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Everything posted by KWR88

  1. The Frog doesn't support a preheat per-se. You can set up a preheat state, and leave it sitting on a submaster, or program the preheat into all of your cues / subs, or just leave the preset fader for the channel at 10%. Depending on the type of dimmer you are using, you may or may not be able to set a preheat on that. What have you got ?
  2. KWR88

    DMX remote?

    Dear Sir, There is direct remote for the Frog Range, you could have a look at the Debug. It can be used to flash throught the generic channels plus it has a built in library for checking moving heads etc.
  3. KWR88


    Dear Sir, No you are unable to deal with conventionals in that manner as they are taken from the faders.
  4. Dear Sir, You have the old version of software that did not support the VGA hardware. All you need to do is upgrade the desk with the latest version of the operating system and the VGA will be initalised. The easiest thing to do is e-mail me directly, and I will send you the software plus upgrade instructions. I can also send a manual that will describe the new features.
  5. Dear Sir, You should get my reply to this on a normal e-mail. Please let me know if you receive it.
  6. KWR88

    DMX patch

    Paul, The new version of software that is due for release soon, has key board entry for all numeric fields this includes DMX patch, so that will make life easier. On the current desk software if you are in manual patch mode the edit button will enable you to jump between the universes with out scrolling through.
  7. Could be worse. Some body dropped a whole bottle of Brezzer into an XLS. They then took the desk home and left it in the Bath for a day to wash it out. They then wondered why it was not working. When sent back the battery was a few times the size it should be, and the tracks had started to rust and all the carbon pads under the switches were washed off. What was worse the desk was three weeks old :oops: We also had a Fat Frog that took a whole bottle of bubbly being sprayed into it. After it was left to sober up it only had two stuck buttons that was easily taken care of with some switch cleaner. PS: What evey you do don't try giving it Guiness, as I can't vouch for what this will do to it. :wink:
  8. Dear Kresten, Glad I could be of help. As to what you have seen with the M7 button. I do this constantly when assingning fixture. In my case it tends to mean that my fingers are not keeping up with the commands form my brain. ie preseing the arrow up button instead of the plus button. What you have basicly done is assigned a fixture to the button then instead of moving on to another fixture you have then reassigned it again. As the default fixture is a blank to enable you to unassign fixtures this is the one that gets selected. The M stands for modified.
  9. Dear Kresten, I have just tried this on my Bullfrog running 6.2. We actual have 4 of the Pro 218 mode 4 onour demo rig. I have had no problems assigning them. The only thing that I can think of it that the disk has been corrupted or those files. If you have not already tried make a new disk and and try to assign them again. It may alos be worth reinstalling the operating system. I can provide an e-mail version incase there was a problem withthe downloaded one that you have.
  10. Dear Peter, Please could you give me the desk serail number and version of software tht it's running. I have tried on the desk that I have an can't seem to find any problems with loading or saving shows.
  11. Dear Marc, If you encounter the same problem e-mail me a copy of the show so I can see what happerning. Also check in super user under inforamtion the operating system being used.
  12. Marc, Did you happen to note which version of operating system the desk had installed? Also were these actual chases or were you using the movement effects generator. I have not had any reported cases of this. If you could also provide some more details ie fixtures, DMX patch etc I can run some test.
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