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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by NZ

  1. Hi Will look at names for subs on the LCD. No promises. Palette lock....We are looking at it. Quick one as I can't let it go...I know how many Frogs we have sold in the past couple of years and I think that globally we probably are on an equal with Avo :wink: Focus subs....not sure. Auto Palette. Has been raised before and we may implement at some point. I have to say that most of these are again features found in more expensive desks. One day we may want to sell a desk that is higher spec'd...what happens if it is all already in the Frogs . Sorry I know you just want the best desk possible but we also would like a company that is here to support it.
  2. Hi I am afraid that nothing you have said so far has moved my heart of stone. Apart that is from wanting you to love the console. I can see why some people want this feature but todate it is not the majority of users of the console. If I felt everyone would buy a version of software then I would be more convinced. Past experience with all our consoles would suggest that most people do not buy upgrades. We then also get a lot of flack from people who don't have the same attitude as you about the cost of new features the result of which is a barrage of customer complaints along the lines of when I bought this console I thought it would be supported for ever with free upgrades. The other big negative is that you end up with two types of softwares both needing support and worst of all desks in the market that do not do the same thing. How would you cope with renting a desk in for a show that you had done before on a version with individual parameters and now have a desk without... Effectively you end up with two products that look the same but work differently. Yes we have put time into Illusion. It has been built on a platform that is similar to Frogs but was designed as a different concept from the begining. Yes it costs less than a Bullfrog which is really down to how we try and pass the value onto our customers. A BullFrog is expensive because it has so many faders and buttons. Illusion has less we can make it for less and pass the savings on...Ooops sounding like ASDA. We will be making changes to Frog's and some of the things you are asking for like one shots will be there. Parameters we are still not convinced. It isn't just commercial but also keeping it easy enough for the broad user base to be comfortable with. Sorry LXKev you will have to keep working on me
  3. Hi If you do want to also upgrade so you can use a monitor we offer an upgrade kit, part number, 0074100. It retails for £250. If you are interested in this please contact us at Zero 88 or your local dealer who is Bellalite. For the rest it does look like you are running an old version of software. Cheers Graham Zero 88
  4. Hi I think that the best way to achieve what you want is to make the memories auto gos and then set a dwell time so that the next chase will happen every 3 minutes. The real time way would mean setting an actual time for the start of the show, eg 7pm then set the next memory to go at 19:03, then 19:06, 19:09......etc etc. Graham Zero 88
  5. Hi Guest First off it would be good if you joined the forum and became a regular contributor. First off Phantom Frog has actually been a product such the desks were originally developed. The people in sales and marketing didn't know :oops: and RnD didn't think it would be useful, the same view you seem to take. It was developed to aid the writing of the software so has been far from a hobbiest thing. That by the way is why it is limited in features as we took a 1/2 day to put it into something we could give you. Does this mean people don't want us to take it any further? We have said on this forum before when the updates would be out, end of year or at latest early January. We have a limited amount of resource and we are working on several things at present including new software for Illusion. Without getting into in too much depth we have a limited amount of time in development and sometimes we do try and make some money out of product :twisted: We have given away updates on Frog's since day one and have never charged for these. As much as I would like the console to reach a point where it does everything all of you want there are some basics to consider. We sell the Frogs for a very good price, that limits certain things which impact on where we can and can't take the software too. There are things that we all agree we need to do: Blind Edits Times on Data on submasters Manual adjustment of chase speeds while they are live Better use of keyboard functions Pan and Tilt Inverse/Revers Apart from this there are about 3000 other things on the list which if we could do them all would put the desk into the league of a Grand MA... so we may take some more on board for the next update but we will let you know. By the way we do take into account what people say. That is the reason we are on Version 9. Graham Zero88
  6. NZ

    2 step

    Hi Not at present you would have to use the step button which is at the left of the subs. Graham Zero 88
  7. Hi All A question for you..... What would you be willing to pay for a visulisation package? What would you be prepared to pay for Phantom Frog if we make it work with WYSIWYG or A.N. Other? Would love to just give it all away but then we do have to try and stay in business.... For your info Phantom Frog took a considerable amount of development time which we don't see a payback on in terms of sales but hopefully we do in terms of happy customers! Graham Zero 88
  8. NZ

    2 step

    Hi Other solution may be a two step chase set to manual. Submaster up is step one then hit the step button and that is the fan. Perhaps we should look at the option of a Nshot chase. What would others think? Graham Zero 88
  9. Hi Sorry mate didn't think you were being gruff. Just being honest! Hopefully some of the next updates will make it a little easier to work some elements. Tell Clearlight to give you a good discount on a desk of your own Cheers Graham
  10. Hi Sorry that you feel it sucks. I see you have been a member for awhile so I was wondering why this has become an issue for you now? I am afraid that we will not be adding this level of sophistication. The key as you say is simplicity. There is no simple way to add this type of indepth feature to the console. We also believe that the Frog range offers a comprehensive range of features for a console at it's price point. I will be happy to point you in the direction of consoles that do have this level of programming. Sorry I can't give you the answer that you would like. Graham Zero 88 Brand Manager.
  11. Hi You need to assign the pars as a generic to one of the fixture buttons. I can't remember if we have a specific generic for par but anything from the generic range will work. Then patch the dimmer number to that fixture and you can use the brightness wheel to control the pars.
  12. Hi We decided to get this out as quick as we could so the paper work is running a little late. :oops: That said it is simple to work. Select the desk, select run then open desk top and monitor. It can be used to read show disks, record disks or edit a show. Use your mouse to move wheels or sliders or click buttons. Right clicking a button will hold it down. So to get into super user mode right click the + and - keys then click on enter. Right click the + and - to unlock them. If you find bugs or want any more info please post here. Graham
  13. Hi You could program this as a series of memories and link the last step to the start step. This way you could set times for each step. Hope that helps. graham
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