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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. When you lower the submaster back down the chase will stop running but if the shutter is open in the steps of the chase then it will remain open until it is told otherwise. You could program another submaster to close the shutters of the appropriate fixtures, or use a beamshape palette, or select the fixtures and adjust the shutter channel with the control wheel.
  2. Frog Reference No 5506 - On the Bull Frog version of the Phantom Frog the preset faders 26 - 48 are not mapped correctly to the output channels 26 - 48 - Bug to be fixed in next release of Phantom Frog.
  3. K-Nine

    Frog manuals

    You presume wrongly ... I only write the operating manuals for the Frog Series ... the spec sheets are written by the Sales and Marketing department :wink:
  4. With fixture parameters on submasters, the submaster fader controls the brightness/dimmer (HTP) levels in the submaster data. Any colour, beam, position fixture data programmed in the submaster data is handles LTP ... this data is ONLY TRIGGERED when the submaster fader is raised above the LTP trigger level for the submaster - see submaster screen. With the frogs there is no concept of 'untriggering' the LTP channels when the submaster fader is lowered - the LTP channels will remain at the levels they were last told to go to.
  5. Is the desk in full or partial mode ? If you are in full mode - all fixture parameters (brightness, colour, beamshape and position) will ALWAYS BE RECORDED AT THEIR CURRENT OUTPUT VALUES when you record a memory or submaster. If you wish to have fixture data on submasters it is probably better to have the desk in partial mode and only tag those fixtures that you require to change when you raise the submaster fader - see manual for further details
  6. The above method will work fine as long as you are only editing generic or dimmer channels (HTP channels) ... what you are actually doing is outputting the data on the sub ... adding or increasing one or more channel levels and then overwriting the submaster data with the new output levels. To decrease a channel level in the submaster data you do need to EDIT the submaster. If you are in partial mode and/or using colour, beamshape or position parameters on fixtures, you should really EDIT the submaster data as described in the manual. Otherwise you will need to remeber to tag all the required fixtures and attributes when you reprogram the submaster.
  7. K-Nine


    Can't think of a simple way at the moment since you are controlling the scroller outputs using the HTP mixing method as they are patched to the generic faders. Therefore the output valiues of the scrollers will be related to the position of the submaster fader
  8. You can program a chase memory. The chase can then be run from the playback X or from a submaster. If you wish to run the chase from a submaster - you need to transfer the memory onto the submaster first.
  9. The Zero fixture library is used by the frog series of desks, the Illusion 500 and the Frog 2. The Illusion 500 has it's own special SCROLLER fixture type which is stored internally on the desk and consists of a single colour parameter. The defintion of the scroller fixture type also contains the number of frames. This allows the user to program scrollers by frame number if required rather than absolute percentage or DMX values. Consequently, the Illusion 500 filters out the <SCROLLER> fixtures from the fixture library, which is why you don't see them when assigning fixtures from floppy disk. It should be possible to create your own lamp and scroller fixture type which contains two separate sub-fixtures, allowing you to patch the dimmer part to one DMX address and the scroller part to another. This sounds like what you have done by importing one from the library, renaming it and then saving it as a new user fixture type. What you have done sounds correct However, I believe that there may be an outstanding software bug relating to using and patching these complex fixture types. :cry: In the mean time I would suggest that you setup the dimmer as a dimmer channel and the scroller as a scroller fixture as provided by the Illusion 500 desk with the appropriate number of frames. You can always associate the dimmer channel and scroller fixture which allows you to move quickly between the two. I realise that this is not the ideal solution to your problem but hopefully it should provide a workable one until the problem with the complex fixture types is sorted.
  10. As Peter says, First program a memory as a chase (manual page 4-8 ) Then transfer the memory to the required submaster (pages 5-4 and 5-5)
  11. Please read the section on Page Overlay of Submasters on page 5-10 of the Frog Series Manual. This is how the submasters work on the frogs and so far this appears to be acceptable. I think the secret is basically don't put channel data or memories that you wish to use together on the same physical submaster because you will only be able to output one of them at a time.
  12. They are labelled Preset B1, B2 etc because when the desk is NOT in Wide mode that is exactly what they are Maybe they could be relabelled B1 (49) B2 (50) etc ?
  13. No Problems - if you have any other questions on operation etc, please post them here and we will try our best to help
  14. We would have to design and implement the programming of macros first before they could be executed
  15. It sounds like the ideal solution would be a two level lock state, one level prevents any changes to the show data (which is what lock does at the moment) and the other level effectively disables the whole front panel ?
  16. Remember that if you are on the memories screen and hit the edit key you will be editing the NEXT memory as indicated by the yellow bar on the meories screen. If you want to edit live the current memory - you need to select that memory first and then press edit.
  17. K-Nine

    Update Chases

    Chase modifers can be adjusted live either globally for all chases running, or for individually selected chases - this functionality was introduced in version 9 software. For a summary CLICK HERE
  18. Most if not all the Function keys on the Frog desks already have defined functionality ... some not so obvious as others
  19. An interesting idea ... but you could still change the outputs using the preset faders, home button, control wheels and palettes ... so not sure what this extra lock functionality would actually give you :?:
  20. When you edit a submaster live - it fades out any outputs from the presets and playback x (memory stack) so that you only see what is programmed on the sub and not a combintaion of outputs. When recording fixture parameter data (channel data) directly onto submasters you are right to have the desk in partial mode, as this allows you to just record certain fixtures rather than everything. Only the tagged fixtures will be recorded - but remember that if you simply press the PROGRAM button this will record all the colour, beamshape and position parameters for the tagged fixtures at their current output values. If you only want for example to record the colour parameters - then hold down the COLOUR button and press PROGRAM. LTP refers to the colour, beamshape and position parameters of a fixture which are processed using the LTP (Latest takes precedence) method. On a submaster - the actual fader controls the HTP (highest takes precedence) levels of the HTP channels in the data recorded onto that submasters. The HTP channels are the generic/preset faders and fixture brightness parameters. The LTP trigger level determines at what point the LTP channels programmed in the submaster are output. As the fader is raised through the trigger level - the LTP channels are triggered and will then snap or fade to their programmed levels as determined by the LTP fade time and LTP actions for colour, beam and position.
  21. What speed are you using for the effect ? Is there a movement speed parameter on the fixtures you are using ?
  22. This is probably closely related to the problem I have referred to in my previous post. You could try copying the memory with the movement effect to the new memory and then editing that as required.
  23. You are correct The movement effect parameters (Effect Size X, Size y etc) displayed on the wheel LCD do not currently match the effect that is currently being output. Frog Reference No 5505 - When a movement effect is running on a fixture this is not reflected in the movement effect parameters on the wheel LCD - they show No effect , size = 0 etc - This is something we will be investigating and hopefully correcting in the next software update
  24. I think you would need to program it for each group of channels.
  25. 1) If you look at the pan and tilt values on the wheel LCD you will see that they are changing according to the movement effect that is being output. In this situation the wheel LCD is merely showing the output values of the real fixture parameters. 2) Was the submaster programmed directly with fixture parameter data (channel data) or did it contain a transferred memory ? If you clear (delete) a memory, then you also clear any submasters (or SX buttons on a mambo) which have that memory transferred onto it.
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