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Everything posted by KWR88

  1. hi, Please can you PM on the address below with the desk serial number so I can work out the age of the hardware it will be running on.
  2. pm me on the address below. that sounds like a switch setting on the back of the PCB has moved which is pretty easy to fix.
  3. One thing to consider is the really old version of the Fat Frog desks have a different configuration on the remote wiring to the Solutions/Leap Frogs and the later versions of the Frog range. If I remember correctly this was something like input 1 and 7 were swapped over to bring this in line with our standard wiring configuration. The smpte and midi inputs have no additional loading difference whether the card is fitted or not.
  4. Hi Kevin, Strange, could you identify if the blink was as the channel hits full or part way through the fade out? Could you let me know the DMX address of the lights as well.
  5. Hi Nick, There is an iso for, see below for the link. http://www.zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/366/0/zeros-operating-system---version-782
  6. KWR88

    Chilli Error

    If you have not done so already I would advise you isolate the dimmer until you have had it assessed. Continuing to use this if there is a problem can result in more serious issue occurring.
  7. Would agree on this all indication battery is starting to fail. Would check it asap incase it starts to leak as the could make the unit ber
  8. As far as we are aware there is not a problem with this fixture, several customers have requested this sinces.
  9. Hi Massimo, Who's make of LED are you using?
  10. Hi Kevin, Under normal conditions the desk should be programming to the battery backed RAM as this get full it will move the data from there to the flash RAM, as you pointed out you get a "saving show" message when you hit program on occasion. From what i remember of the desk architecture, the act of just going into an out of super use will not force the data to be moved i think you have actually make a change to a setting and leave super user to do that.
  11. please see the attached profile VL4000 Spot.ift
  12. something that can cause this is the name of the fixture, you are limited to about 13 characters, if it is too large it may not appear in list. if you want me to check the fixture out then please send it to the address below.
  13. Hi, please could you e-mail me on the address below with the desk serial number. will make some suggestions from there.
  14. hi andre, please could email on the address below the units serial number found on the rear of the unit. also can you confirm if the unit is running on single of three phase. Are you also able to change to all modes in the unit or just manual mode?
  15. Please see the attached profile. LEDColor 150 Litecraft.ift
  16. KWR88


    Hi ted, On the older units (assuem we are talking about the unit with just 2 LCD's) the only way to change the home position is by editting the actaul profile on a PC then loading it back in. Your idea of setting a working light to the same address is the way I woudl approach this as well.
  17. please can you PM on the address below with the serial and current OS version you are using.
  18. hi yes I got your e-mail, and have made a reply to you as well. Will resend but also posted below. Both the show files you have sent to me look to have been corrupted, I am getting fail to load error on them when i attempt to load them into phantom or a desk. It does load something in as some of the submasters have names attached to them but there appears to be no content to them. This may be due to a corrupted internal memory on the desk. It is worth trying a reset desk from super user, then try programming a show and saving this.
  19. Hi Kevin, From what I remember on these desks it does not support the track of fade times only the channel levels. Think we were pushing the limits of the hardware at the end so it was struggling with the fades.
  20. KWR88

    chilli 2410i

    This sounds like a very early basic model dimmer, these only had a DMX start address option available on them. there are a couple of options on this. Please PM me on the address below to take it further.
  21. Hi Christopher, That is not possible currently. The color window can only have a single instance of being open and the picker option is part of this window. I can add this to list of request for features.
  22. Hi Not something i have seen before with this. Can you send a copy of the a show file for me to look at to the address below. If you could also let me have the serial number so I can date the hardware a bit more precisely.
  23. Please see the attached profile. LED BAR 8.ift
  24. Hi Daniel, think i have spoken to you on the phone earlier today. to confirm this profile is in the library 27 release.
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