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Everything posted by NZ

  1. don't suppose you have a show file?
  2. NZ

    Normal light function

    Sigh normal light, could you be more specific. K9 won't be able to do a spec without knowing if you want normal fluro light, normal tungsten, normal daylight, normal night, full moon, the list is endless..... perhaps a random normal light generator is needed. As to grey, well.......which particular shade does sir require. :twisted:
  3. Are you in partial mode?
  4. Hi If you program in partial mode which you get to in super user then you can do a colour change that will not change till you make a change to that channel. However what Knine means when he says it is not full tracking is that if you make the change in Memory 5 but then miss out memory 5 in play back the change will not happen. That looks clear as the mud but hopefully it helps. If you need more help PM me and i will send you the details of our local dealer who does speak english and has some good crew. Graham
  5. Hi I am guessing you are in the States or Canada as NSI is not that big over our side of the pond. Best bet is to give Tyler or Richard at ACT Lighting a call. They are our distributor in the US and are going to be the ones best able to point you in the right direction. 818 707 0884.
  6. Hi We don't do trade in's, well probably not at the value you would want. But they do sell well on Ebay. We may change our thought processes in the future but for now that is where it is at I am afraid.
  7. Hi It is never an easy question to answer. Everyone has an opinion and a thought process about how they like to program. The only thing i can say is that we sell lots of Frog series consoles all around the world to all types of applications from schools to theatres to concerts. From this you can see they are used in all types of applications much like you are looking for. As others have said the forum is a good resources and also gives you an indication of the users we have. Other things i would point to: Free training 3 year warranty Ongoing software support for free including V10 in a months time. Graham
  8. NZ

    Frog or Pearl...

    Hi Ice a couple of other things..... You will be able to run eight universes using ArtNet sometimes toward the end of the year. We will during next year look at wings which will give you more physical faders, these will be like the current UDF's so can be assigned to be pretty much whatever you want. We have 200 palettes for each type. I am sure that Franck will be happy to arrange a personal demo and training for you at some point.
  9. Ice we have the Frog 2 talking directly to Capture Sweden over ArtNet already. It works nicely and we should have two way coms soon so that you can patch on one and update the other etc.
  10. Hi Can you tell me who you bought the console from.
  11. Hi Sam I know that Stage has frog 2s in rental. Graham
  12. Find a bug win a t-shirt Knine and Simon are buying! We hope to have a fix early next week.
  13. alternatively change the DMX patch on the generics to something else.
  14. NZ


    If you want to do what Haytech wants we will do this on the Frog 2 by allowing you to put lights into areas. So you could make your working lights 1 area and the lights for the show another. Then when recording something you could decide which areas to include in the cue.
  15. In fan middle mode if you have even numbers then none of them will be stationary. These effects can also be used to quickly create rainbows etc. Graham
  16. NZ

    Fader Wing

    More faders for what purpose exactly ? The Frog 2 has 100 pages of 10 UDF (user definable faders) which can be assigned to a variety of things Yes they are shipping but you will have to wait inline for one at the moment
  17. It will be supported in the F2
  18. If you had Chilli dimmers they can have an emergency set that allows you to bring channels up automatically if the alarm goes off.
  19. It hasn't got a command line, however it does have all the other features of a memory desk; it isn't just as a back up. It will be around the £750 mark at the moment.
  20. Hi Sam No real secret. 2 versions, 12/24 or 24/48 channels. Has 24 or 48 subs depending on the version, a cue stack, 12/24 auxiliaries for devices like scrollers and smoke machines that have DMX addresses. Monitor output, USB stick back up. DMX in so you can snap shot 512 channels, nice as a back up for other consoles and that is pretty much it. Should be shipping July, showing it at Pro Light in Frankfurt and at ABTT in the UK as well as various shows in Dubai, China and Singapore.
  21. Today no. In the future yes.
  22. Hi I would program palettes as quickly as I could once I had the rig up. Colours on the scrollers and techno's. The some positions, gobos etc. Would use these to build looks in the cue stack and then would transfer them to the submasters. I would program in partial as I could also then over ride a sub with a palette or mix a sub with open white positions together with colours or beam shapes on another sub. Have a play with Phantom Frog and you will be able to patch your show etc before you get the kit. Remember to take the disk to the show! If you have the colours for the scrollers you could also probably work out the DMX values to record you colours. You could also do this with the techno beams if you use their manual to record gobos and colours as palettes.
  23. At Saddleback in the US they have gone way beyond candles, rock bands, circus tents, dancing, you name it they got!
  24. Hi You could control the dimmers using the Frog Box and a Frog Screen, in this case you could simply buy the plain dimmers. You would not need the Chillipros. You would use DMX as normal. Where the Chillipros are good with the wall panels is if you don't want to break the lighting desk out. Assume you have a wedding on a Saturday, you could have programmed a look for the generic lights that lights the congregation at one level, the alter area at another and the choir at another. All this could be triggered by a minister or an organist without needing to have a lighting tech present. You could even go so far as saying have a special for a soloist, this could be activated by the minister or organist and once over push a button and back to the wedding preset. Lots of options. For the bigger services plug in a lighting console, you override the ChilliNet and have complete control. Not the best example probably but gives you and idea.
  25. Plain and simple, no one will ever forget it and we good do good give aways when we launched it, aaaah the dancing clockwork frogs!
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