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Everything posted by KWR88

  1. Yes it is possible to loop the DMX out of the chilli and into the other devices. The Chilli DMX connector is a single four way terminal block so all you need to do is wire the output into this. All you may need to do is to check that the dimmer DMX line has not be internaly terminated. To check just to the left of the an slight above the DMX termianl block you will see three blue dip switches. Switch 3 is the DMX termination. If it is in the on position then the dimmer is terminated.
  2. When connected to the splitter does the device indicate that it is actually getting a DMX signal. Have you tried to control the device direct from the desk, does this work ok even when set to a start address 72 If you swap the output from the splitter over do you have control of the dimmers?
  3. From what you have describe the fault is pointing to either a fault with the memory module or a possible connection issue with the supply from the battery to the memory. This could be either down to the modules seating or depending on the version of mother board fitted the battery holder clip. Can you please PM or better still e-mail me the desk serial number, this will enable me to date the desk age and versions etc.
  4. Best guess is failure of components in the sync circuit. I will PM you with some more details.
  5. No problem, glad I could be of help.
  6. Would point to the preheat having been adjusted to far. Using the desk put a between 10-20% input to all channels adjust the preheat for each pair until the lamps just about coming on. Take the channels to zero lamps should then be off. Then fade all channels up and see what happens.
  7. Not sure but I may have already answer this in a private e-mail. The dips switchs you are talking about are on the Mk1 sirius only, and you are correct the PCB lay out is different to that of a MK2. I would first look at replacing the battery on this desk. When you remove it check out the area under it for signs of corrosion damaged as there are a lot of track and componts in this area that deal with the fader circuit. It could be a fault with the output delay circuit. e-mail me on krogers@zero88.com to get some more info once you have done the battey.
  8. This is due to a damaged fader 12 not being picked up by the fader decoding circuit. Fader requires replacing, these are still available - the part no is 4417000 (Alpha 10K Fader Lin 60mm : RA6044-201-15D1-B14-01G).
  9. The spacers are from the chassis to help line nuts up to secure the fader panels to the front panel etc. If you look at the side of the desk you should see where they would slot into. Look at where the screws that are holding the fader panels down should help with this. They are also on the bottom panel as well. Look at where the two parts of the panel screw together.
  10. First are these Mk1 or Mk2 Alpha packs. If you are not sure do they have a DMX input or are they analogue only units. PM me the serial numbers and I can confirm for you. If they are Mk1 I am assuming that there is a Demux somewhere in the system. Have you checked that no laws have been set on this? Second regardless of the type of what sort of response do you get when using the front panel faders?
  11. We can no longer manufacture the original cards for these units and have not been done for a few years. They tended to be made to order so I don't think any one will have one sat on a shelf. XTBA do analogue to DMX converters that you could look at using. It would mean that you would have to locate this out side the unit but it not too much hassel to use.
  12. From the info that I have on using cards higher than 128k there are two possibilities. The first is the card will not be detected by the desk at all. This is the most common thing that can happen. The second is that the card does get detected and it will allow you to save the show, but when you try and load it back it will not be found.
  13. Best guess would be the battery. 4.6v on a 3.6v battery with no power seems a little high. You will proberly find that the voltage is going to creep up with the power on until it hits something over 6v at which point the device it is powering will shut down. Replacement from RS is stock number 422-393.
  14. Something else that may be worth considering is a Frog box and touch screen. This would let you load the mambo frog show into it and be able to use the screen to recall 130 of the memories. If the triggers are set auto on these and you use jumps etc this will then run until you trigger something else. The advantage of this is it is simple to use, you can name the cue on the screen and the touch screen could be mounted behind the bar so your customer would not have to walk all the way to the desk. No more glazed over exprssions ;-)) It is also possible to fit a card into the Mambo frog and connect the touch screen direct to this but if it’s an older mambo then the metal work may not be set up to have the card fitted.
  15. The midi on those desk is only set up in such a way that the opertation was designed to use a simple keyboard to bring on channel or play memories. I don't have that much on the midi commands being sent out in run and preset but most of them are actually only of a format that another desk in slave mode would be able to understand. If you have a look at the rear of the XLS manual there is some info on this set up. Manual can be down loaded from this web site.
  16. KWR88

    Chillis and locking

    Can you pm me the serial number for the dimmers and the software version that they are using? This can be found when you first power them on. Fyi there are no actual batteries in the chilli the data is stored in an eeprom.
  17. KWR88

    Rack 6 Fan too loud

    I have made a PM to this for you.
  18. Distro would be the preferred and safe method of doing this but it would be possible to link the supply terminals out. The only thing that I can see that may be a problem is getting two sets of cables into the clamps on the buzz bars. Something that I would also do is bring the incoming cable in on the normal cable entry but use the second blank one on the other side for the loop out (with cable clamp of course).
  19. This would depend, was it originally a slave unit to a 691 or was it a stand alone unit. When used as a slave unit to a 691 the actual control was would have been current driven not voltage. There were interface cards that could be fitted into the unit to change this to voltage control but we no longer have the ability to manufacture them. The only way that you are going to be able to tell is check to see where the cable from the 7pin XLR is fitted to. If it goes to a PCB labelled as M5256 or M5257 then this is an interface PCB for voltage control, and you can then use the demux to control the dimmer.
  20. These are still available. Depending on what version of the desk you have the codes are as follows. 0011500 for the Mk1 desk 0011600 for the Mk2 desk Please contact your local dealer to purchase one.
  21. I the most likely option is that the grand master is either fault or has a possible dry solder joint on it's connections and the circuit is using the previous fader in the line instead.
  22. I have sent you a pm with a couple of things that you could try.
  23. From what you have described it sounds like the either the IC or transistor for the fader control circuit has failed. It may also be a problem with supply rail to the the above parts.
  24. The internal batteries are used to supply the ram ICs which hold the memories and desk settings etc. Like your car if they are flat the desk will not start. There are several dealers in the London area that would be able to change the batteries for you. Please contact me for details. If you are confident with a soldering iron and have antic static equipment then it is possible to replace them yourself. They are a 3.6V 100mAh NiMH rating and you should be able to pick them up from Maplins or similar electronics spare company. The only issue would be if they have leaked on to the PCB and corroded the tracks.
  25. please could you pm the desk serial number. my best guess is the internal battery has gone flat and is not holding certain of the desk parameters.
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