Full memories are obviously a lot simpler to program but all generic channels and all fixture parameters are always programmed into every memory/submaster data.
  12. Nice idea for a topic Haytech You know you are a Frog addict when ... Someone passes you a book and you say "Reddit" You change your name to Kermit and move to Sesame Street. You paint yourself green and go leaping around in ponds !
  13. As with all the previous software updates for the Frog series, we will need to review all the outstanding suggestions for new and improved features. Then we can decide, based on the time and resources available, which will be implemented. I don't think we are in a position at the moment to define exactly what features may or may not appear in the software update next year. If you look back over the history of the Frog series we have already added a significant amount of functionality to the desks via the software updates. Given a fixed front panel design there is only a limited number of features you can add to the desk without making the user interface too complex and difficult to use.
  14. For more poetry ... CLICK HERE
  15. When the Frog desks are switched on, assuming recovery mode is enabled they will output the current memory, which if nothing has been programmed will be memory zero. In memory zero - all generic channels and fixture brightness parameters will be set to zero; all fixture colour, beamshape and position parameters will be output at their default/home values which are defined in the fixture type data. If the fixtures assigned on the desk are from fixture files you have created using the Fixture Type Editor, then it must be that the default values for those parameters are set to 255.
  16. The various windows (eg Program Window, Cue Stack Window, Colour Palettes etc) can be displayed as full screen, half-screen or quarter-screen and positioned as required to suit the users personal preference.
  17. Considering that the specification and user interface design are still in the development stage, and may well change as a result of feedback from PLASA this week, I don't think there will be a completed manual for the Frog 2 for a while Edit: 17.09.04 NZ has kindly posted an overview of the functionality of the Frog 2 desk for the benefit of those who did not get a chance to see a preview of the desk this week at PLASA CLICK HERE
  18. I was just wondering that myself - it's all gone very quiet this week - perhaps everyone is still sobering up from PLASA So folks, when you 've recovered from the annual Earls Court extravaganza we call PLASA ... how about posting you thoughts and comments on the new Frog 2 desk here.
  19. Nice one Snowpup - I've just tried that and it seems to work
  20. It sounds like the default/home values for some of the parameters have been set to 255 rather than the normal 0. If you have a copy of the Fixture Type Editor on your PC, you can load in the fixture type file you were sent, edit the default values and then save the file. Alternatively, if you send me the fixture type file and tell me which parameters are set to the wrong default values, I could do this.
  21. OK, so you figured out how to set the DMX start address on the fixtures, but I'm still puzzled as to where you got the fixture profile from :?: As far as I can see there are no 'Showtec' fixtures in out fixture library, unless they are the same as some other fixture type with a different badge When you say some functions are set to default 255 are you referring to the default/home values in the fixture type data ?
  22. First of all what is the full name of the manufacturer and fixture type as I don't recognise it as being one in our library 8O On most fixtures you can set the DMX start address on the fixture itself via dip switches or other user interface - see the fixture manual for details. You will then need to assign a fixture on the desk to the correct fixture type and patch it to the DMX start address you have set on the fixture.
  23. Some nice photos there Ice, particularly like the one of the drummer (pic no 7). Do you normally have plants on stage though - wouldn't they wilt under all that light and heat 8O
  24. Rather than having two separate support sites to monitor, administer, moderate and cross reference suggestions, bugs etc etc, my intention is to add some new Frog 2 specific forums onto this site PS - Why red and black :?
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