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Everything posted by Haytech

  1. @ Laubfrosch schön das es Dich noch gibt !!! Laubfrosch quotes some of my favorite colors Dark Lavender full C.T. Blue always good too : 117 steel blue 134 golden amber
  2. Phantom Frog dosn´t show tagged / detagged status The Phantom doesn't shows the flashing yellow LED ! on fixture selection buttons. regards
  3. This is another tagged while programming issue ... Please be sure that your fixtures are "detagged" while programming HTP chasers. yellow fixture LED stays lit.
  4. You can solder your own adaptor as follows: DMX 5pin male [*]1= GND [*]2= DMX DATA - [*]3= DMX DATA + [*]4= optional 2nd DMX DATA - [*]5= optional 2nd DMX DATA + DMX 3pin female [*]1=GND [*]2=DATA- [*]3=DATA+
  5. @Nyfan The Home function is a little tricky in here ... If you don´t want the home function want to open the brightness you can use the Fixture Type Editor to edit the home values. Fixture Type Editor regards
  6. To this and other fixture pallette matters : Exactly my point :!:
  7. I want your easy live Ice Are you Programming one show per month or more ? I program every weekend a one or two new ones - they aren´t perfect - that´s why I have to use all the desk abilities.... at live situations ...
  8. Feel the fire
  9. Sick :shock: Indeed - then you are ready for psychiatry
  10. Install a separate dimmer pack in your booth so you can implement your gooseneck´s in the plot 8) :mrgreen: Please don´t take me serious.
  11. This effect I noticed before but I didn´t thougt this is a bug :? since then I stored color pallettes for each fixture seperate.
  12. A pallette is a "preset" it stores values you setted up on your fixtures. They are availible on color/beamshape/position. using the channel flash button. To store a pallette select the fixtures you want to use via fixture controls set up the value you want to store maybe the color yellow. then press color and the channel flash button 1 until the LED´s switched on. now the channel flash button 1 is a pallette and can be recalled via pressing the color button and the CFB 1.
  13. @dougalzeb: The n-shot chase will be your friend :mrgreen: Make a chase: Fade in :00:02:00 Fade out:00:02:00 [*]Step1 set brightness to 0% [*]Step2 bring fixtures to new position (be sure your brightness is at 0% after positioning them) now set the chase parameters Speed etc.: make it a 1 Shot this should do what you want ...
  14. To complete sp´s post it´s a SMPTE/MIDI/CAN Board. CAN is compatible to Chillinet or devices of iLight. The most purchaser of lightingconsoles like Zero88 / ETC etc. :-) have done their own "Ethernet" the only console I do know using TCP/IP compatible to PC - is the "grandMA" and their successors. PS.: If you get the *frog you get a theaterstack, full moveinglightcontrols, 108 Submasters(good for live situations) ( all provided with fadetimes) all in all a great console.
  15. You know you are Frog addict when... 1. you always take a picture of your Frog with you. 2. your Frog case has it´s own special place in company´s encapment (best living conditions to a frog) please go on these list.
  16. I don´t think that Frog² Consoles can be "costumized" as they do on cars. Its a simple question of price you are willing to pay. Again I´am not willing to pay for a gaming console.
  17. 8O I´ve seen such a mess looks very evil. Before killing the dimmers you can change the Demux unit - I think that your problems are made by bad Demuxing. What dimmers do you use exactly ?
  18. Sounds like poetry ... All the things we where crying for are realized in the Frog2 *hurra* for that. Hopefully they will be delivered in soon... So I can have a play at our local wholesaler LMP. It will be very diffiult to convincing our *boss* to have a new lighting console after the Leap´s success. thanks good I´m able to dream about...
  19. Has anyone news about the new "Frog 2" ??
  20. A guy spots a nice looking girl in a bar goes up and starts small talk. Seeing that she doesn't back off he asks her name. "Carmen," she replied. "That's a nice name," he said warming up the conversation, "Who named you, your mother?" "No, I named myself," she answered. "Oh, that's interesting. Why Carmen?" "Because I like cars, and I like men," she said looking directly into his eyes. "What's your name?" "Beerduck."
  21. Another solution for this problem is as the following: [*] Click on "show your desktop" - this will shut every open window. [*] now click on inactive PhantomFrog task - this will re-open the window.
  22. not exactly to excuse me, your post appeared after sending mine. So we had written nearly the same post at the same time.
  23. Hi, you can´t change start addresses of fixtures by the desk - you have to change it on the fixture itself. In case of a Showtec MEX 150 there are 3 encoder switches to set up DMX Start address... Edit: K-Nine was faster again especially when I compare London Time to our time my answer is about 1h later
  24. Nice ones ice. I like the plants :mrgreen: They have the same color as the frogs ...
  25. @Jethro: Try a DMX ''phasechanger' - sometimes DMX cabling + / - is changed over in devices. maybe this helps: DMX LINE on 3PIN XLR: 1=GND => GND 2=SIG- => SIG+ 3=SIG+ => SIG- this problem is also known as Martinsyndrome
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