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Everything posted by Haytech
The answer will be carrieing a hemmond organ with footpedals to create low notes with a foot padal and plug it into frogs audio in Don´t take me seriously again
K-Nine, I don´t want to ba a wiseacre, but is this a suggestion for a new feature from you as result of intensive brainstorming ? or is this feature implemented yet ? Dont´t take me seriously
I think for this pice of equip is something more necessary then a "footswich" isn´t it ? The audio in isn´t potential-free input to desk ?
You can also write a chase on a free memory with the whole show in it (99 steps) then set it up to attack fade - in order to fade all your scenes smooth then put the "drive" function to manual. transfer this "chase" to a submaster then voilá your show could be run as submaster by pressing the left step button. I prefer the memory stack method explained by sp, because all fadetimes could be setted up exactly. That´s recommend to most of theatre issus. I suggested the above only to show one more of many ways to solve a problem. Hope this helps
there was once a bear and a frog walking down in a forest. they came across and genie. the genie sed, " i will give you each 3 wishes" so the bear sed for his 1rst wish..."i want to be the most hottest bear in the forest" so the genie sed ok and granted him that wish,then it was the frogs turn, "i want a motor bike helmet" so the genie granted his wish, then for the bears 2nd wish he asked" i wish all the women bears in the forest thought i was the sexiest bear" so the genie granted it. the frog then asked"i want a motor bike" so the genie granted it. the bears last wish was..."i wish i was the sexiest, hottest bear in the whole world and all then women bears loved me!" so the genie granted it. the frogs last wish was" i wish that god damn bear was gay!
This is one of my favorite one´s Originally posted HERE
1600,-£ - 2358.49 €uro with a flighcase is cheap isn´t it ?
I´m not suprised that this dosn´t work in GB Was macht ein schwuler Wurm im Salat ? er wirft die Schnecken raus ... Dieser Witz ist bestimmt schon hundert Jahre Alt. maybe are others able to translate it proper ....
I´am glad too ... in spite of wound fingers typing that much that I did. K-Nine is right
Hi this is just a hint: It´s better to have a DI box available because it is possible that you get some strange noise on your PA if you connect the lightdesk to your audiodesk especial when you have a 3 phase distribution.
What does a gay worm in the salad ?? He kicks snails off ...
Then a fatfrog or a leapfrog is the best and cheapest to go for As setting scenes and program them to the theatre stack is only taking one minute / using pallettes makes all even esier to do. another vote for frog :mrgreen: I don´t know - but I don´t see the use of this feature, I don´t work that often in a theatre that I can say move while dark is a strongly recommend thing ... I don´t think you can get as much features as frog has in this price class Cheers
Your nice pet is a smart ass ...
Uhh Ohh - don´t tell your wife that you want get divorced without a Airbag Last month on fair ... another one ... for the internet junkies between us Women are like web- servers [*]400 Bad Request question without flowers [*]401 Unauthorized merried [*]402 Payment Required candlelight diner required [*]403 Forbidden hands off [*]404 Not Found she´s out with her girlfriends [*]405 Method Not Allowed not the duck [*]406 Method Not Acceptable even no blown [*]407 Proxy Auth. Required have to ask my mother [*]408 Request Timeout when was your last call ? [*]409 Conflict who was this girl ? [*]410 Document Removed want devorce [*]411 Lenght Required that´s a big one ? [*]412 Precondition Failed without condom ? [*]413 Request Entity Too Large that dosn´t fit there ... [*]415 Unsupported Media Type that´s not a car ... [*]500 Internal Server Error I menstruate [*]501 Not Implemented that I haven´t done before [*]502 Bad Gateway I don´t like coffee [*]503 Service Unavailable headache [*]504 Gateway Timeout ready yet ?
Hi Yves, I put the basic colours of all fixtures on the colour pallettes, have say P1= open P2=red P3=purple P4=blue P5=yellow and so on then you need only 16 pallettes with colour scrolling fast and slow. Now if all colours are stored then it´s easy to recall it afterwards. Try it and tell me your opinon on that...
Hi Javi, I doubt that "demux" is a dimmer. Zero88 Demux48 is a demultiplexing unit creating analogue signals for dimmers that don´t have DMX ... try to put a DMX cable with 5 pin XLR connector from your desk´s DMX output to your demux´s DMX input then everything should be under control of the desk. The other four cables are definitely non DMX so beware of putting them to your desk. Lightdesk :mrgreen: DMX cable Demux 48 (demultiplexes 48 chans of DMX to 48 chans +/- 10V DC I wish you success Sebastian
Hi Yves, As K-Nine said elsewhere in this forum. You can´t alter a LTP value via a submaster only stored values are called by the submaster if it is raised to 5% (partial desk mode) with original setup settings of the desk ... Maybe it helps to make your own fixturefile exchange colour and brightness then voilá you can alternate the colors by using a sub... but then your dimmer values dosn´t work like before worth to say this is bullsh** Greets Sebastian
Hi Yves Yes, but only one color change is possible ... You have to press and hold colour button while program your submaster the only thing stored is the colour change of selected fixtures. Have luck Sebastian
Has someone any Idea to prevent us getting bored to death ? until working in our cubicles ?
Hi, what about to have some auto- go cues containing the lamps of Q10 Cue 11 - lamps of Q10on plus step 1 of 'train special' fade in 00:03:00 fadeout 00:00:00 dwell 00:01:00 (or else) trigger auto Cue 11.1 lamps of Q10on plus step 2 of 'train special' fade in 00:00:00 fadeout 00:00:00 dwell 00:01:00 (or else) trigger auto Cue 11.2 lamps of Q10on plus step 3 of 'train special' fade in 00:03:00 fadeout 00:00:00 dwell 00:01:00 (or else) trigger auto Cue 11.3 lamps of Q10on plus step 4 of 'train special' fade in 00:00:00 fadeout 00:00:00 dwell 00:01:00 (or else) trigger auto This enables you to have about ten steps in your train special cue with the jump- option it could be made random. It simulates a "slow decay attack" without altering the cue10 lamps, and it culd be started with the go button. It´s harder to program but the result is very exactly adjustable. I´m curious, let me know whichsoever way you go for. greets
Hi JClark, Surely you know that program a pallette to a cue memory it is required that fixtures are tagged, pallette information is shown on the right wheel group disp. exp. P1 P1 P1 on the position parameters ... then it will be saved on the cue ... as a scene.
Hi Graham, As marketing guy you should know if, you ask the users it will never be enough . Else if you ask the investors they would like to have a selfworking lightdesk as big as a 1HE Unit to install in a siderack doing all the work like patching, plotting, cueing self. It would be better if it can print a stageplan with all fixtures and positions to give it stagehands. (It should have a DFA* knob) So a lighting tech or a LD is gonna be useless. As user I´m very happy with our desk it does all it´s work very good- As you can see on several pics esp. after the software updates. So I totally trust you doing a great successor to the frog´s (* Does Fu**ing Anything referred to roadie lingo from www.roadie.net )
The program can´t be viewed by using the "Mozilla" Browser I installed Microsoft Internet Explorer then it works fine! Very good work Sam !
TIA K-Nine ! Some english terms are little deadal
Please don´t let me die unsuspectingly - what in duck means fafing ? :? TIA