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Everything posted by Haytech

  1. In here we could link to photos made at venues and production I hope there is no problem with the royalty May I introduce myself: No comments on this one pls. And here is my first one: Aquacity while a Tentparty -> Zeltfete near Bremen
  2. indeed, I am sure this will work fine If there is resistivity of a pinspot or similar then the phantom power would drain to these lamp and your egg strobe should work fine. Compliments to Felix ...
  3. Hey NZ, I have never heard about phantom power on a dimming unit there is only +48V phantom power on these pocketfull of quiet soundmixing consoles to feed hungry DI´s or mics *lol* What happens to fixtures when we feed them with these adittional +48V unfortunally of another phase :twisted:
  4. Hi maybe the dimmer - chans are on preheat Have a look onto your dimmer´s maybe they have a switch function too... switch both units to "switch" Demux and Dimmer. There must be a small amount of power as you figured in your post: Just measure it to be sure 8O 8)
  5. I registered this behavior first at a small venue on saturday while using the desk without monitor and keyboard ... I think the LCD is more laggy than the monitor but don´t spike me on that, I dont think that this was the same thing I described. If I use the +/- keys to go thru the memorys the counter "overshoots" about five mem´s even on the LCD screen.
  6. Hi, I have some problems with plus and minus keys on the desk: If I press the "-" key to scroll down the cursor will increase speed if I found the memory i looked for I release the button but the scrolling won´t stop immediately - this is awful if you haven´t a keyboard to key in your memory. My suggest: Immediately stop scrolling at +/- key release. Or use the middle finger wheel to scroll thru the memories. Thanks
  7. Hi perhaps I´am late but mayby this can help. If you want to run a "theater stack" put your desk to partial mode and set up your scenes but dont store them to the submaster - store them on the memories than you can use the go button to go thru the memories with fadetimes for generics (fade up) (fade down) the brightness of fixtures are similar to the "HTP" generics chans. they also fade the other fade time is "LTP" there you can choose colour beamshape or position fade - I use it only for position its a metter of personal likes. Viel erfolg ... Good Luck Sebastian
  8. I think n-shot is a useful name for this function And Avolitesâ„¢ has named its chase control "loop" and "stop on last step"
  9. Thats exactly my point. Here in good ol germany we would say somone goes crazy or simply is a Punch.
  10. Hi GLX with that one you can run a chase (n) times n=1-255 times 0=forever I think that´s why they called it n-shot could also be nigel - shot I´m not sure about that it´s cool for fadeouts last movementsweeps flashing lights - showdown and many more
  11. These little things are currently very difficult to say, when you are not able to spaek english ... And what the duck is passiv agressive disorder - some kind of sickness ?
  12. Haytech

    Load Show

    lol seen some big disk´s before Please add to our frogs with next update a USB Port, Harddisk for loads of memorys and DVD Rom to see some cool Videos on a boring venue
  13. Sorry but Trackball sucks even on a scancommander - I ´ve tried that times ago and it´s rally horrible to put and hold a beam on one person the best trackball steering I worked with is on a GrandMa Console but on them you can use the touchscreen as tablet too. Other question would you use only one fixture to "follow" a person or more than that.
  14. Do you ever used a Trackerball on a scan or movinghead ? I have metioned it before elsewhere in this forum - Moving the beam of a fixture live at a show would be very difficult the stepresulution of that thing is only 255 - 255 in normal mode thats not very smooth. Folks could see every step you made by trackball and when you setup movement speed it´s not that fast that you need it. Just a opinon
  15. Is there any way to have the clear all function on a Leap Desk ?
  16. Hi guys, for programming lots of different fixtures it is important to me to detag fixtures very fast - is that possible ?
  17. Hi , thats true - in this case it´s a nice suggestion.
  18. Dear Graham, thats sounds to good to be true to me ... Different chase times - I cant wait that update
  19. Maybe you want to program some pallets for different fixtures you can "detag" the fixtures you don´t want to program.
  20. Maybe you can send me your demo room rig installation list and I can make a nice one ...
  21. what kind of show do you prefer ? - I have theatrical ones an some live events with huge stock of fixtures on it all for leap frog ...
  22. If you program pallets on the real frog you can use them on the phantom by saving the show on a disk and reading it with the phantom ... but as pipo says: Suddenly you can´t program position effects on the phantom so it is not very useful to program shows on phantom. I use the phantom to setup any kind of show values like DMX Patch or Fixture Types ... No there isn´t yet esp. free and downloadable from internet :mrgreen: Happy holidays from germany to all of you ... Sebastian
  23. In case of some netherlands I changed german into Int. It´s alwas the same with them ... *nachhollandwink*
  24. If not ... I will be very happy with that :mrgreen: Greets Sebastian
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