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Everything posted by K-Nine

  1. When using moving lights on the Fat Frog you need to assign the fixture types to the fixture selection buttons and then patch them to the correct DMX start addresses - See operating manual pages 6-3 to 6-9 for full details. Note - If your MACS have addresses 1 and 28 then you will have to unpatch the corresponding generic channels as you cannot have generic channels AND fixtures patched to the same DMX address. Alternatively you can set the start addresses on the fixtures to be > 48.
  2. The age old question once again - Is the desk in full or partial mode ? If the desk is in full mode - all generic channels and all fixture parameters will be recorded onto the submasters regardless of whether you have set or changed any of their parameter values. When you raise the submaster the fixtures will go to these values. If you wish that submasters only affect the fixtures that you specifically program into the data or transferred memory then the desk must be in Partial Mode.
  3. Why not just read the manual - it clearly explains the different operating modes and it's hardly War and Peace
  4. A Macro is a recorded series of button presses which can be played back when required, or triggered from a memory in the memory stack or a submaster. For details of programming, editing and running macros on the Illusion 120 see the operating manual pages 11-5 and 11-6
  5. Press F2 Select the required attribute by pressing COLOUR, BEAMSHAPE or POSITION as required. Select the required palette to name using the palette selection buttons. Enter text via external keyboard. Press ENTER to complete operation. If that still doesn't work - let us know and we will investigate.
  6. Generic (dimmer) channels are treated as fixtures on the Frog 2 desk. In the Fixture Schedule when you are adding fixtures select <CONVENTIONALS> from the Manufacturer and Dimmer from the fixture type and then enter the number of dimmer channels you have, eg 48. I have found it much easier when programming cues etc if you have unique fixture numbers for all the generics/dimmers and moving lights. You assign fixture numbers to the fixtures in your schedule via the Edit Fixtures Window in Setup. eg In our demo room we have 48 channels of dimming, four minimacs, two MAC 250s, MAC 500 and MAC 600. I have numbered my dimmers 1- 48, the minimacs 101-104, the MAC 250s are 201 and 202, the MAC 500 is 501 and the MAC 600 is 601. When selecting the dimmers/fixtures to program you can then enter the fixture numbers directly, eg 1 THRU 12 ENTER selects the first 12 dimmer channels/generics, 101 AND 102 selects the first two minimacs etc. You can also select groups of fixtures by pressing GROUP and then selecting the required group of fixtures (eg Dimmers, Minimacs) from the tool bar on the touch screen.
  7. The Frog 2 desk is more complex and powerful than the Frog series but a lot of elements are the same, particularly with how you program moving lights (select fixtures, select attribute, use control wheels to set values etc.) Read the Quick Start section of the Manual (and the rest of it if you have the time or the inclination) For new features that have been added since Release 2 of the desk software read the forum and associated release notes. If you have any questions on certain functions or want to know how to achieve something please feel free to post in this forum
  8. Tagging and Untagging Parameters Tagging and untagging fixture parameters can now be done at parameter, attribute or fixture level. Holding the Wheel Group button down will now indicate on various LCD and monitor screens, which parameters are tagged or not. Untagged parameters are indicated as β€œ---β€œ. The yellow LEDs in the fixture selection buttons will flash if any parameter or movement effect is tagged for that fixture. Parameter Level Moving a control wheel will tag the relevant parameter for the currently selected fixtures. If the corresponding attribute is set to β€˜All’ in the Program Mode section of Desk Setup, all parameters of that attribute will also be tagged automatically. Holding down the Wheel Group button and moving a control wheel, will untag the relevant parameter for the currently selected fixtures. Attribute Level Holding the Colour, Beamshape or Position button down for >1 second while the Wheel Group button is also held down, will toggle the tag-state of all parameters in the selected attribute for the selected fixtures. For the selected attribute and the selected fixtures, if any parameters are tagged, then this action will untag them all, and if no parameters are tagged, then this action will tag them all. Fixture Level If any parameters are tagged (yellow LED flashing), holding the Fixture Selection button down for >1 second will untag the entire fixture. If no parameters are tagged (yellow LED steady), holding the Fixture Selection button down for >1 second will tag all the parameters in the fixture.
  9. Frog 2 Operating Software - Version 2.0.21 Version 2.0.21 of the Frog 2 Operating Software is now available from the Zero 88 Support Centre. CLICK HERE. This version contains a number of new functions and bug fixes, which are described in the release notes also available on the same page. The full installation CD has also been updated to version 2.0.10, as this includes operating system version You should only perform a full upgrade using the CD if you have been advised to do so by Zero88 technical support to resolve a specific issue.
  10. K-Nine


