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Everything posted by KWR88

  1. I normally order them from RS componets number 422-393 see the link below. http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/coin-button-rechargeable-batteries/0422393/?searchTerm=422+393&relevancy-data=636F3D3126696E3D4931384E525353746F636B4E756D6265724D504E266C753D656E266D6D3D6D61746368616C6C26706D3D5E5C647B337D5B5C732D2F255C2E5D5C647B332C347D2426706F3D313426736E3D592673743D52535F53544F434B5F4E554D424552267573743D343232203339332677633D4E4F4E4526
  2. can you e-mail me the show files to adderss below and I will have a look at what is happeing.
  3. Not aware of any Windows 7 issue. Both my desk and LT are W7 and I don't have an issue. Can you PM on the address below and go over what your issues are.
  4. They seem to load into the desk I have here with out any issues. How are you trying to load these onto the desk? The only time you will see that message is if you are trying to update the main fixtuer library with a user created file. To load these files into the desk you go to assign fixture, select add fixture, then select either user fixture or USB as the source from the multi function buttons. If you do not see these options then may be runing an older version of the OS. Please PM on the address below with the desk serial number and OS version to take this further.
  5. Hi We do not have a dali controller in our range. we only have 0-10v or DSI in the Chilli range. We do have associate companies that can provide a dali control solution. Pleaes PM on the address below for more details.
  6. There is a second battery on those desk on the PC mother board, this sets up the desk bios settings. There is a setting in this that is used to allocated system memory, if this is reset due to that battery going flat this goes flat it can mess up the storage location and you can get what you are seeing. Please PM on the address below to take this furhter.
  7. hi, No there is no way of turning the universe on or off it is always on and outputting a signal. Is the green LED next to the socket on? If you can pm on the address below with the answer and the desk serial number so I can date the hardware I can help you further from there.
  8. hi the show file does not contain that level of information but if you pm with your details and anything that you can think of that may make the desk stand out to us I will keep my eye open for it.
  9. Please can you PM me on the address below to take this further. EDIT: One desk has been dated as 7 years old the other is 6. Both have the orignail version of hardware fitted. I am working with the customer on various options to help get them operational.
  10. PM on the address below i can explain this futher then.
  11. Please see the attached file, it contains both fixtures and the two modes of the TH-108. the one.ift
  12. Hi Ralf Have answered you PM on this, if you need any further help please contact me on that.
  13. Hi Dominic, Unfortunately the desk is not able to do what you are asking. The SX buttons work on LTP basis for the fixture attributes for the colour, beamshape and position. So when the button is pushed it send the channel to the value recorded but does not return it to the original when it is released. It only does that with the dimmer channel for the fixture.
  14. KWR88

    Betapack 3

    Hi Jack, if you want to contact me on the DD number below to help speed things up.
  15. We are always looking to increase the number of touch screens our range of desks support with future OS releases. The screen you are referring has been added to the list for inclusion but we do not currently have a time scale on when the next release will be.
  16. Yes the desk outputs on both the analogue and DMX at the same time. From experience controlling moving heads can be awkward on the Sirius as you have to identify which fader is controlling which attribute. It is ok for fixtures with a small number of channels, I found around 8 channels or less are ok, anything higher becomes difficult plus you then start to take away from the number of normal dimmer channels that you can control.
  17. Hi Sam, there are two possible cause for this one is the desk is in tracking mode, the second (this is what I think you are seeing) is you have the playback X fader at full when you are recording, if yes this acts like a build on previous so the dimmer channels are being recorder into from via that.
  18. Based on your serial numbers, yes they should have been fitted with DMX cards as standard at time of manufacture. If I remeber correctly we started fitting them at the end of 1995.
  19. It sounds like you want to program a chase into a memory. To do this then follow the steps below. Set the next cue to the one you want to program a chase to and make sure the play back x master is at 0. Press and hold the program button until the memory type changes to chase. Display will show the chase program box with the step number showing a 1* Set up the first colour and press program. Step number movers on to 2* Change the colour to the next one you want and press program again. Step number moves to 3*. Repeat the above until all steps have been programmed. Press the arrow down button to enter the chase modifier section. Take the playback master to full and the chase will start to run. Set direction the chase is running. To fade between the colours you need to set the colour action from snap to fade. Adjust the chase speed pot until the colours are cycling at the desired speed. Note the colour fade is worked out on the speed of the chase. The bottom option is shots this is the number of times the chase will run before stopping, 0 is contantly running, you can then set 1 -255 times. It will always stops on the last programed step. Once all modifiers are set press the enter button to save changes and close the chase box.
  20. Hi John, That is to do with the tracking option being on. You have to release the channels on the submasters by taking them to 0 to then taking them back up to the new level. Not sure what you mean by "save all" option. To me that is the difference between full and partial programming modes. In full mode the desk records all attributes for dimmer and fixtures. In partial it only records dimmers and fixtures that have had an attribute change or as we called it tagged. This is indicated by the yellow LED in the fixture selection button flashing, so if you do not want any fixture information recorded make sure that there are no flashing LED's. If there are press and hold the fixture button until the LED stops flashing to untag any attributes. If you have any more questions please feel free to e-mail me direct below. on the address below.
  21. Think i have dealt with you or one of you colleagues previously on the Mambo Frog. Please e-mail me on the address below to take this further.
  22. KWR88

    Alpha pack 2 problem

    there are a couple of things that can cause this, it may be the on board fader stuck at 100% it oculd be failure of the triac. It will need to be looked at to confirm which one it is. Please PM on the address below for more information.
  23. when you put the second fuse in the unit and apply power does the LED on the front panel actually light? if not then it sounds like the transformer has failed hence the blown fuse's. Please e-mail on the address below to take this further.
  24. Hi Jack could mean a small corruption of the RAM. Good check on the battery is the date and time, if these are resetting to random numbers when you power off and on then it will indicate the battery has gone. The date and time are held seperate to the RAM. May be worth carry out a reset desk and then loading you show back in as this should clear that corruption back to default. If you need any further help e-mail me on the address below.
  25. hi Can you e-mail me on the address below with the desk serial number so I can date the firmware versions. I can also go over some things to look for.
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