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Everything posted by KWR88

  1. KWR88


    I will send you a PM about this.
  2. Dear Sir, Circuit diagrams and test functions were sent to your aol e-mail address on the 4th of June. Please e-mail me directly on krogers@zero88.com so I can can confirm the address that I have, plus by making a reply to your mail it should get through any spam filters that may have blocked it.
  3. What lights are you trying to operate with the fat frog? I assume that you have located the profile in the library and assign it to a fixture button on the desk. If yes then did you give it a DMX address to match what the light was set to? If not then that is why there appears to be no control over the light and as the manual faders are set 1-48 again the light would not respond to them. The other thing to check is if the lights are on a 3pin XLR that the wiring is correct for the 5-3 adapter.
  4. When you say does not drive when you plug the XLS into the Demux do you get the DMX receive light come on. If yes then it could be the patch on the XLS (yes it has a soft patch). If you turn the mode select to patch it should fist give you either P1 or P2 in the page number window. If it P2 is showing then press the GO button to change this to P1. You then use the memory plus and minus buttons to step through the patch. The page display shows you the DMX channel and the yellow and red preview LED show if the channels are patched to the memory (yellow) or to the aux (red). Pushing the channel flash button selects between them or un-patches the channel. If you are not getting a receive light on then the only things that I can think are failure of the driver IC or as you have said a loose connection to the DMX socket. For speed please e-mail me on krogers@zero88.com if you need any more information.
  5. I think that I have again already contacted you directly. Transistor is an ZTX213, if you can not get these then a ZTX214 or BC213. You will also need to replace the LM324 to get the negative output for channels 1-4 as well.
  6. From what you have described I think that there is a fault with the dimmer low voltage supply, possibly with the ref rails that set up the dimmers responce to channel inputs. Please contact me direct on krogers@zero88.com or call me on 01633 833101 for more information.
  7. When you install the software, it wil create a Start Menu Group with the driver installation instructions: Start -> Programs -> Diablo Fixture Manager -> Driver Installation Instructions Basically, the drivers will be installed in a folder something like: C:\Program Files\Zero 88 Lighting Ltd\Diablo Fixture Manager\USB Desk Link Cable Drivers Make a note of the path to this folder. When you then connect the USB cable (supplied as standard with the Diablo) and the Windows "Found New Hardware Wizard" appears, you need to browse to this folder and it will then detect the driver and allow you to finish the install. The exact details vary depending on your OS - see the instructions which are installed with the software for full details.
  8. If I have not already spoken to you direct please give me a call or drop an e-mail to krogers@zero88.com
  9. Best guess is that the internal battery may have gone flat. Please can you PM me with the desk serial number so I can let you know which type of battery you need.
  10. First thing I would look at is the DMX driver IC and possibly the A/D circuit as the flicker may be due to this not having a stable output. Please e-mail me direct on krogers@zero88.com as I can give you some other thing to check out.
  11. Please can you either PM me or e-mail me direct on krogers@zero88.com so I can get some more information.
  12. Sounds like a fault in the buttons address decoding. Have you noticed if any of the other buttons also do this most likely to be the channel flash buttons i.e. press button 3 but it thinks button 1 is being pushed. If not then it may be a case of getting the PCB cleaned in case dirt has got into it and is shorting out something. If you have spotted other buttons that are doing this it could indicate that there is a problem with one of the IC which will then require the desk to be looked at. If you can e-mail me at krogers@zero88.com I can give you a bit more information and so suggestions on how to test if other buttons are not working as well.
  13. You have not mentioned if you have checked the battery on the unit or not. I would start with that. You need at least 2.2v on the battery with out power and below 4.2v with power or the RAM does not run. The other component that can cause the same sort of problem is failure of the clocking crystal.
  14. That is the trim pot but the problem may indiacte that a fault has developed with circuit, as these pots do not tend to move much once they are set. I will PM you with some possible faults.
  15. Not sure but may have already spoken or had a direct e-mail on this. My first guess is start by checking the batteries on the main and Slave PCB if the desk has not been used for a while. Also check the ribbon cable connections, especially the grey loom with the red and black wire that connects both the main and slave to the DMX PCB as this is part of the IPL link. It could be that the wire has broken leaving on the plastic in the crimp.
  16. I need to get a couple of details from you will PM you to get them.
  17. From our investigations it looks like paint we were using was Trimite BS381C paint with reference of R214. Hope that this is of help.
  18. I think that the delta's may have developed another fault that is causing the analogue inputs to float regardless of the incomming control signal. I will PM you with a couple of things that you may be able to try.
  19. No problem glad I could be of help.
  20. Anything with an audio output that is between 10mV and 10V would be suitable. This includes the headphone output from a mp3 player, ipod etc...
  21. faders and most of the button parts are still available although we are running low on the springs for them.
  22. Best guess is that there is either a dry joint on the ref rail to the fader and it causing the reading to float on due to the operation of the mutiplex circuit, or the fader it's self has dirt in the wiper causing a miss reading again due to the operation of the mutiplex circuit.
  23. Termination of the chilli should not effect the output from the splitter. It would only cause problems looping on from them.
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