    Outputting Palettes ... 1. Select the fixture(s) you wish to change using the fixture selection buttons (red LED on). 2. Select the palette to output. Press and hold down the required attribute button (COLOUR, BEAMSHAPE or POSITION) then press the channel flash button corresponding to the required palette number. Only the selected fixtures which have parameters programmed in the selected palette will change to the programmed values in the palette. Hint: If you are outputting several palettes - Hold down F1 and press one of the attribute buttons. This will lock the channel flash buttons to operate as the appropriate palette selection buttons. In this state you can quickly and easily switch between attributes using the attribute buttons.
  11. K-Nine


    Fixture Selection Buttons each contain two LEDs - one red, one yellow. The Red LEDs indicate the following ... LED on - The fixture is selected and moving the control wheels will adjust the corresponding parameters for that fixture depending on the attribute and wheel group selected. LED flashing - The fixture is selected and is also the 'primary fixture' ie the one whose parameters will be displayed on the wheel LCD above the control wheels. The yellow LEDs indicate the following ... LED on - there is a fixture type (eg MAC250) assigned to that fixture selection button LED flashing - there are one or more parameters tagged for that fixture. When recording fixture data into memories, submasters and palettes remember it is the tagged state of the fixture parameters that determine what data is recorded not the selection state.
  12. K-Nine


    Tagging only applies when the desk is in Partial Mode and only applies to fixture LTP parameters (colour, beamshape, position). Basically if a fixture parameter (colour, gobo, shutter, pan, tilt etc.) is tagged it will be recorded into the memory, submaster or palette data. Untagged fixture parameters are NOT recorded into memories, submasters and palettes. Tagging and partial programming down to individual parameter level is most useful in palettes and submaster data, ie you can record just a gobo wheel value or shutter into a beamshape palette or submaster data. Therefore when outputting the palette or the submaster only the parameters tagged (programmed) will be affected.
  13. Frog 2 Ref No 7010 - The LED states in active UDF/UDKs are not cleared when a CLEAR ALL operation is carried out - to be fixed.
  14. Note - you can also home the parameters of a single attribute by holding down the corresponding attribute button (BRIGHTNESS, COLOUR, BEAMSHAPE or POSITION) and then pressing the HOME button.
  15. There is no way to lock the front panel controls at the moment, but different locking functions have been discussed above (topics merged).
  16. You can lock the desk which disables all the editing facilities on the desk, ie you cannnot change any of the setup, memory, submaster, palette data etc. For information on locking / unlocking the desk see page 7-3 of the operating manual.
  17. K-Nine

    16 or 8bit

    Which moving fixtures are you using and in which mode ? I can then check the information in the fixture library
  18. When you want to edit a memory - select the memory to edit using the cursor keys or by entering the number directly from external keyboards and then press EDIT - this will then output the memory live.
  19. With Lamps and Scrollers - there are a couple of ways in which you can set up the desk. 1. Have the lamp controlled by one of the generic / dimmer preset faders and the scroller as a separate fixture - a single colour channel scroller. 2. Have the lamp and scroller as a single fixture in which case the brightness and colour channels will both be controlled via the control wheels as with any other fixture. This is known as a composite fixture and you have to patch both the 'dimmer' and 'fixture' part of the fixture to the corresponding DMX addresses. It really depends on how you wish to control the lamp/scroller combination, ie with a fader for the lamp and the scroller via the wheels, or both lamp and scroller via the wheels. Note - You cannot patch more than one item (dimmer channel or fixture) to the same DMX address. Therefore it is NOT possible to control the lamp via a fader AND the control wheels.
  20. The TAS Mini Ultra Scan is the name on the documentation from which the profile was constructed. For your information the channel assignments are as follows ... Channel 1 Pan Channel 2 Tilt Channel 3 Color Channel 4 Gobo Channel 5 Shutter Channel 6 Reserve HTH
  21. The Fan-Middle editing mode works as per the design. What you are describing is more of a Fan - V which I think someone has suggested before either for the Frogs or Frog 2 Frog Reference 5502 - New Fan V Function - Locks middle fixtures and bends the outer fixtures in the same direction. Implemented in version 10.9
  22. If you have a chase on a submaster then it must be a transferred memory. Simply copy the original memory to another memory ... see page 4-13 of the operating manual for details
  23. K-Nine


    As far as I know if you change the fixture type of a fixture, whether it be the same fixture type from one mode to another or to a completely different fixture type then you essentially remove that fixture type from the desk and then add in a new one. If you remove fixtures from the desk - then all data stored for those fixtures in cues, palettes, submasters etc will be deleted. The desk has no way of knowing that you intend replacing those fixtures with the same 'type' of a different mode or with a different fixture type, or with nothing at all.
  24. You can patch a generic channel to several different DMX adresses (max 10). You cannot patch several generic channels and/or fixtures to the SAME DMX address.
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