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Everything posted by Yves

  1. I hope SP accepts the challange. smooth & slow would be nice idd. 8)
  2. now we can see a moving dog in the entire forum if you keep looking at the avatar to long I think you'll get crazy. 8O
  3. right klick and save as should do it 8)
  4. does anybody know the site of the program, then I can show it to my boss he was altready impressed of the pictures in this topic
  5. and we all thank you for this
  6. this is a movie of a show I did a while ago. Balloonparty (19.8MB) 8 movitec SL250 12 Showtec typhoon 2 MAC 500 2 MAC 600 a lot of par special effects projection screen 1 35W JAG laser (separated into 2 units via fiber and output reduced to 7W) 1 Mambofrog
  7. I would recomment Stardraw lightning 2D (2D drawings )or Professional (2 and 3D drawings 8) )
  8. verry nice richard Wish I could do that, but photoshop isn't my thing. I keep it with the lights
  9. I always do it the way I said. works fine for me 8)
  10. you can change speed when playing the chase go to the submasers page and select the sub where the chase is currently running. (tap the button below the sub) then you can adjust the chase speed with the speedcontrol
  11. Yves

    Frogs and the Future ?

    a simple drawing would please me to
  12. Yves

    Frogs and the Future ?

    acount me also in as an applicant
  13. Yves

    Frogs and the Future ?

    maybe the possibility to add separate wings with subs or SX buttons. because if I do bigger shows with different fixtures I don't have enough SX buttons to assign each color, gobo etc. onto a button. Then you don't have to buy a really big desk, you could just add an extra wing of SX or subs. and the people of Zero don't have to make a range of different desks like you got now, you just produce a standard one and if that isn't big enough you can add whatever you like I hope they've got something at the moment, otherwise we have to wait a really long time i guess :cry:
  14. Yves

    Frogs and the Future ?

    if they tell us that, it isn't a suprise anymore :twisted:
  15. Yves

    Frogs and the Future ?

    maybe you can create a separate show designer, so you can set the positions of the fixtures on a computer and then load them into the desk. that way you can easely set up the fixtures and position and maybe create a whole show @ home
  16. Yves

    Frogs and the Future ?

    I also think that screens above the subs is better than leds. it can give you a lot more information I guess. I don't think they are going to reveal the entire plan for the new desk. maybe they could provide us with a list of features (or possible features)so we can comment further on those points.
  17. Yves

    Frogs and the Future ?

    love to hear that
  18. wasn't planning to write an autobiography, but will introduce myself. I'm Yves Proost, am 19 years old and live in Gierle near Turnhout (belgium). I'm still at school where I study computer technology. I'm working 4 years with lights for a couple of companies. at the moment I work at JAB-Productions. It isn't a big company, but we're growing fast. I do lights for shows from 16 pars to over 60 pars, 24 moving heads and scans (martin, showtec, movitec), laser etc. I don't do much stuff like bands and concerts. I'm more interrested in big parties and house events. and finally a picture of me in the front trying to read the tekst on the mambo at a party on newyear. It was around 5 o'clock in the morning and the beer was tasted to good that evening, so I'm sorry if I scare someone Me and my frog T-shirt
  19. didn't knew it was there either :oops:
  20. Yves

    Frogs and the Future ?

    my mistake, guess I have to read the manual again. :oops:
  21. Yves

    Frogs and the Future ?

    or a step button for chases like on The zero 88 XL
  22. Yves

    Frogs and the Future ?

    what also would be nice is a function where you could choose preprogrammed positions that 4 example sets all your selected fixtures nicely in an half circle or other handy positions. you could then change the X & Y porition and the width. so you spare a lot of time adjusting the position for each fixture. saw that a while ago on the 'SGM regia 2048 Live'
  23. did he change the code or just locked the desk? you can try the default unlock code. It's 0000.
  24. Yves


    I think the only way is to load the show in the Phantom frog and then use print screen.
  25. link fixed. we made a new site so all the pics are moved Btw: I'll put the pictures of the controller a.s.a.p. on-line. there is a new software-card installed so I haven't got a chanse to make some pics :oops:
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