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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. That depends on exactly which of the scroller fixture types you use If you check the fixture library - there are some scroller fixture types which are just the scrollers and there are also lamp and scroller fixture types (composite fixtures) in which you are asked for separate DMX addresses for the lamp and the scroller.
  2. I believe that if you have a crossfade attack and an automatic drive, then the fade time between steps will be fixed and a function of the speed of the chase. If you want the outputs to remain at a particular state rather than start fading to the values in the nest step of the chase, you could always program the same values into two or more consecutive steps of the chase. Alternatively, if you want greater flexibility of fades and output states you could always program a number of scene memories, make the triggers automatic and add a jump to the last scene back to the first
  3. Aha - that will be the Attack Modifier then This modifier only affects the HTP channels in the chase (ie the generic channels and fixture brightness parameters) and determines the transitions between the steps: Snap, Slow Attack, Slow Decay or Crossfade. It's probably easier to program a simple generic chase, run it and then go through each of the different attacks in turn to see the differences
  4. "Fade Drive" :? Please explain ... the Drive modifier can be set to Auto, Bass, Vari, Manual or Beat :?
  5. The way that the submaster functionality is designed means that the actual fader only controls the HTP or brightness channels that are programmed onto it. As the submaster fader is raised, any LTP channel data (colour, gobo, iris, shutter, pan , tilr etc.) will be triggered at the appropriate trigger level and then snap or fade to the programmed value. It is not currently possible to control LTP parameters in this way using a submaster fader - sorry However, you could always select the required fixture(s) and attribute and control the parameter live using the control wheels
  6. Super User - Desk Setup - Program Mode Set the Mode to Partial, exit Desk Setup and save changes, exit Super User
  7. If you have an Illusion 500 desk it is recommended that you use the latest moving light software CLICK HERE. Illusion software version 7.5 is intended for Illusion 120/240 users only.
  8. Illusion 120/240 Software Release 7.5 This new version of software for the Illusion 120/240 contains a number of bug fixes. To download the new software click here: https://zero88.com/control/illusion To install the new software: Download the zip file onto your PC Unzip the file Copy the illusion.osf file onto a new or freshly formatted floppy disk Upgrade your desk in the normal way. NOTE - This version of software is for the Illusion 120/240 ONLY. It is NOT for the Illusion 500 lighting desk.
  9. K-Nine

    Frog manuals

    but didn't you write the manual? sp Yes, I did write the manual, but the proof reader is someone else who checks it afterwards for spelling mistakes etc ...
  10. Haytech is correct, if you want to use submasters for flashing generics without affecting any moving lights/fixtures in your rig, the desk should be in partial mode. When recording the subs with generics only, ensure that all fixtures are untagged, ie the yellow LED in the fixture buttons is solid and not flashing. You should also ensure that the brightness parameters of any fixtures are set to zero as well, since they are always recorded into memory and submaster data even if the fixture is untagged.
  11. K-Nine

    Frog manuals

    Oops :oops: The number of submaster pages was increased from 9 to 20 in Release 9 software, but it would appear that the proofreader missed that in the manual
  12. First, have you checked the latest Zero 88 Fixture Library? CLICK HERE If it is not listed in there, then you can create the fixture type profile yourself with the Fixture Type Editor which is a PC utility which can be downloaded from the Zero 88 website. CLICK HERE.
  13. During programming of memories, submasters, SX buttons, palettes etc, the data is stored in non-volatile RAM (NVR). When this NVR is full the desk software does an 'autosave' and transfers the data to flash memory, before clearing out the NVR. Autosaves also occur on exiting setup and also on performing operations which could significantly modify the memory data - eg deleting a palette which is referenced by a number of memories. There is a known problem with the desk locking up if the auto-save occurs when programming blank palettes: Frog Reference 5510 - After programming blank palettes - "Saving Show, Please Wait... 100% Done." message stuck on LCD, requiring a reboot to fix. Bug.
  14. K-Nine


    The numbers 1-48 represent the desk channel/fader numbers. Each desk channel/fader can be patched to any DMX address between 1 - 512 as required providing it is not already patched to another generic channel or fixture. See user manual page 6-7 and 6-8 for further information.
  15. If you patch a generic (dimmer) channel to more than one DMX address then the corresponding preset fader will output the same value to all those DMX addresses. It is not possible to control multiple DMX addresses from a fader AND still have individual control of each of the channels.
  16. Currently on the frog series of desks you can patch a generic channel to a maximum of 10 different DMX channels, but a fixture can only be patched to one DMX start address. This has been raised as an issue, particularly on the Mambo Frog since it does NOT have generic channels in the same way that the other desks in the Frog series have. It is of course possible to assign a single brightness channel fixture (dimmer) to the fixture buttons on the mambo frog but it will then be treated as a FIXTURE and therefore cannot be patched to multiple DMX addresses ... at the moment. One of the things we are considering for a future release is to allow fixtures to be patched to multiple DMX addresses as well as generic channels.
  17. Frog Reference No 5500 - New 'Release' function (same as Home function but with brightness set to zero rather than full).
  18. Ik spreek het geen Nederlands.. dit gebruikend de Babel vissenvertaler werd gedaan
  19. Frog Reference No 5495 - Unassigning fixtures should only remove the corresponding fixture data from the programmed memories, submasters, SX buttons and palettes. Data for other fixture types programmed in the show should not be affected - to be fixed in future release.
  20. Now I understand what you are saying ... I agree with you At the moment, as you have discovered, the software only displays the renamed show files when you do a Load Show Operation. I agree that it should also show all valid frog show files found on the floppy disk when you do a Save Show operation to allow you to overwrite an existing show file on the disk. We will bear this in mind when (if ?) we implement the naming of show files in a future release
  21. The Eclipse was a bit before my time, I'm afraid, but I will ask around and see if I can find out some information for you
  22. Frog Reference 5494 - Allow Colour/Beamshape/Position Palettes to be cleared separately. Implemented in version 10.8
  23. Are you using the Playback X controls including the Go button to play back the memories (cues) on the memory stack ? If so, check that the Override control is set to the central (neutral) position. Also check the fade up and fade down times of the memories (cues) themselves. For a smooth dipless crossfade between two memories (cues) you would normally set the two fade times to be the same (eg 3 seconds).
  24. If you have any specific questions on the operation of the frog, programming chases, modifiers etc. then please ask and I will do my best to explain
  25. I hope you are referring to the Minimac manual and not the Frog Manual
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