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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by philipcullen

  1. Personally, I think that a more conventional interface would be useful for the software, i.e. using standard windows controls. It would also be good to have an editor that could, for example move scenes by dragging and dropping etc, rather that emulating the frog desks. I also agree with the post about user driven software, it would be good to see an open source development of an editor for the frog file format, with visualisation features. Setting up a basic editor in this way wouldn’t be particularly complicated if there was a few people prepared to contribute, and some specification for the file format and other functions were available. This would probably only need guidance and advice from Zero88, which would almost eliminate any further development costs.
  2. Could Zero 88 not release the specifications of the show file format, so that there could be an open source development of an offline viewer, as I would imagine that constructing a simple editor for the files would not be over complicated, if it didn't require fancy 3d features. This would also allow people with a programming background to add features more easily to an offline editor.
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