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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by lxkev

  1. i have to agree with this, the desk OS has been very doggy over the last few releases. I saw OS 8 at Plasa focus last year, in which I managed to crash the desk when exiting RDM in the setup. Lack of updates, info and unreliable os had made me make a hard decision very easy. After using Zero 88 products for 15 year Im Switching our Orb for a ETC IOS later this year. Sorry guys but we have to have a Desk that works and visiting companies don't laugh at. lxkev
  2. I paid for the app on iphone and to be honest if it ment a better remote for android i would buy it,
  3. Something else to check... i had this a lot on my orb.... the internal battrie had died or had popped out the holder.
  4. Hello Made a RGB + virtual dimmer fixture..... but dimmer effects dont work?
  5. android 4.0.3 star n8000 1.4.13
  6. Hi Zero 88 I've noticed you dont do the ML anymore (the unit without faders). Is there anychance you could alow a use keypad to contol the levels of the 24 generic dimmers? Please!
  7. Hi All I've recently gone from iphone to andriod, and the android app sucks! (sorry). I have a 4" screen and the app displays the remote in 1 1/2" of it. Its to small to be any use, I'm not the only person suffering from this as many people have commeted on the play market about the same prob.... When is going to be fixed?
  8. Just wondering if its possible to update firmware on chilli dimmers
  9. Hi Zero 88 I made a profile for a sgm idea spot 300, but have since lost the file... Please could you chaps make one... please.
  10. Htc desire
  11. hi guys, i've just made the move from iphone, to android... im on 2.2.2 I cant seem to enter the ip adrress? the first two boxes are visable, but the next two are two small to click on type in...
  12. Hi Our zero 88 memory disk died a few years ago, i tried 20 memory sticks to try and install os, and only had look with one.... Some (insert nasty word) has stolen it and i'm not having any look trying to find alternative that works. If anybody has a non-zero88 memory stick could you list it here...please! Kev
  13. attached file debug.dat
  14. Hi All We bought one of the above touch screen before you listed compatible list years ago when zero said touch screens work with the frog 2........ 4/5 year later still no APR? and i have a £500 screen doing nothing.... Any chance of ever getting this screen to work?
  15. As the title states????? de bugg attached
  16. Hi Is it an access point or router you are using. If its a access point and your going from the desk directly into the access point you need to make sure its a crossover wire. Turn off DHCP on router and on desk. (If your using a wirless router make sure you have nothing else patched into it) On your iphone select your wifi network, press the little arrow icon, select static set ip to, subnet on the desk enable the remote, set the ip to subnet Should work...... If not try disabling your wifi password, and see if that works.
  17. lxkev

    Effects UDK

    Hi I used to create a ramp effect on our hazer channel to give the right amount of haze. But when i set up my effect and record udk1. the udk becomes a fixture select button, and no sign of the effect...
  18. lxkev


    Hi, Just done the latest software update, new show file...... Highlite still gets stuck...
  19. Hello Zero88 I'm thinking about buying the below product: http://www.chauvetlighting.com/products/manuals/COLORado__Batten_72_Tour_UM.pdf It has RGBAW for its colours. Their is mo fixture at present.... I have the unit on demo for the next week. Could someone please make me a fixture file which will control these fixture and allow me to use the colour picker with the extra colours.? DMX chart on page 3...
  20. The new Record and Delete multiple cues using 'THRU' (DELETE CUE 5 THRU 8 ENTER). is great, anychance we could have copy and move multiple cues using 'THRU' (DELETE CUE 5 THRU 8 ENTER).
  21. lxkev


    Hi All Having a problem with HIGHLIGHT (shift and home - could the light on the home switch come on in highlight) When in HIGHLIGHT, as i go forward or back channel start to stay on (always diffrent channels/doesnt always do it)... I then have to type 0 thru 5000 hightlight @ 0 to set the release the channels. However this only works a few times then I Have to reboot the desk... When the fixtures stay on, even when i pull down the GM they stay on! Help! Also, Im finding weird things when patches..... eg. add 10 fixtures, fixture edit only shows 9. and an extra 10 dimmers, there shown in edit window. 101 thru 110 @ 101.... Only patches the first 5?
  22. Has anybody got a fixture file for a sgm 300 spot, before i spend an hour inputing the data? http://www.sgmtechnologyforlighting.com/prodotti.asp?co_id=1638
  23. lxkev

    Fire Alarm Input

    Hello We Have our fire alarmed patched into our chilli dimmers. At the moment when the alarm comes on all the dimmer channels come on..... Is it possible to set it so a scene is loaded, or disable certain channel from coming on in the event of alarm being set off?
  24. Hi Just been playing with the remote mointor (wicked idea!) had a few probs.. When I press connect to desk it doesnt give me an option to enter a password and comes up saying i cant log in etc.... so I removed the password on the desk I also had to run it in compatability mode Suggestions: * make the mointor window full screen * It would be really usefully if we could press go/back using a keyboard * Be able to type syntex * Remote - The window is to small to operate playbacks
  25. Hello I have a iphone the app is great.... However i was wondering if zero88 have any plans to make an app for android os. An ipad/phone is rather expensive, but you can get a 7" android tablets for less then £100... or 10" for £150 Link Removed
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