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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Anthony Berry

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Everything posted by Anthony Berry

  1. Having tried 10.8 I found it caused too many problems. Peter Kirkup is quite wrong to imply that it is the users that are not capable of using this software by saying operators have found it difficult. It is the software itself that has the problems. When did any user ask for tracking of generic channels? What we asked for was an inhibit function and ability to lock the whole desk including the manual faders. Yes the colours used on 10.8 are better but when you have to manually tag every generic channel and not be able to use the grand master to programme a blackout there has got to be a fault with the software. Also it doesnt allow the operator to use submasters to programme groups of channels into the memory and when one submaster is raised it untags a previous submaster so multiples of submasters cancel each other out. I still think that the simple ways of programming are clearly the best and to introduce problems in the name of progress is unhelpful. Also it doent allow moving lights to be programmed onto submasters as raising a submaster to move a moving head intop position ready for use again causes all sorts of problems. Thus it doesnt allow an operator to run a show "live" with preset beamnshapes colour and position of heads in submasters.
  2. I have tried 10.8 and found problems. My advise is stick with 10.4. I recorded a show and when I played it back it was nothing like i thought I was recording. I have now got 10.4 back on the desk. Until the bugs and problems get sorted my advise is leave well alone.
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