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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. Palettes can only store the appropriate LTP fixture parameters (Colour, Beamshape or Position) so the answer is no , I'm afraid. Probably the best solution is to program the generic data you require and the fixtures at the required colour directly onto a submaster
  2. K-Nine


    Unfortunately, you can't The report functionality was removed for various reasons during the development of the Illusion 500 moving light software. At some point in the future we may look at providing a PC based utility which will enable you to load an Illusion 500 show file and then generate a number of different reports based on the data in the show.
  3. K-Nine

    wysiwyg connection

    Currently, the Frog 2 Ethernet port outputs DMX data over ArtNet. We will be developing our Ethernet support further over the coming months.
  4. In ancient Greece, Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance who ran up to him excitedly and said, "Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students ?" "Wait a moment," Socrates replied. "Before you tell me what you heard I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test." "The triple filter test ?" "That's right," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my student let's take a moment to filter what you're going to say. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true ?" "No," the man said, "Actually I just heard about it and..." "All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my student something good ?" "No, on the contrary..." "So," Socrates continued, "You want to tell me something bad about him, even though you're not certain it's true ?" The man shrugged, a little embarrassed. Socrates continued. "You may still pass the test because there is a third filter - the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my student going to be useful to me ?" "No, not really" "Well," concluded Socrates, "If what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful, why tell it to me at all ?" The man was defeated and ashamed and so walked away. This is the reason Socrates was a great philosopher and held in such high esteem. This also explains why he never found out that Plato was sh*gging his wife 8O
  5. The ability to assign fixtures to types that are NOT in the fixture library stored on the desk is to be implemented fairly soon. When a new version of software is available for the Frog 2 it will be announced on this forum .... watch this space
  6. K-Nine and Simon will define what constitutes a 'bug' and what is an undocumented 'feature'
  7. This has been checked out in our demo room and it does appear to be a bug :oops: Frog 2 Reference No # 6653 - Edit Fixtures screen does not show the second fixture in each group - to be fixed in next version.
  8. If you want the Home function to output different values to those defined in the fixture profile data, you need to edit the fixture profile itself using the Fixture Type Editor which can be downloaded from the main Zero 88 website.
  9. K-Nine

    UDK / UDF function

    I have just tried this out in our demo room ... All the fixtures in the rig were programmed in the cue and output via the playback. I then set the four minimacs to move to the centre, change to white and strobe (all fade times were set to zero). Record this to a UDK as channel data, with action set to flash. Play back the cue, then press the UDK, the minimacs snap to centre, white and strobe. Release the UDK, the fixtures return to their values from the cue .. .... so I guess that's a yes
  10. Posting Images in the Forum The posting of images in the Forums is allowable as long as there are only a few images per post, the files are compressed, and the images are small enough to load at a reasonable speed for our dial-up users, and do not fill a screen several times over. Images should be no larger than 640 x 480 pixels. For information on how to include images in posts: CLICK HERE If you have a large number of images, or the images themselves are large, then please use hyperlinks.
  11. Brightness Palettes - would be identical in operation ... probably ... but there is a major difference between brightness and colour/beamshape/position parameters as mentioned numerous times elsewhere ... ie they are processed HTP rather than LTP. So even if you had brightness palettes and referenced them from memories, submasters etc if another source was outputting the same channels/brightness parameters at a higher value then that is the value you would see, not necessarily the one in the palette .... just something to bear in mind
  12. Frog 2 Operating Manual - Issue 1 The Frog 2 Operating Manual (Issue 1) is now available: CLICK HERE
  13. I am not sure about the exact timing aspects but a two step chase memory transferred onto a submaster would seem a possible option. If you set the number of shots to one you could then just trigger the chase to run once each time you either raised the submaster fader or pressed the submaster flash button (flash mode set to flash).
  14. Frog 2 Operating Software - Version 1.0 (Launch Edition) Version 1.0 of the Frog 2 Operating Software is available in the Software Downloads section of the main Zero 88 website: CLICK HERE
  15. In fact, to be accurate, on the Frog 2 you can specify a 'delay' time (as we have called it) for each parameter of each fixture that is programmed in the cue
  16. The 'suggestion' has been implemented on Frog 2
  17. You could always program it as a one shot two step chase
  18. The answer is yes, it is designed that way The FIX BR line on the status and information section at the bottom of the monitor screen indicates the current level of the virtual preset fader for the brightness of each fixture. This level is set by selecting the fixture(s), brightness and then adjusting with the control wheel. The virtual preset brightness level is mixed HTP with the other fixture brightness sources (playback X, submasters, SX buttons) The virtual preset levels should normally be showing zeros (--) when playing back the show ... see Manual Page 7-9. To see the actual DMX outputs of the fixtures see the Outputs screen - Desk Channel outputs ... see manual Page 7-11
  19. The 48 generic/dimmer/preset channels are patched by default to DMX channels 1-48. Fixtures should therefore be patched to DMX addresses 49 and above. Set the DMX start address on the fixture to something greater than 48 and patch the fixture on the desk accordingly. You should then be able to control the fixture's parameters using the control wheels.
  20. The fixture profiles for the Mojo 1 and Mojo 2 are already in the Zero 88 fixture library - CLICK HERE
  21. With moving light fixture data on submasters, the submaster fader controls the brightness/intensity channels (HTP) All other fixture parameters (colour, gobo, pan, tilt etc) are only triggered on the way up. Therefore if the shutter is opened on raising the submaster fader past the LTP trigger level, it is NOT closed when the submaster is lowered. You need another submaster with the shutter programmed as closed, or use a beamshape palette.
  22. This is almost certainly a consequence of what happens internally when you solo a submaster, ie all the other submaster faders are (internally)lowered to zero and then returned to their previous level. Lowering a submaster fader to zero will stop the chase, returning it to previous level will then restart the chase using the programmed modifiers (including speed).
  23. The 96 generic channels on the preset faders on the Bull Frog are patched to DMX addresses 1-96 as default. Therefore any fixtures that are assigned to the desk are normally patched to addresses > 96.
  24. The manual for the Mojo scanners should explain how to set the DMX start addresses
  25. If you set them both to a DMX address of 100 they will always behave exactly the same ! Presumably you would want individual control of each of the scanners and so you should patch one scanner to say 100 and the other to 104. Patching fixtures is described in the operating manual Page 6-8 Check that the start address on the scanners themselves match the start address in the patch on the desk.
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