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Everything posted by Yves

  1. I'll try it out. thx
  2. I'll try it. PS. I'm using movtec sl250, martin mac 500, mac 600 & martin 218
  3. Yves


    sounds good, but I think that a mouse is somethimes difficult. I use the mambo in renals and we just don't have the space to use a mouse. a trackball is a good alternatif. I think it may be better than a joy stick. you just have to see what you like most maybe with usb so they are both compatible. but I don't think there is one in the desk :oops:
  4. how do you put the chase on bass drive? didn't know that you could do that. :oops:
  5. Yves


    a joy-stick may be usefufull sometimes. maybe you could start a poll to see if there are lot of people who agree this.
  6. als ik een fixture wil uploaden naar de desk dan moet ik steeds alle fixtures die ik gebruik opnieuw uploade. is het mogelijk om gewoon een fixture er bij te plaatsen of moet ik steeds de hele reeks van de diskette halen? greetz yves
  7. I mean uploading one from a floppy to the desk.
  8. I work with a mambofrog and every time I want to add a fixture I seem to load all of the fixtures again. :? is it possible to just add one fixture to the rest? Greetz yves
  9. in a plane above the ocean were one man and 150 woman. they were an houre in the air when the plain lost hight. the pilot said: "the plain is to heavy so we will throw the suitcases in the ocean" everyody aggreed, but but they still lost hight. pilot: "throw all the seats out to rescue us." it wouldent help. pilot: we still have the problem so hold on to the roof and we'll throw the floor down. after an half an houre: pilot: were still losing hight!!! people: what can we do man (with an fabulous idea): I wil jump down and save all of you AND ALL THE WOMEN CLAPT THEIR HANDS
  10. how do you change the moving speed live when the program is running? I know you can change the time of a step, but then moves the moving head at the same speed. :? greetz yves
  11. how do you just program the colour or movement? :?: because I don't think it's in the manual. :cry: Greetz yves
  12. thx for the information. I made the pars work on the mambo, so everything is OK now greetz yves
  13. How do you control the pars on the mambofrog. I don't understand it. :evil: Is there a manual for pars, becouse in the general manual there are no pars mentionned :cry: Thx yves
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