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Everything posted by KWR88

  1. We have no current plans to run any further Frog training course this year. But if there is enough intrests then I may be able to do something. As to your age that is not a problem.
  2. The refered upgrade is for the Leap, Mambo and Bullfrog desks. It will not work (or fit) in the Frog or Fat Frogs. To use you basically set the trigger type to midi/smpt input instead of GO. Be carfull as there is also an option for RT (real time) as well. You then set each cue with a time frame as the trigger, then as the incomming signal runs through then it will cause the cues to trigger. The set up in super user simply enables the time code to work and set parameters for frame rate and type etc. It is in version 6 of the manual i beliveve as it a newish addition.
  3. Can you first give me the desk serial number and can you e-mail a copy of the show to me to look at.
  4. This does not sound like the problem that we were experienced with the the coemar fixtures. That was more of a twitch on the pan and tilt when stationary and or a large jump when it was being moved. It also had a jitter on the Gobo wheel and looks like it was jumping back and forwards between two of the gobos. It would be useful if you could give me the desk serial numbers so that I can date them and see what hardware is fitted. I will also have a little play with the mac 600 and 500 we have here and see if I can spot anything.
  5. Dear Sam We have a small demo area with about 40 or so lamps and 8 moving lights. We run two desk from the frog range, which we split between the fixtures and lights. The course normally takes about 8 people so we can put four per desk. The actually course is split into two parts. The morning is to go through the desk function starting off with the basic of how to program memories etc. We then lead on to the moving light section. The first part of the afternoon is then for the more advanced functions on the desk and later part of the afternoon is for you to get some hands on experience and to ask question etc.
  6. Dear Sir, Agian if you have the show file please could you e-mail it to me.
  7. The only way to untag a fixture is to push and hold the fixture button until the Yellow LED stops flashing.
  8. You are correct if you are on bass drive the speed control has no effect
  9. KWR88

    Crazy Keyboard

    Dear Sir, Not come across this one before, there is no language options on the desk for the keyboard. If a different language keyboard is used it should map mostly the same except for a few of the keys. The most obvious thing that I can think of is a corrupted upgrade disk. It may be worth trying a second upgrade using a fresh blank floppy. There is another option from your profile I see that you are in Cardiff. We are based in Cwmbran so it may is possible to bring your desk and keyboard to us to have a look at it. Contact me for more details.
  10. Dear Sir, Please e-mail me at krogers@zero88.com and I will send you version 5 of the software that will enable the AB playback. If your dealer is LCB then we have sent the Eproms direct to you as requested using UPS. I am trying to track it from here and will get back to you.
  11. It not so much the cold but the build up of condensation as the desk warms up after being in the cold. This can form on the Dim moduel and around the battery, giving bad connections. The normal solution is to let the desk warm up for 1/2 - 1 hour before use. If the enviroment is sub zero this will be impossible to do as the desk will heat up while running. There is then no real solution to combat this but you could seal the whole PCB with some silican spray. This seems to work well with the desk that we have on some of the cruise ships where salt build up has the same sort of effect.
  12. Please send the show to krogers@zero88.com As I said I can think of anything that would lose the names only but will have a look at yuor show and get back to you.
  13. First is it only the name that is not saving or is it the channel/transfered information as well. If it is only the name then I have not seen this problem before on the Illusion and will have to make some tests. It would help if you could e-mail a copy of the show file to me. If it lossing the channel info as well them it may be either a battery problem or an incorrectly seated or possibly even a fault Din ram moduel.
  14. Dear Sir, First can you let me know which version of software you are using. This can be found in superuser/ information. There are two possible things that I can think of first is a low battery level that is not keeping the information in the ram when the power is switched off. The second is a either a fault or possible a badly seated ram moduel. If you are running the ver 7.5 or higher on you should see a battery warning message at boot up on the monitor. It will proberly require the desk to be looked at to confirm if it is a RAM problem. Short term solution is back the show up to floppy disk.
  15. KWR88


    For an 8 bit head it is 128. For a 16 bit head it 32767. On a 8 bit head you have 256 steps so the censtre point is 255/2. On a 16 bit head you have 256 * 256 steps so centre point is 65536/2
  16. Something to remember is that when we launched the desk it did not support keyboards. But as said above point taken we are going to look at getting the design altered.
  17. Dear Sir, Where abouts in the country are you. We should be able to point you in the direction of the local dealer to get a replacement PSU. You may be better giving me a call direct on 01633 838 088.
  18. If you could e-mail me a copy of the show file I will be able to run a few test and let you know the possible casue of the problem.
  19. KWR88


    Dear Sir I can think of a few things that may be the cause of your problems. The first would be one of the Sim modules, either not seated correctly in it holder or it may have developed a fault. The other is the seating of one of Eproms on the main PCB. There is also a possibility of a loose or trapped ribbon cable to one of the front panel PCB's giving random adderss line short out. I feel that the best solution is to return it to us to have a look at it for you. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuse this further.
  20. Dear Sir, As per the private e-mail. Please try version 7 of the software thats available on our website. Also if you could send me your show file I would be grateful
  21. Ok, you must first select partial mode before starting to program any of the memories. Second while programming keep the playback X fader down. When you program the moving light into a memory only those lights that that you alter a parameter ( which become auto tagged) or manual tag by holding the fixture button down for a few seconds will be programmed. Tagged fixtures can be identified by the yellow LED on the fixture button flashing. If you move a fixture parameter by mistake that you do not want to include in the programme simply hold the fixture button down until the yellow LED starts to flash. Before pressing the program button just check which fixtures are tagged.
  22. Dear Sir, Can you let me know what version of software you are using. You can find this in super user under information. When you say add channels in are you using the edit function or simply replaying a cue and then putting more channels in and pressing program to over write the existing cue.
  23. Dear Sir, There is no page down function but the new software does allows direct memory access via the keyboard
  24. Yes it is possible to do this. You must first put the desk into partial program mode. You need to do this before programming or it will not work This can be found in Super User/Desk SetUp/ Desk Defaults/ Program Mode. What will happen then is only the fixtures that you select and then "tag" by adjusting the parameters will be recorded when you press the program button. This then lets you run different fixtures on different subs as well as generic stuff as well.
  25. Hi Again, I have spoken to the guys over at iLight, and they tell me that your dimmers may or may not have a preheat feature on them, depending on the version of software they were built with. Your best bet is to contact them directly, and have the serial number of your dimmers to hand if possible.
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