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  1. Hi First off the only real way you have a chance of making this work would be to use SMPTE. If you can then put some marks in the tracks that show the end you could trigger the cues with SMPTE. I don't think there is really a way to do what you want simply.
  2. NZ

    Fan mode

    Hi Ryan Welcome. What moving lights do you have? Are you at all familiar with terms like HTP or LTP? Do you have movers plugged into the console, set up and patched? Please read page 33 of the manual: http://common.zero88.com/public/files/7340..._Manual_2_2.pdf it gives a detailed overview of the way fan works and explains all the various modes that will impact on this. If you still have questoins please ask. Likewise for effects please read page 35 of the manual: http://common.zero88.com/public/files/7340..._Manual_2_2.pdf This gives a good overview of how the effects engine works. To do a mexican wave select an ellipse effect, only use the X or the Y value depending on how the lights are rigged, set the other value to 0%, set a size and a spead then fan the offset and they wll do a wave effect. To learn moving lights the best thing you can do is sit with the desk and play. If you are new to moving lights then please read the whole section on fixture control in the manual. It will answer many of your questions and get you thinking. Then feel free to ask for more help if you need it. Have fun Graham
  3. This is a bug in the software, which will be fixed in the next release. Reference number ZOS-2747. Thanks for pointing this one out. Graham
  4. Hi To start with can ask lots of questions. Was it both lines of DMX that flashed? What dimmers where you using? Are the lines terminated? Have you ever seen this before with the desk? Best Graham
  5. Hi Glenn If you would like me to arrange a demo for you I can do that if you want to PM me your details. I can also ask our US distributor to try and put you in touch with some users in your area. Best Graham
  6. Hi John If I was you I would go for the Leap Frog. You already have 10 movers and if you have LEDs you can run these as fixtures as well. The effects library on the Leap Frog is also more advanced and offers you effects like rainbows which with LEDs is a quick way to get colour chases etc happening. (I am assuming you are talking about the new generation of Leap Frogs) Finally the Fat Frog is a discontinued product. We do still offer spares and we do offer technical support but at the end of the day the Leap Frog is a current product still fully in the development cycle. Best Graham
  7. Hi James You are correct on all counts. Graham
  8. Hi That doesn't sound right. We would expect all the 30 subs to be working fine. Can you send us your showfile so we can have a play.
  9. NZ

    LED parcans

    There are generic RGB fixtures in the library already. You could use one of these on a fixture button or for some manufacturers there are specific ones. Which fixtures do you have?
  10. Please can you urgently PM me a show a file. Please can you be more specific?
  11. Hi Can you provide us with the serial number and the software and hardware versions that you are running. If you are not sure how to get the info please phone Keith on 01633 838088 so he can talk you through it and do some fault finding with you. Best Graham
  12. Blocks of memories from the cue stack onto submasters will be available in the next major software update. Advanced mode has been superceded by the way the console now works. Best Graham
  13. NZ

    Part Cues

    Hi You can also use dwell times and follow on cues to get multipart changes happening. For instance Q1 is a fade up, Q2 has a dwell time of 5 seconds and a fade of 5 seconds for movement. The light will fade up and then move. Hope that helps. Graham
  14. Hi Yes we still have them. If you contact your nearest dealer they will be able to get them for you. Alternatively you can email techsupp@zero88.com
  15. HI You can use an external memory store. This will allow you to save your show up to say interval and then reload the second half. The memory stores are designed for use with this Alcora or Elaras. You will be able to get one from your friendly local Zero 88 dealer. Only info you will need to have is if it is a mark 1 or mark 2. If it is Grey, mark one, if it is Blue Mark 2. Best
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